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    Use "hemlock" em uma frase

    hemlock frases de exemplo


    1. I remembered reading somewhere that it was the last rays of the sun catching Mount Hymettos that told Socrates the time had come to drink hemlock and die

    2. ’ She said with a grin, indicating the pile of chopped hemlock

    3. Even knowing what he did about Sheila and her sexual proclivities – and he had views on rape, whether it was same sex or not – hemlock poisoning was not a good way to go

    4. ‘Somehow she ingested a quantity of Cicuta virosa, commonly known as cowbane or water hemlock

    5. the possibility – or probability – that the hemlock belonged

    6. he knew the hemlock was in the wine

    7. I sold him a jar of hemlock a

    8. Hemlock has a calming effect – and works very

    9. wouldn’t have given him undiluted hemlock

    10. ‘So you replaced his medicine with pure hemlock

    11. accepted to drink the cup with hemlock

    12. Before they could stand up, Tragus stepped around a hemlock

    13. He was tried and sentenced to drink poison hemlock

    14. There was no snow on the ground in the canyon, and the firs began to give way to spruce and hemlock

    15. The land was heavily wooded, mostly spruce and hemlock with the occasional cedar

    16. There was a kind of seaweed, some manoomin, a sort of pea, the soft layer under the bark of the hemlock, and a plant with huge leaves and large hollow stems (one peeled and ate the stems, either raw or cooked)

    17. One of the ways they collect these eggs is by placing large branches of western hemlock in the water close to shore, where the herring are expected to spawn

    18. The way we liked to prepare them is to collect whole sheets of them from the hemlock branches or from the kelp where they also adhere

    19. Ah, Malaya, who could tear off me this wound, soft like a caress and like hemlock mortal, because with you I die and without you my soul becomes extinct, and between shades my soul lives like assiduous prisoner

    20. It took us nearly an hour to reach the rude camp they made in the sheltered hollow underneath a spreading hemlock

    21. And everywhere, the granite rocks and the land are covered with a seemingly endless mantles of trees, giant Douglas fir, pine, cedar and hemlock

    22. It was unfortunate that Oak had picked Blackthorn to come with them; he’d hoped he would have chosen Hemlock; the seeds were growing well within him

    23. It didn't matter, Hemlock was in the group to the west of them and so he was close by, whereas, Linden was far away in the south patrol

    24. He could even be days away but he was not as easy to manipulate as Hemlock

    25. New ideas presented themselves one after another as he watched Hemlock walking toward him

    26. All the defenders were sat close in a circle except Elm and Hemlock who were told to sit off to one side so they couldn't hear the conversation

    27. ” Hemlock looked at Elm his eyes blank of any expression but Elm knew what thoughts lingered behind and he gave an internal laugh at how he would manipulate Hemlock and control Pine further on their journey

    28. Elm watched the conversation and was impressed at the adamant behaviour of Hemlock in expressing his disregard for Elm and distaste at having to be constantly with him

    29. His energy in putting forth his request for a change of guard (although, he could not hear the words Hemlock's expression and hand gestures were very telling) made Elm himself question how faithful Hemlock was to him

    30. Pine dismissed Hemlock who glared back at Pine with a blackened mien and instead continued to question him further about the trip

    31. Pine most willingly gave Hemlock answers to placate his anger at being warden and even placed a hand upon Hemlock's shoulder as he talked

    32. ” With this Hemlock pulled on the rope and began to run with the rest of the group towing a stumbling and unbalanced Elm behind

    33. If Cedar died his hold on Hemlock would be tenuous

    34. Hemlock had similar political views to Elm but it was Elm's knowledge of Hemlock's love for Rose (who was joined to Cedar and no-one could break that bond) that kept Hemlock in Elm's control

    35. He had come across the two of them in an embrace, a passionate kiss, proving Rose herself was in love with Hemlock

    36. He wondered if they would hold true to their words but they knew if he told Oak Hemlock would be thrown out of the clan forever

    37. They looked at one another with mournful eyes that turned Elm's stomach at how pathetic they were, but he was glad of the hold he had over Hemlock

    38. Hemlock was a good defender and he supplied Elm with all the news and knowledge of Oak and his plans

    39. With this new discomfort he started to fidget receiving attention from Hemlock in his curiosity as to what was bothering him

    40. He gave Hemlock a weak smile noticing how bright the moon had become by its reflection on his face and turned away to escape his questioning gaze

    41. He realized in his interned state that very little was left available to him, perhaps especially if he could no longer rely on Hemlock as an ally

    42. Hemlock was sweeping his sword toward the beasts head, it jerked away, roaring in frustration at not attaining his death

    43. Leaping forward again at Hemlock, it's claws ready to tear off his flesh, it's teeth ready to disembowel his body, it went for the kill

    44. Hemlock was quick and small enough to dodge as it lunged, leaving it frustrated once more

    45. He didn’t realize how viscid with blood he was until Hemlock pulled him up

    46. Elm's mind was foggy when he finally felt a hand grab hold of him and pull him up to his knees and realized it was Hemlock

    47. Hemlock responded with nothing but a gentle pull as he helped him to his feet

    48. With surprised eyes Elm watched Hemlock sweep his foot under his unsuspecting victim and watched him fall, heard the thunk as he landed, continued to watch in thankfulness as Hemlock grasped the arm of his other captor, and spun him around twisting it behind his back, wrenching it upward into a painful lock causing the boy to cry out in agony

    49. Elm's face was covered in tears as he carried the now quiet Fern in his arms, blindly taking her down the stairs to the cabin he'd been given to share with Hemlock

    50. He hadn't realized that Hemlock was following him until he passed through the door and Hemlock flicked the switch for the light

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    hemlock hemlock tree california fern conium maculatum nebraska fern poison hemlock poison parsley winter fern