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    high relief

    1. His eyes were fixed to the bumper of the SUV in front of us, the elegant planes of his face thrown into high relief by the light of the reflected high beams

    2. But, on the other hand, it is matter of fact that a considerable number of persons, including some of the highest power, who have seen cause to adopt the foregoing interpretations of Scripture, have declared that, in consequence of the modification of their ideas, Redemption, as a display of the Holy Love and Justice of God, has become a subject of constant and delightful thought, so that Christianity in general has assumed an air of stronger reality; that since, in the language of Baxter, faith has become, in all its exercises, an act of the conscience and reason, God has drawn nearer to them; they have perceived fresh force in the command to love the Lord their God with all their understandings as well as with all their hearts; and finally, that, instead of the lustre of the gospel truths which they believed before being diminished, those truths have come forth into high relief, marked with a grander and more vivid outline, and surrounded by a brighter radiance,—as if a faded fresco-painting had been transformed into statuary, and illuminated by the beams of the sun

    3. The hundred muscles of his neck stood out in high relief, and the firelight went deep into his eyes and ignited red embers

    4. Notwithstanding the shadow, she put up her white parasol, tilting it at just the angle to make it throw her head and shoulders in high relief

    5. This has been done, indeed, in the matter of monumental-glass, and to a certain extent in wall-decoration by means of painting; but it must be done in what is more vital yet—in architectural sculpture of all sorts and all grades; of vegetable, animal and human subjects; in low relief, in high relief and in the round; in detached work and associated groups—or no architecture for us

    6. It is maintained by some scholars, notably by Koepp, 55 that no connection can be established between high relief and low relief, much less between statues entirely in the round and low relief

    7. High relief follows all the principles of sculpture, while low relief may almost be considered as a branch of the painter's art

    8. For there still exists a continuous series of pedimental groups, first in low relief then in high relief, and finally standing altogether free from the background, and becoming sculpture in the round

    9. Then follow, in order of time and development, the Triton and Typhon pediments, in high relief, from the Acropolis; and after these the idea of relief is lost, and the pediment becomes merely a space destined to be adorned with statuary

    10. This primitive picturesque method of treatment is found as well in high relief as in low

    11. How then can the process of development be different for the two? I quote from Friedrichs-Wolters 57 on the metopes of the temple of Apollon at Selinous, which are distinctly in high relief: "The relief of these works stands very near to the origin of relief-style

    12. supra), for example, assumes that these two pediments in low relief are simply exceptions to the general rule, accounting for them by the fact that it was difficult to work out high reliefs from the poros stone of which they were made

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