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heresy frases de exemplo
1. That is heresy
2. heresy may only be determined by the Church,’ said
3. Knights over the jurisdiction of heresy charges
4. arrested by the King for heresy
5. denounced for heresy was a potential source of income for
6. That is why la Porete is to be burned for heresy
7. heresy, but he may as well have been beseeching the
8. still accusations of heresy and treason throughout the
9. saying about the present Pope is heresy, isn’t it?’
10. ‘I would never have committed heresy if I hadn’t
11. is that it's their strictness that’s driving people to heresy
12. admission almost more disturbing than his heresy
13. handed over to the Dominicans for acts of heresy
14. ‘He told me why he turned to heresy
15. but this region still maintained a reputation for heresy
16. They see heresy everywhere and in everyone
17. heresy arises out of our objections over tithing
18. ‘And is there heresy in the village?’ To his further
19. custody to answer charges of heresy and witchcraft,’ he
20. ‘Perhaps a little heresy persists in some of the remoter hill
21. The princes who have dared in this manner to rebel against the church, over and above this crime of rebellion, have generally been charged, too, with the additional crime of heresy, notwithstanding their solemn protestations of their faith, and humble submission to every tenet which she thought proper to prescribe to them
22. There is already heresy in the visible church today
23. elder pay without mention of heresy
24. been, flat heresy to do so
25. heresy to do so
26. They were responsible for the enlightenment of the people, teaching them Law and helping them avoid the temptations that would lead to blasphemy, heresy, eternal damnation, and a most probably gruesome, demeaning execution that would serve as a reminder and a lesson that All is Law and no one and nothing is above it
27. These children were strictly chosen for their ability to follow the letter of the Law blindly and unerringly, to keep a watchful eye for signs of heresy and insubordination as well as any element that was an affront to the Pantheon and the Law, or anything that might defy the Law or its upholders in spirit or in letter
28. He had spread his heresy to the armies like the mythic whores of old spread disease; like a cancer that spreads from the roots of a tree to its leaves and brings about its death
29. He also seemed to limit this dispensation to Tyrpledge alone since Gomermont, apart from being a relatively useless dolt which was widely regarded as the most common type of Procrastinator, his office also was not immediately pertinent to the Campaign; he and his men would remain in the cities and townships, ever watchful for signs of insurrection and heresy when the Castigator and the complete armed might of the Territories would be in the Widelands
30. He had knowledge of certain noble Houses to be either sympathetic or actively participating in the heresy
31. I have become interested in the great European Heresy, referred to above
32. 1410)…Constance had condemned heresy in the teachings of John Wyecliffe (d
33. It may have been the Apostle Peter or an early successor within a “Counsel of Many” who banned these intrusions, charging those teachers of that Gnostic brand of Christianity with heresy, and the battle of the ages was joined
34. "Do you know, Anne dearie, I never was much taken with this everlasting rest doctrine myself--though I hope it isn't heresy to say so
35. “The Church laws deal with things like morality, heresy, all the pronouncements of the councils and the popes
36. While the Roman Emperor Constantinus had become Kristau there had been a lot of backsliding and heresy, which God had to punish; that was why the barbarians overran the empire
37. He explained that the fearfulness I had noticed in the people was because of something called the “Inquisicion” which sought to root out any heresy or backsliding among Judios or Moros who had converted to Christianity
38. In the West more often than not that has been in the form of Christian heresy, such as the Brethren of the Free Spirit that flourished in northern Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries
39. Historically the basis of Christian socialist heresy has been a rebellion of the educated class against the constraints imposed by God and His Creation
40. were thereby declared anathema and heresy, including the concept of the preexistence of souls
41. They will find clothes and music stores, modern restaurants, coffee shops, clubs… and all under shining lights, chrome and crystal… Moreover, it would constitute an unforgivable culinary heresy, of course, to be in Vancouver and not taste the salmon…
42. resisted any direct appeal to the Bible because laymen could misunderstand it and fall into heresy
43. The Catholic Church felt at that time that belief in a heliocentric solar system was heresy
44. In the interests of religious peace controversial sermons and any form of heresy hunting were forbidden
45. The charges brought against me included witchcraft and heresy
46. There will be questioned of Adam's race those nations both the Greek and those who have believed in idols and in the sun and in the stars and those who have defiled the faith by heresy and who have not believed the holy resurrection and who have not confessed the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; then will I send them away into Hades as the prophet David foretold Let the sinners be turned into Hades and all the nations that forget God; And again he said: They were put in Hades like sheep; death shall be their shepherd
47. "Those are followers of a new heresy from the East
48. From there he has promulgated orders to chase the heresy suspects
49. - It seems that we have a riot on our hands! They are accusing us of heresy and sorcery! - Later he corrected - well, not to “us” but you! - Said referring to me and my sisters
50. To even think about a long-term relationship was heresy