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    head of state frases de exemplo

    head of state

    1. By international law, no head of state can be prosecuted for war crimes while they are still in office

    2. The decision to use force in a rescue attempt is not taken lightly and is normally the prerogative of the Head of State

    3. Clearly; every head of state in Europe was threatening every other head of state in Europe, back in the summer of 1914

    4. With Dawley being Intelligence Officer, and the Prince being the putative next of kin of a head of state; I guess you could say that old Sakahaji asked a lot of questions

    5. state, but also, the idea that the head of state and the spiritual leader

    6. The head of state

    7. Following his father's death in 1960, he gained election as head of state, but received the title of prince rather than king

    8. In 1963, he forced a change in the constitution that made him head of state for life

    9. He had alienated the left, allowed the North Vietnamese to establish bases within Cambodia and the prime minister convened the National Assembly which voted to depose Sihanouk as head of state and give emergency powers to Lon Nol

    10. When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge in April 1975, Prince Sihanouk became the symbolic head of state of the new regime while Pol Pot remained in power

    11. In Malabo, capital of Equatorial Guinea, a further 20 mercenaries, including a well-known South African arms dealer, were being held for trial, charged with: “attempting to assassinate a Head of State – illegal possession of arms and explosives - terrorism – endangering the public and treason

    12. "Listen, you've got armed guards patrolling the mountains, a wild woman who openly talks of execution, a Duma which should have died with old Russia, and a head of state who calls himself a chancellor

    13. The firing squad, drawn up opposite the door, paid him the honors of a head of state

    14. Since the head of state, or Caesar, is put on every coin and paper

    15. “As the head of state I must do what I consider best for Hamble

    16. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first female head of state, replaced him

    17. ‘’I was afraid of that, actually: we are going to possibly find ourselves without an effective head of state just as the enemy will have us by the balls in Korea

    18. He was now to experience how Hitler fulfilled the responsibilities of supreme military commander combined with Head of State

    19. stronger position as a head of state; Rome managed to hold onto status of primal bishopric in the Christian Church

    20. “Talking of that, what is the official reason for the British government to refuse to invite Nancy Laplante, who is a head of state, and Elizabeth Windsor, the eldest daughter of King George? Is it really for religious reasons?”

    21. “They put her dead last in the procession? I’m not big on protocol matter but this is the surest way to insult and demean a head of state, especially one as powerful and influential as Laplante

    22. I would like to invite another head of state to ride with me during the procession

    23. “Lord Earl Marshal, could you tell me how you could justify on protocol grounds putting dead last a head of state that is more powerful and controls more population than half of the guests preceding her? How could you put a queen behind countesses and even ladies-in-waiting in a procession? I, along with my First Mistress and my son, share the Overseer’s beliefs concerning Jesus Christ

    24. “You’ll never guess what that damn-fool head of state of ours has done now

    25. “Whoever initialled the copies will be for the high-jump if ever he is found out, but I suppose I’d better brief the PM later, in case we get another public blasting from the head of state,” sighed the Foreign Secretary

    26. After nearly a day of exchanges between the offices of the President and the leader of the opposition, it had become obvious that the head of state was not prepared to meet his opponents to discuss ‘the pack of lies and forgeries put about by London’

    27. “They have been accused of leaking the information about the head of state’s recent financial dealings, and copying the papers specially

    28. It was bad enough that the Zimbabwean head of state could have the nerve to rob the country’s treasury to fill his own coffers, but quite something else that, when confronted with evidence of the deed and the threat that it would be made public, he should still cock-a-snoop at his opponents and resolve to keep the money

    29. While the opposition was giving currency to even more rumours, about a popular uprising and even a coup, Ministers continued to stand behind the head of state

    30. There are also now some well sourced rumours that, once again, the personal wealth of the head of state - the funds he only recently removed from the Reserve Bank - has been taken from his bank account

    31. Apparently, the head of state is organising their collection and will arrange for them to be moved out in one shipment, probably here, to South Africa

    32. They were not happy men, the pilot in his smart shirt with the tin badge, and the President’s courier, who both now knew that the head of state had double-crossed them, and many others besides

    33. “By the way,” he added, “you might like to know that we are putting it about that the whole thing was arranged by the head of state, who decided he wanted all the diamonds for himself

    34. So the outrageous spending of R246million of taxpayers' money is not worth investigating but the whistle-blower will be hunted down and punished by the minister? Is this really the ANC of Oliver Tambo?’ Any self-respecting head of state who had overseen what Zuma's administration went through in one week would throw himself on his assegai

    35. He is not even a puerile head of state

    36. Zuma might fool some of his cabinet members but this nation is aware that the head of state is being economical with the truth

    37. § If not, whether he as the head of state did not feel obliged to do so as a substantial amount of public money was obviously being spent

    38. Is it therefore not disrespectful of me to suppose that I can suggest a plan of action to our Head of State?

    39. Buddhist teacher and head of state

    40. one influential head of state in the world has given clear and

    41. Avalokiteshvara and as the supreme secular head of state, the Fifth

    42. ‘The Dalai Lama, now head of state, set out on a trip, claiming

    43. head of state, and its retrogressive view of the position of the Dalai

    44. 1925) was a Uganda soldier and head of state 1971-9

    45. It was not Emperor Nero that determined which gladiator lived and which died in the Great Coliseum, it was the crowd of spectators that made the choice with their abundant voices, and the head of state merely implemented it by an upward or downward motion of his thumb

    46. government – that is, head of state

    47. Cut off one head of state: and another head of state pops up

    48. Within this lavish banquet hall there was anywhere from 2 to 7 or more women in attendance at every head of state's side

    49. When Spain’s head of state, Pietro Montoya, dissented, a feature news story on one of Thompson’s programs showed video clips of Montoya propositioning young children for sex

    50. Kissinger was frequently late to state dinners, arriving up to eight minutes after everyone, including the president and the head of state guest of honor, was seated and eating

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