a wince of pain as I imagined, but a sigh of relief, that of a heroin addict finally
A few grams of heroin in the form of a powder, wrapped in little plastic bags, several pills of ecstasy and an ashtray filled with a couple of burned out cigarette butts
heroin - he regained some type of clarity
I went through four years of high school in the mid fifties without learning there is such a thing as marijuana, to say nothing of cocaine, heroin, or any of the other present distractions from a sensible life
“In the horse’s belly I can put anything you want, emeralds, cocaine, heroin, anything,” he boasted, smiling and adjusting his hat
One occasionally wonders if morphine, cocaine, heroin, opium, hashish, laudanum, or whatever would help
Either cocaine or heroin, he wasn’t sure what they were expecting to find
Vice found Neal hacked to death in a heroin den
This recent come-up was what they’d been talking about since their days of selling nickel bags of weed in high school and now twenty-five years later, they had their hands on the throttle of the entire heroin and cocaine trade throughout the entire city
1999 as part of what they alleged was an international heroin smuggling
RCMP believed he was behind much of the heroin on the streets of
“The accused heroin dealer and Mr
at stake in the upcoming heroin smuggling trial, one of the most expensive
According to the informant, the accused heroin
I took out my gloves—new ones that had no marks of my hand or fingers; wore them; opened my bag, and picked the neatly packaged pouches of heroin
“Stop it!” I shrieked, “It was me! Here! I have the rest of the heroin pouches! Not her! Not this croaking voice! It is this gruesome song!”
heroin produced in Southeast Asia, primarily originating in parts of
Saskatchewan for the importation of heroin and cocaine
The groups that smuggle heroin into the
involved in shipping heroin to Canada for the very purpose of exploiting
engaged in the Burmese heroin trade
I do recall being approached just across the bridge over the Rio Grande by a Mexican trying to sell me heroin
The clincher, just before Jenkins’ own arrest, was when Hernando Hortes, the biggest heroin dealer in Hermosillo, Mexico, came to our office to discuss “matters” with Bob
heroin trade in Baltimore
Turf where they were dealing heroin
necessary to allow his daily injection of heroin, more
foods He hoped this would cut into the heroin, and related drug industry
decoys and one that will actually be holding the heroin
ons, kyped the real heroin, giving them 110 lbs of powdered sugar, and got away clean was nothing
Most rational people would agree that if someone wants to own pornography for their own use, or shoot heroin in their own home, then it is a bit ‘police state’ to prevent them
The phrase “cold turkey” originated in hospitals when heroin withdrawal was
All your star wars scams aside, the real money is in heroin, at the source
Their legitimate exports are perfect to transport quantities of heroin that can be added to each shipping container before leaving the port of Karachi to ports in NYC, Seoul and London
The processing plant is nearly in place to transform the poppy into pure-cut heroin
The cases will again be removed from the Hampton container, peeled away, and the bottles of heroin removed
Heroin will occasionally cause instant addiction in the brain
“It’s actually the heroin
Soon they’ll hook you up to a heroin IV that you can control and you’ll drift into never-never land before drifting into oblivion
Finally he gets up to the mic and suddenly he springs to life as a junkie does when the word heroin is mentioned
Except heroin is so rare you can’t even find a junkie these days
You relax and a confusing numb happiness overtakes you like heroin does a junkie
The effects on sexual desire of illegal substances such as heroin or cocaine are very predictable, but marijuana is the one exception to the rule
This guy Troy gave me a drag on a joint and I think it was heroin
I had progressed to heroin at that stage, which is quite
KwaZulu-Natal usage, especially of “sugars” – a highly addictive mix of cocaine and heroin, although at an early stage, was rapidly expanding and catching up with the Cape
than any big city junkie on heroin
boyfriend the heroin addict
But Doer who was now addicted to heroin was five months
to her stomach from heroin withdrawal, cramped up and sweating
have been hit really hard with heroin use
The heroin problem in the area appeared to have begun in
Heroin is highly addictive and can wreak havoc on both the
In Pakistan heroin, hashish and alcohol addiction in the
The first time she tasted heroin was studying in class,
com/Health/Story?id=5893958&page=1 Pregnant and Addicted to Heroin
He wondered if it was anything like the stories he had heard about heroin addicts
Having been involved in more than a few interventions with people addicted to weed, alcohol, crack, and heroin, I have learned the necessity of carefully confronting enabling behavior without blaming the victims
Witnessing the bad habits of Charlie Parker, Brown avoided heroin and alcohol
In the 1950s, Baker fell under the spell of heroin, an addiction that he couldn’t break for the rest of his life
His death at 58 was ruled an accident, but cocaine and heroin were found in his room and an autopsy revealed both drugs in his body
Involved in a car accident while a teenager – perhaps on one of those trips – Parker’s hospital stay prescribed morphine for the pain, which led to an addiction to it, followed by another to heroin
