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    heightened frases de exemplo


    1. My already heightened sense of smell recoiled from the metallic odour of fresh blood

    2. My pulse quickened at the sound of his boot-steps, and with every one of these heightened moments I found myself reciting verses from long forgotten texts

    3. First Kai added, “They have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, and they love the cold weather; they make perfect guards for the Hold

    4. "We can't tell the crew about the spy," Glayet said, "but we do need to be on heightened alert

    5. The feel of her smooth skin on his body heightened all his senses

    6. that organ will often be heightened

    7. may feel that pain and heightened response for the

    8. He didn’t blame her, entering the spirit world with one’s head encased in an ensorcelled helmet was too scary to contemplate and was making him cold, especially with his senses heightened by the yaag

    9. “As you can imagine, this was a time of heightened tension in

    10. breathing and moans heightened to a point of not being able to raise any further

    11. Also, their eyes, the pupils of white encased in gray, an indication of their heightened sight

    12. Our senses heightened to an almost painful intensity until I touched her again

    13. The Fixer's outburst heightened the boy's curiosity,

    14. No words were spoken, only looks of heightened urgency

    15. His sense of urgency had been heightened all the more as the name of the troubling and still-yet unknown Imperial snaked into his thoughts

    16. sex-drive to have heightened also

    17. Tensions were heightened as the Russian

    18. Back at Ariel, Rex was given a heightened

    19. b: to value or admire highly c: to judge with heightened

    20. If, by such a system of administration, smuggling to any considerable extent could be prevented, even under pretty high duties ; and if every duty was occasionally either heightened or lowered according as it was most likely, either the one way or the other, to afford the greatest revenue to the state; taxation being always employed as an instrument of revenue, and never of monopoly ; it seems not improbable that a revenue, at least equal to the present neat revenue of the customs, might be drawn from duties upon the importation of only a few sorts of goods of the most general use and consumption ; and that the duties of customs might thus be brought to the same degree of simplicity, certainty, and precision, as those of excise

    21. It was sensing for the Power that was always just beyond your reach, until the True Flow heightened your senses and you moved with greater speed and agility

    22. Everything heightened and more intense than it seemed he could ever recall in any previous experience; an explosion of feelings, of desire

    23. Above all rose an intolerable stench which seemed heightened by the vultures and wild curs we disturbed from gruesome feasting

    24. …that will leave a spiritual vacuum in its wake…‖material‖ bodies overcome by a heightened sense of misery and despair…of

    25. The Motion Picture industry has enjoyed a long running fetish with strong, physically intimidating women routinely beating up on or otherwise skillfully out-maneuvering the obnoxious designs of pretentious, self-centered males filled with a heightened sense of their (own) self-importance; convenient foils portrayed as anachronistic, insensitive, chauvinistic types deserving an occasional thrashing every so often from women scorned or in response to inopportune or unsolicited (sexual) banterings or harmless wisecracks intended to make a definitive statement about strong women coming of age

    26. How could Gordy be so pleased? They were already at heightened risk because of all the American DEA agents snooping around all over the country, without Gordon’s own brother doing their job for them

    27. La Vasse’s voice had assumed a harsher tone, the weight in his voice and words punctuating his heightened status of authority

    28. The activity level heightened and the sense of anticipation and urgency was palpable

    29. There, in a bubble of still time, in a heightened state of mind he would find what seemed important, come up with theories about its existence and role, its properties and characteristics, and then start eliminating what didn’t fit or was not as probable; in the end he’d come up with a solution to a problem, or a keen insight that would prove to be correct and to the point

    30. These platforms might have been heightened (and indented for stability and/or easy access) in seasons of unusually high annual floods

    31. The next two days passed uneventfully, although Colling’s anxiety was heightened by his companions’ continued desire to occupy themselves with outdoor activities, even though the temperature remained cold

    32. And on a darker note, “on the Continent, the horrors of the time were heightened by fearful persecutions of the Jews, suspected of causing the epidemic by poisoning public wells” (Encyc

    33. All his senses were heightened to a degree he never even thought possible

    34. alertness, mobility and heightened responsiveness that involves the

    35. Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute, agrees that water is cleaner, air is clearer, and resources are better managed as a result of heightened environmental concerns

    36. “You know we have heightened senses of reality?” I questioned Akua in between giggles

    37. the item, but he felt it with all of his heightened senses

    38. 75 Senses tend to be heightened, and

    39. Not only are heightened senses reported by most who have experienced

    40. display a more heightened awareness of the present moment, claiming an importance of being ‘in

    41. help the person achieve the hypnogogic state while maintaining a heightened state of awareness

    42. As a seventeen year old, his father made him a tunic of many colours, which only heightened the tension and fuelled the jealousy that already existed between him and his brothers, and then, to top it all, young Joseph had a dream, in which he saw his brothers, represented by sheaves of wheat, bowing down to him – a dream of him reigning over them all

    43. Because of the heightened awareness and familiarity with the context and content of the financial, spending and cost cutting plans and strategies, goals and savings, the family budget process and product now offer avenues to solutions rather than barriers of debt and no point of return

    44. As a seventeen year old, his father made him a tunic of many colors, which only heightened the tension and fueled the jealousy that already existed between him and his brothers, and then, to top it all, young Joseph had a dream, in which he saw his brothers, represented by sheaves of wheat, bowing down to him – a dream telling him that he would reign over them all

    45. I remember my senses being heightened

    46. “You know,” he said, “when you started consulting with Inspector Carrillo and Patrick, the security measures around you heightened once again

    47. It was as if what had just occurred between the mind-cane and himself had heightened Simon’s senses so he had no need to delve for other men’s secrets

    48. Then something in his mind cleared and his eyes travelled over the black outline of the mountain, the few scrubby trees clinging to nothing with their thin roots, then downward over the dark grey stripes of strange lizards, the reality of them heightened in the dry air and the wind’s cry

    49. The roaring of the fire heightened and sang

    50. Louella and I glanced at each other with heightened curiosity, when Fred said, “You tell ‘em Ezra

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