Use "hemorrhoid" em uma frase
hemorrhoid frases de exemplo
1. The second hemorrhoid concerned my mom’s
2. Finally, named after him is an asteroid – not to be confused with those three hemorrhoid Golden Apples
3. Apply less then a tear drop of the best hemorrhoid ointment on the market
4. Do your hemorrhoids (tissue bundles) have a hemorrhoid (the sum of symptoms related to the inflammation, enlargement, thrombosis, and/or prolapse of hemorrhoids (tissue bundles)
5. In this book we will use hemorrhoid and hemorrhoids interchangeable
6. As your hemorrhoid grows large, the anal canal grows smaller, making your stools harder to pass
7. Since you don�t feel pain from inner hemorrhoidal disease most people never realize they have a hemorrhoid until the condition bleeds or progresses to a painful state
8. Internal hemorrhoid are masses of tissue that contain muscle, blood vessels and elastic fibers
9. This area lacks pain receptors, so internal hemorrhoid are usually not painful
10. As a result, most people aren�t even aware that they have them! But internal hemorrhoid can bleed, albeit painlessly
11. Prolapsed internal hemorrhoid are enlarged hemorrhoids that get so distended that they push through the anal opening
12. Strangulated internal hemorrhoid are formed when the anal sphincter muscle goes into spasm, trapping a prolapsed hemorrhoid outside the anal opening, thereby cutting off its blood supply
13. External hemorrhoid, also known as perianal hematoma, are visible, enlarged blood vessels located on the outside edge of the anus and resemble small lumps
14. There can be complications if a vein ruptures inside an external hemorrhoid, forming a blood clot
15. This is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid and can cause a lot of pain and bleeding, needing immediate treatment, not usually because it is dangerous, but the pain is intense
16. The Four Stages of Internal Hemorrhoid
17. Grade II hemorrhoid are larger in size, but still within the anus
18. Grade III hemorrhoid hang out (prolapse) from the anus and feel like soft, small hanging lumps
19. Grade IV hemorrhoid are quite large and chronically prolapsed (they permanently hang outside the anus)
20. These hemorrhoid commonly have both internal and external aspects, so they can show signs of acute thrombosis or strangulation
21. Grades II, III, and IV internal hemorrhoid usually bleed painless, but can also lead to a dull aching pain, itching, and other symptoms due to prolapse
22. This discomfort is due to the bulging hemorrhoid at the end of the large intestine (anal canal)
23. The larger the hemorrhoid, the more there�s discomfort
24. A thrombosed or clotted hemorrhoid can look scary since it turns blue or red, and can possibly bleed
25. Chances of developing a hemorrhoid increases with age and peaks between 45-65
26. A hemorrhoid is grasped by a surgeon with either forceps or a suction device and a rubber band is then placed inside the rectum at the base of the hemorrhoid with the help of an anoscope
27. This cuts off blood supply to the hemorrhoid and it then withers away, and finally drops off in a few days
28. Sclerotherapy is one of the oldest procedures during which a chemical solution (phenol or quinine urea) is injected into the tissues around the base of the hemorrhoid
29. As a result, this makes the area inflamed and in due course scarring happens, which destroys the blood vessels going to the hemorrhoid
30. The hemorrhoid then �dies� and drops off
31. Heat coagulation uses a special device to destroy the hemorrhoid by burning the Hemorrhoidal tissue
32. During this procedure, the small arteries that supply blood to the hemorrhoid are tied (ligated) using dissolvable stitches
33. Once the blood supply is cut off, the size of the hemorrhoid shrinks
34. The long-term effectiveness of this procedure is not yet clear, but research suggests that people who have this operation spend less time in hospital, have fewer complications and less postoperative pain than those who�ve had a hemorrhoid ectomy
35. Although the name implies that the hemorrhoid is removed, this is not so
36. Instead, a hemorrhoidal stapling device is used to cut out a circular section of the anal canal�s lining right above the hemorrhoid
37. This pulls the hemorrhoid up into its normal position in the anal canal and reduces blood supply to it, causing it to shrink
38. He read and slept but mostly stared through the glass and tried not to make eye contact with the passengers alighting serially on the seat beside him: a bantamweight old farmer on a hemorrhoid pillow, an ex-con picked up at the gates of a jail, a Jehovah’s Witness in support hose who from midnight to two a