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    Use "highfalutin" em uma frase

    highfalutin frases de exemplo


    1. ’ Now, I know this Edward guy is some kind of highfalutin politician, influential and all that

    2. And if that"s too highfalutin for

    3. All Moscow repeated Prince Dolgorukov’s saying: ‘If you go on modeling and modeling you must get smeared with clay,’ suggesting consolation for our defeat by the memory of former victories; and the words of Rostopchin, that French soldiers have to be incited to battle by highfalutin words, and Germans by logical arguments to show them that it is more dangerous to run away than to advance, but that Russian soldiers only need to be restrained and held back! On all sides, new and fresh anecdotes were heard of individual examples of heroism shown by our officers and men at Austerlitz

    4. "We all knew the dress was highfalutin trash, it was supposed to be

    5. All Moscow repeated Prince Dolgorúkov’s saying: “If you go on modeling and modeling you must get smeared with clay,” suggesting consolation for our defeat by the memory of former victories; and the words of Rostopchín, that French soldiers have to be incited to battle by highfalutin words, and Germans by logical arguments to show them that it is more dangerous to run away than to advance, but that Russian soldiers only need to be restrained and held back! On all sides, new and fresh anecdotes were heard of individual examples of heroism shown by our officers and men at Austerlitz

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    Sinônimos para "highfalutin"

    grandiose hifalutin highfalutin highfaluting hoity-toity la-di-da