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    hoe frases de exemplo





    1. At the communal village oven in the open air, another local lady in her ankle length skirts and headscarf was busily shovelling out pastries from the oven with a long-handled hoe onto a wide wooden tray on a table standing freely in the road

    2. at the bottom of the vineyard he dropped his hoe and

    3. ’ Claude leant his hoe against the nearest stake and

    4. The Defoe's cook jerked up suddenly with a hoe in her hands

    5. We have a tough row to hoe,” Kurt said as they headed to the river

    6. “How is Elijah by the way we all hoe he is alright?” I replied

    7. “Quite right as well S/Sgt Cocker I just hoe that you managed to get the wire fixed before you were interrupted?” S/Sgt Cocker smiled and stroked his moustache with his finger saying

    8. “I’m sorry for the way I acted before I hoe you will find it in your heart to forgive me for you have always been a good pal

    9. “Don’t you worry my rifle barrel will be red hoe I will be firing that fast because at the moment I’m seconds away from pissing in my pants and that’s no joke

    10. She shook the ugly thoughts from her head and straightened, leaning on the hoe as she glanced around the garden

    11. The telephone rang and she dropped the hoe, racing for the house

    12. She hacked at the dry earth with her hoe

    13. She dropped the hoe and mopped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand

    14. A tough row to hoe, as the saying goes

    15. Trent and some of the other political types were seeking new rows to hoe, new melon patches to cultivate

    16. The vineyard I will neither prune nor hoe

    17. Then I joined in the fray, “Hump hump hump hump hump hump hey hoe hump hump hump hump hump hump hey hoe

    18. “You can’t truly believe that? I have never treated her like a hoe

    19. Then I got a text from Martin, saying he, Sally and Cat were up at the Hoe

    20. Furthermore the seed alone is not enough, is it? You must also plant, tend, water and hoe it

    21. Erica: She is to me the hoe

    22. Hoe: Symbolically this deals with work, resourcefulne s, a s

    23. “That’s what this lil’ hoe told us

    24. “What’s up now, pussy ass hoe!” the man yelled as he pulled the trigger, sending the first line of shots in The Family’s direction

    25. Go holla at that hoe and see if her people got something

    26. “That’s the same thing I told that hoe Cherry

    27. “When I walked in the club, that hoe was just getting on the stage

    28. I should have kept it like this but being young and stupid I fell in love with a hoe

    29. Jai was in a baby sling on Siri’s lap which he was gently rocking, and an armed security guard was working at a nearby flower boarder, with a hoe, attempting to be mistaken as a gardener

    30. Hoe Bing is a biomedical science graduate from the University of Melbourne

    31. Hoe Bing has a very strong focus on the ‘individuality factor’

    32. This is how Hoe Bing described his own technology, "There is no substitute for persistence, but there is always a faster and more effective way

    33. I was just starting to hoe into

    34. The back hoe tumbled

    35. the cab of the back hoe struck him across his

    36. along the top of the man cab of the back hoe wreck for a number

    37. I fully appreciate these ZTA men who had done the complete analysis of forthcoming events to be held in Zulimistan and had done their level best to make things hoe to Zulimistan rulers with the fond hope that rulers would mind their ways but Zulimistan helm men turned blind eye to them

    38. There were more important rows to hoe

    39. Hoe a row or two, then a squat and a few pushes, and it was all over

    40. is the row you hoe

    41. The back hoe

    42. think we can trust this, as long as we keep the back hoe close by and

    43. The rope was tossed on top of the shovel and hoe

    44. During that day of waiting, Johnny had retrieved a hoe and, with the help of Nigger, had set about going over any areas they might have missed

    45. Stacey had wanted to go swimming, play football and fish with his friends, not shovel cow manure and hoe weeds

    46. this test is to diagnosis the sperm acrosome then acrosin to see hoe these

    47. hours at the end of a tobacco hoe in the fields

    48. He had not ceased in his efforts with the hoe

    49. hoe out in the fields

    50. Content that he was far enough from Missel Hoe, he reined Tunder in

    1. Man and wife tended their plants, made sure that their supporting canes were securely tied, weeded and hoed beds, watered and pricked out, and through their horticultural therapy they began the process of contemplation, of imagining their lives lived forever in the shadow of the hole

    2. securely tied, weeded and hoed beds, watered and pricked out, and

    3. In the morning, Nerissa cleared and hoed the garden

    4. The garden that she’d hoed and watered The Maiden’s Odyssey

    5. So Lord, help me not to gripe about the tough rows that I've hoed, I'm drinking from my saucer 'cause my cup has overflowed

    6. She hoed into the first slice and completely flipped her lid I kid you not

    7. mouths taped up so nobody could hear them screaming as the sharks hoed in

    8. "I could of hoed in the garden and washed dishes for them guys

    9. When the water is let out again the earth bottom is soft mud, and weeds can be pulled out by hand and the ground hoed and prepared for the seedlings

    10. “I could of hoed in the garden and washed dishes for them guys

    11. Though I gave them no manure, and did not hoe them all once, I hoed them unusually well as far as I went, and was paid for it in the end, "there being in truth," as Evelyn says, "no compost or laetation whatsoever comparable to this continual motion, repastination, and turning of the mould with the spade

    1. He spent the day preparing the soil in his allocated spot, mulching, weeding and hoeing, before gently placing his prize specimen in its ornamental pot in the middle of his display