For musicians, heroin and opium were ways to compensate for all the grime and grit of the world in which they made a livelihood
• Heroin, cocaine, and other drug use
shots of heroin daily
“They knew it was going on, but they could never figure out how the cocaine left or the heroin entered the USA
In this last job, I was ordered to sell a 'bunch' of heroin
He had been, in fact, a Heroin addict with the usual record of petty, and not so petty, crime associated with that sad condition
cocaine, crack, heroin, and dope, scattered around the path
Why not make Jerusalem an international city of peace, owned and respected by the world and nobody’s capitol, or maybe it should be considered the world capitol of the God of your understanding, a peaceful city? Our motives in Iraq and Afghanistan must be CIA drug smuggling of heroin, and continued control and manipulation of the oil sources
Poppy fields were practically non-existent under the Taliban, and now Afghanistan is the world’s biggest producer of heroin, and it’s reaching America streets in volume
If a quartermaster refuses to give you a combat uniform for this air heroin, then you have my benediction to boot his ass
My husband, in need of a heroin fix, banged on the door, as the
I remember living in a house filled with heroin addicts
‘I think it’s heroin overdose
Adam asked her if the heroin boy made it
Shirl was on the laptop talking business with Jerry, a couple of her accounts he was unfamiliar with she told Murray, so Murray went into the bedroom and after donning a pair of cotton gloves opened the parcel he’d bought from Sally laying it all out on the bed, there were two bags of cocaine, eleven thousand dollars of the stolen Post Office money, two thousand dollars refund from Sally, and last but certainly not least the present that Sally had mentioned, the piece de resistance, wrapped in a plastic bag was a 38 millimetre automatic hand-gun, a note stuck to the plastic bag stated that this was the actual weapon used to shoot and wound the two postal workers, Murray was ecstatic, the gun would move the question of guilt out of the realm of possibility, to the realm of certainty with no chance of convincing anyone otherwise, the two thousand refund Murray returned to his wallet, then from the bottom of the wardrobe he retrieved the battered briefcase he’d bought at the op shop, he took from the briefcase one of the hypodermic needles that Ted had left his fingerprints on, putting this to one side, and leaving the other three needles, he began loading the bag, first he shook the gun out of the plastic bag, then added five thousand dollars of the tainted money from the robbery, lastly he placed a bag of cocaine in the briefcase and closed it, from the bedside table he now took his own briefcase, which still contained his various identities in the false bottom, into this he put the remaining six thousand dollars of the Post Office money, the syringe with Ted’s fingerprints, the bag of heroin, both of the air pistols and the packet of darts, from his inside jacket pocket he took the little bottle of the knock-out mixture that he’d switched from Mr Hawk’s coat during the robbery, holding it up to the light he saw there was less than a quarter left, more than enough though for the task ahead, he’d just finished these preparations when Shirl called from the other room
Adam never saw him again, but years later he found out, through an acquaintance, about Robbie’s addiction to heroin, which he picked up in prison where he got spiked against his will
‘You know, even many heroin addicts manage to have children,’ she said
Carla had stolen a large quantity of heroin and cash from Marco and he wanted it back
on heroin nor acting out the message of rap music when he slew his
a kilo of heroin and a heard of cattle
• To use ISI not only to treat heroin addiction but to
ISI in combination with MMT among heroin
Millionaire whose son was a Gambler, Heroin Addict and
heroin and often stole her mac card to get money for his
Why? Because studies have indicated that milk consumption may lead to heroin addiction (almost all heroin addicts consumed milk as children) and we don’t want to become a heroin addict
The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary
When the Meliorans kicked John out of the party, he replaced them with cocaine and heroin
Jacques read from The Mercury: ‘KwaZulu-Natal police are searching for a Durban man they believe is the kingpin of a massive heroin and mandrax drug-dealing syndicate which was operating from a rented Umhlanga Rocks property
Police believe the syndicate was selling roughly about 15,000 straws of heroin a day
Police found at least 20,000 mandrax tablets, several hundred straws of heroin and 4
5kg of heroin powder at the house
The drug-packaging operation appears to be similar to the set-up at a Gillitts home where police recently seized mandrax and heroin worth R40m
In the Gillitts case, police said the home was being used as a drug-packaging facility, and that there were seven workstations which had been manned by foreigners to package heroin straws
tried was heroin, so I think maybe that was what it was
Opioids are a family of drugs, which include: Heroin, morphine and opium
Heroin and cocaine are drugs used to releif pain whose abuse leads to dependency
of heroin strapped tightly to my back in a country
Agreeing to smuggle heroin was bad