Use "helter-skelter" em uma frase
helter-skelter frases de exemplo
1. To shine with a light helter-skelter…
2. The Portuguese reality is one where animals are killed helter-skelter
3. space is a helter-skelter conglomerate of sizes, shapes, and age
4. A few cars were scattered around helter-skelter, those of
5. It required tact, ability, and patience, as well as painstaking devotion, to manage the financial affairs of such an idealist as Jesus, to say nothing of wrestling with the helter-skelter business methods of some of his apostles
6. Men tumbled into the boats helter-skelter
7. Edward had been trying to clear his mind of the unexpected encounter with Carl, while at the same time trying to gather his thoughts—which were helter-skelter right about now—to prepare for the coming Sunday’s sermon
8. With a gleeful expression on his freckled face, the little boy ran helter-skelter towards the unsuspecting woman directly ahead of him
9. What the proper bounds were he didn't quite know, and anyhow couldn't, just then, consider, engaged as he was in whistling to the dogs, who had helter-skeltered off after a cat
10. What a dirty rotten shame I thought to myself abstractly, as I was flung through the air helter-skelter for the second time
11. I poked again and said, "A little faster," then off he went, helter-skelter as before, and we resigned ourselves to our fate
12. The parents stood still while the children ran helter-skelter around them, like marbles skidding about a pinball machine
13. Parts had been loaded into the chest helter-skelter, all loosely wrapped in plastic
14. I blinked at Joe, thinking how pretty much everyone in the Southern Station was working the weekend on the helter-skelter case of the Windbreaker cops
15. City of Newport and Portsmouth police vehicles were parked helter-skelter all over the hill
16. At the same instant, with a cry like a wail, first one hound, then another, and then another, sprang helter-skelter from the wood opposite and the whole pack rushed across the field toward the very spot where the wolf had disappeared
17. Guardsmen, officers, courtiers, servants, and slaves ran helter-skelter through the corridors and apartments carrying messages and orders, and searching for signs of the assassin
18. The whole crew were half suffocated as they were tossed helter-skelter into the white curdling cream of the squall
19. Witness, too, all human beings, how when herded together in the sheepfold of a theatre's pit, they will, at the slightest alarm of fire, rush helter-skelter for the outlets, crowding, trampling, jamming, and remorselessly dashing each other to death
20. With the exception of the Imperial Guard, the troops left Moscow helter-skelter, got up in ridiculous and wretched garments, giving them the appearance of scarecrows rather than soldiers
21. I had been thrown down, but I got up and passed helter-skelter with the crowd into the fort
22. Many of them had a potent horror for this white ghost, and a snap of the fingers or a stamp of the foot was enough to send them flying helter-skelter from my tent, which they generally crowded round in ranks five deep
23. Helter-skelter over the benches and over each other, the terrified people scrambled for the mourners' bench