    2. An acre of potatoes is cultivated with less expense than an acre of wheat; the fallow, which generally precedes the sowing of wheat, more than compensating the hoeing and other extraordinary culture which is always given to potatoes

    3. I had collected some bush and was next to the track leading back to the rear when I saw thrown on one side of it a busted wooden crate that someone had stashed hoeing to come back for it

    4. It looked like they were weeding, watering, hoeing, and harvesting

    5. Then he had got to work, using his hands and the hoeing implements to turn the soil around each sprig of corn in order to encourage its growth

    6. Hoeing or forking is an operation in which the surface soil around the plant, is loosened with

    7. The object of hoeing is to keep the soil porous so that light, air and water may

    8. hoeing is to water the plants in the morning, hoeing them in the evening and then watering

    9. An interval between hoeing and watering helps in the aeration of roots and

    10. who was hoeing in his vegetable garden next door paused and voiced his concern about the jets and

    11. He started hoeing into a vanilla slice as I got my bag to leave

    12. She told him about her problems of weeding and hoeing and planting, of fattening the hogs and breeding the cow, and he gave good advice for he free now and the farm gone to weeds and seedling pines

    13. “He spent a day hoeing out the flowerbeds around ol’ Miz Howard’s house, then when she was done he told her how much it was

    14. He liked to pass an hour or two there, trimming, hoeing, and making holes here and there in the earth, into which he dropped seeds

    15. hoeing, watering, walking amid his flowers with an air of kindness, sadness, and sweetness, sometimes standing motionless and thoughtful for hours, listening to the song of a bird in the trees, the babble of a child in a house, or with his eyes fixed on a drop of dew at the tip of a spear of grass, of which the sun made a carbuncle

    16. I felt proud to know that the liberties of Massachusetts and of our fatherland were in such safe keeping; and as I turned to my hoeing again I was filled with an inexpressible confidence, and pursued my labor cheerfully with a calm trust in the future

    17. It was a singular experience that long acquaintance which I cultivated with beans, what with planting, and hoeing, and harvesting, and threshing, and picking over and selling them—the last was the hardest of all—I might add eating, for I did taste

    18. After hoeing, or perhaps reading and writing, in the forenoon, I usually bathed again in the pond, swimming across one of its coves for a stint, and washed the dust of labor from my person, or smoothed out the last wrinkle which study had made, and for the afternoon was absolutely free

    19. Occasionally, after my hoeing was done for the day, I joined some impatient companion who had been fishing on the pond since morning, as silent and motionless as a duck or a floating leaf, and, after practising various kinds of philosophy, had concluded commonly, by the time I arrived, that he belonged to the ancient sect of Cœnobites

    20. One day in midsummer, when I was hoeing, a man who was carrying a load of pottery to market stopped his horse against my field and inquired concerning Wyman the younger

    21. In the rear there was the dim outline of a garden, which had been planted but had never received its first hoeing, owing to those terrible shaking fits, though it was now harvest time

    22. I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn

    23. It would be absurd for us ministers, senators, academicians professors, artists, a quarter of an hour of whose time is so prized by people, to waste our time on any thing of that sort, would it not?—on the cleaning of our boots, the washing of our shirts, in hoeing, in planting potatoes, or in feeding our chickens and our cows, and so on; in those things which are gladly done for us, not only by our porter or our cook, but by thousands of people who value our time?

    24. He ditches those which are too moist for grain; he ploughs and fences them, and raises from seventy to one hundred bushels of maize or Indian corn to the acre, without ever hoeing it

    1. I had to repair everything from back hoes, skip loaders, down to lawn mowers and anything else including fabricating and installing hitches on trucks

    2. He had slipped his cock back into his hoes, and turned himself so his hip pressed into me

    3. I put my hand on him, feeling through his hoes the shape

    4. She's one of those hoes that need comforting

    5. “Who you think I am? One of them gold digging ass hoes?”

    6. “Y’all hoes get naked,” she said as an evil grin pulled at the corners of her mouth

    7. “Just some hating ass hoes,” Skinny answered nonchalantly

    8. “These hoes be gettin niggas fucked up out chea

    9. Kombos said “I will erect a platform in my yard and take a salute each morning as I send my people, shouldering their jembes (hoes), off to the fields …” And they all laughed at the thought

    10. hoes? He wasn’t sure

    11. The bushes stretch across the paths, and, catching at me as I go by, remind me that they have not been pruned; the teeming plant life rejoices on the lawns free from all interference from men and hoes; the pinks are closely nibbled off at the beginning of each summer by selfish hares intent on their own gratification; most of the beds bear the marks of nocturnal foxes; and the squirrels spend their days wantonly biting off and flinging down the tender young shoots of the firs

    12. Hoes come in a variety of shapes and sizes to prepare seed beds, cultivate soil for mixing of fertilizer and to control weeds

    13. And he says Good-day my brother, to Cudge that hoes in the sugar-field, And both understand him and know that his speech is right

    14. nothing in it but some old rusty played-out hoes and spades and picks and a crippled plow

    15. Most of the men were holding shovels or hoes, and they looked ready to swing them, though they also looked scared

    16. The staple conversation on the farms around was on the uselessness of saving money; and smock-frocked arithmeticians, leaning on their ploughs or hoes, would enter into calculations of great nicety to prove that parish relief was a fuller provision for a man in his old age than any which could result from savings out of their wages during a whole lifetime

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