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    home economics frases de exemplo

    home economics

    1. She knew a fair bit about these things as Nathan loved and collected old leather bound books, and she’d had to study textiles for her Home Economics degree and as part of the textiles course she’d chosen to specialize in corsetry and embroidery as well as leather work

    2. Sarah Biscoe had studied Home Economics with the idea of teaching, but two years of dealing with teen-age girls at a rough school in Philadelphia brought her back home to look for a job where breaking up cat-fights wasn't required, and where young women rarely carried knives or razors

    3. She elects to take other subjects that may help her in the future: languages and “home economics

    4. Three classes were held in this part of the school: painting, shop, and home economics

    5. We have some different subjects – music, art, computer studies, home economics, where we learn to cook – and we do practicals in science, which is rare in Pakistan

    6. When I was in eighth grade everyone in Home Economics had to care for flour-sack babies for two weeks to teach us about parenting and no one ever mentioned enrolling your flour baby in sports

    7. Miss Isabel Bevier retired this year from her work in Home Economics at the University of Illinois

    8. During the twenty-one years of its existence, Professor Bevier has given herself unsparingly to the development and conduct, day by day, of the department of Home Economics

    9. First, the presenting of home economics as a part of a liberal education; and second, the development of courses leading to a profession in teaching, dietetics, and cafeteria management

    10. It is not too much to say that at present, no department of the university enjoys more of the confidence and respect of the institution than does the department of Home Economics

    11. Since 1905 the American School of Home Economics has given home-study courses to over 30,000 housekeepers, teachers, and others

    12. American School of Home Economics, 503 W

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