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    heat wave frases de exemplo

    heat wave

    1. Fields of wheat waved back and

    2. Heat waves shimmered as the air bounced off the surfaces of the buildings in the distance

    3. The house looked so far away as it shimmered in heat waves

    4. Despite the heat wave, he was enjoying the Summer

    5. Despite the heat wave, his garden was doing fairly well, producing tomatoes and squash by the score; various types of eggplant (which he loved to roast with oil, lightly salted); and all manner of cleome, marigolds, and gladiolus

    6. He only opened his eyes after the terrible sound of the sky tearing itself apart with the force of a thousand thunders or more had passed, when he could breathe once more; when the scorching heat wave above him had come and gone again in the blink of an eye

    7. A heat wave lasting for nearly a month hit Europe, causing fourteen thousand deaths in France

    8. He walked out of the airport terminal into a stifling sticky heat wave

    9. A European heat wave caused the warmest month since records were kept

    10. Heat waves caused more than a hundred and fifty deaths

    11. A big blast that shook the walls of the building I was in was then followed by a heat wave which was because of the flames that had started to eat all those who came in its way, including one of them

    12. How intense is the present global heat wave? Most scientists agree that the earth has warmed slightly over what it was a century or so ago, somewhere around one degree Fahrenheit

    13. During this kind of heat wave, I was actually thankful that I worked in the fridge

    14. His sudden fury shocked me like a heat wave

    15. of thirty and forty below, five above was a heat wave

    16. Everyone noticed that it was really bright and hot; it was so hot that Sam and the others could see the heat waves in front of them

    17. Ceder stared at the radiating heat waves rising over the glowing surface of the lake, the molten stone swirling together with the red-hot magma

    18. Far out on the desert to the south, something glimmered through the heat waves

    19. The lawyer smiled to himself as he closed the notebook, and gazed reflectively at the heat waves shimmering over the mountains of north-west Greece

    20. days of heat wave suffocation,

    21. middle of a tropical heat wave

    22. The heat wave was still in full force

    23. As she squeezed through the hedges, the tip of her house was just beyond the heat waves of the horizon

    24. Lezura and S’us ducked under the heat wave, but Joey was so captivated by the flames that he didn’t even realize that a piece of shrapnel had lodged itself into his shoulder

    25. This is because the heat convection (like heat waves from pavement) from the wildfires pushed over the weather systems

    26. Jared stared across the Sonoran Desert, watching heat waves rising off the scorching sands

    27. This was during the biggest heat wave the area had seen in years so you can imagine his temperament on the return visit

    28. The weather didn’t matter; he’d run through heat waves and

    29. I could see heat waves coming off of them, like they

    30. It looked similar to heat waves coming off asphalt in the heat of summer

    31. There was a heat wave

    32. We were experiencing an intense heat wave and right when this heat wave

    33. There appeared to be eggshells near the magma, but heat waves rose off of it, distorting the view

    34. According to NASA, effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring like loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves

    35. The clothing he is wearing seems to shimmer, like heat waves above a road on a hot day, and there he is in his armor again

    36. The air conditioner was on in the room, and was a sharp contrast to the harsh heat wave that was out there

    37. • Martha and the Vandellas - "(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave" (1963)

    38. I know once, when impelled by a heat wave in America to cast aside the undergarments of a candid mind and buy and put on pink chiffon, the pink chiffon instantly got through all my clothes into my conduct, which became curiously dashing

    39. It had been a long day in July, with heat waves rampaging throughout South Carolina

    40. For a moment a blind need overwhelms him like a heat wave collapsing against his bones, and he has to yank his hand away before he does something really bad

    41. It was summer in Greece now, and as if the country hadn’t enough to contend with, it was gripped by a terrible heat wave that was the cause of many wild fires

    42. Athens was also experiencing a terrible heat wave that exasperated the situation

    43. pair of French whores in a heat wave

    44. I had been told that the country was in the middle of a spring heat wave and so far I believed it

    45. The cold front was gone, and now there was a giant heat wave, and the school's AC was currently being replaced, meaning the school is an oven

    46. seen it before, was radiating heat waves

    47. into the glimmering heat waves bouncing off the street

    48. early spring heat wave vanished and in its place a snowstorm buried the

    49. • The record-setting European drought and heat wave, which occurred during the summer of 2003

    50. No dust clouds were visible in the shimmering heat waves of the plain

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