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highwayman frases de exemplo
1. Suddenly the highwayman lunged at her with the dagger, and she shoved her shield into it, rather ungracefully
2. Her words caused his thoughts to return to their encounter with the highwayman
3. The Highwayman laughed, a thin, squeaky laugh that set Ariella’s teeth on edge
4. The Highwayman raised his thin rapier above his head and waved it once to each side
5. ” The Highwayman opened his mouth to cry out just as Karlov yelled “Felix…Now!”
6. "Here, in the name of the king and justice!" he cried, "this thief and highwayman wants to kill me for trying to recover my property
7. As soon as he had satisfied himself, folding up the parchment, he took the warrant in his left hand and with his right seized Don Quixote by the collar so tightly that he did not allow him to breathe, and shouted aloud, "Help for the Holy Brotherhood! and that you may see I demand it in earnest, read this warrant which says this highwayman is to be arrested
8. The quick travellers came up with the slow, and courteous salutations were exchanged; and one of the new comers, who was, in fact, a canon of Toledo and master of the others who accompanied him, observing the regular order of the procession, the cart, the officers, Sancho, Rocinante, the curate and the barber, and above all Don Quixote caged and confined, could not help asking what was the meaning of carrying the man in that fashion; though, from the badges of the officers, he already concluded that he must be some desperate highwayman or other malefactor whose punishment fell within the jurisdiction of the Holy Brotherhood
9. He despatched the letter by one of his squires, who, exchanging the costume of a highwayman for that of a peasant, made his way into Barcelona and gave it to the person to whom it was directed
10. A successful highwayman showed courage of a sort, and pirate crews have been known to fight with courage or perhaps only with reckless desperation in the manner of cornered rats
11. Contrary to general belief, I was not a murderer, but I had become an unholy liar, a shameless impostor, and a highwayman with a marked taste for expensive motor-cars
12. “Aye,” says the green-eyed Highwayman
13. “I’ll hang ye from the nearest Oak an’ ye don’t keep yer Mouth shut,” says the Highwayman, relieving Lawyer Slocock of his Pocket Pistol, then stripping him of his Watch, his Rings, his Snuff-Box, his Silver-hiked Sword, his Silver-button’d Coat and Waistcoat, likewise his Periwig and Beaver Hat, and e’en his Linen—all this as quickly as one might pluck ripe Fruit from a Tree
14. Presently Slocock sat shiv’ring in the very Skin he was born in, crossing his Legs to make quite certain that his poor Peewee (for certainly one could hardly use a grander Term for his Masculine Equipage) was guarded from both Sight and Assault; whereupon the Highwayman stripp’d his Black Servant quite as expeditiously, but that jolly Fellow made no Effort whatsoe’er to hide his glist’ning black Body; on the Contrary, he seem’d to revel in his very Nakedness, holding his big black Master of Ceremonies in his Hand and pointing it at Mrs
15. “Off with it all!” cries the Highwayman, whereupon the poor Lady whimpers, “Spare me! Spare me! I’m Virgin as the Day I was born!” To which her Maid can only snicker, as she, too, strips off her Clothes (without first being askt) and says, “As for me, Sir, I’ve no Maidenhead at all to get in the Way, so why not have me here in the Coach and leave my poor Lady in Peace
16. “Quiet!” shouts the Highwayman, and in a trice he leans his Head outside the Window of the Coach, shouts something to his Confederates, and lo! the Coach begins to slow
17. Whereupon the Highwayman puts a Gun to the Lawyer’s Head and says:
18. My poor dear Father himself was a Highwayman and transported to the Plantations
19. “’Tis a Fetch,” says Paul to the Highwayman
20. The Oath once sworn, the Highwayman gives Paul his Clothes again, but curiously, he doth not return mine to me
21. Before too long—tho’ surely it seems longer to me in my Nakedness—a Coach comes rattling down the Highway, whereupon the Postilion claps his Eyes upon me in my trembling Condition, stops the Coach to offer Kind and Christian Assistance, and is forthwith set upon by the Highwayman and his Merry Band, which now includes Black Paul, or Horatio, as Lancelot calls him
22. There, I saw the Use to which he had put all his Sketches of me! E’en the Name of his Trollop (which many assum’d was inspir’d by Francis Hackabout, the notorious hang’d Highwayman, or Katherine Hackabout, his hapless whoring Sister), was, in fact, inspir’d by my Tales to him (whilst posing in the nude) of my Travels with the Merry Men and Lancelot’s naming me in accordance with my Fortunes!
23. Next, a young hero ‘decorated for bravery’ kills the mother of his chief and benefactor, like a highwayman, and to urge his companions to join him he asserts that ‘she loves him like a son, and so will follow all his directions and take no precautions
24. In spite of Don Q’s profession and associates, and a temperament somewhat pessimistic for a highwayman, he is not really a bad sort of fellow
25. It was full fifteen minutes after that when the Lady Barbara drove into the inn, crying that she had been waylaid by the Black Highwayman
26. “Be that as it may”—Ashley’s level voice ignored the tone of the interruption, although his nervous fingers were on his sword—“when the Lady Barbara’s companion, Mistress Benton, tried to say that the Lady Barbara had recognized her assailant, that the Lady Barbara had willingly descended from the coach with the highwayman, the Lady Barbara silenced her peremptorily and ordered that we hurry with all speed to London
27. ’Twas the following morning, my Lord Grimsby, that the truth was revealed to me, for Lord Farquhart’s own servant returned to the Lady Barbara, in my presence, the jewels that had been stolen the night before, the jewels and the rose the highwayman had taken from her
28. She did not believe that he was this highwayman
29. Another point that stood out strongly against Lord Farquhart—a point that was weighing heavily in public opinion—was that since the night of Lady Barbara’s arrival in London, since which time Lord Farquhart had been obliged to be in close attendance upon his cousin, there had been no hold ups by this redoubtable highwayman
30. The only hope lay in Lord Grimsby, the old man who had been convinced that the highwayman was in league with the devil, if he was not the devil himself; the old man whose only son had vowed to take to the road if the Black Highwayman met his fate at his father’s hands
31. Others thought she might be lady to the real highwayman, whoever he was, and that she was about to force him to reveal himself
32. Some suggested that she might even be the highwayman himself
33. Jack Grimsby, Treadway, all of Farquhart’s friends, were watching eagerly, intently, the door through which the woman had disappeared, through which she or the real highwayman must reappear
34. The words were almost a sob, and yet Lindley heard the same tremulous laugh that had rung through the woods the night when Johan had killed the highwayman