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    Use "hormone" em uma frase

    hormone frases de exemplo


    1. A significant drop in the production of the hormone estrogen brings on menopause

    2. In females a hormone (oxytocin) plays a key factor in reducing the response to stress

    3. Fear, for example, can trigger release of the hormone adrenaline, causing the heart to pump faster and leading to physical sensations such as palpitations and sweating

    4. The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels

    5. The logic of their minds is not performed with nerve cells and hormones but with silicon representations of neurons with global constants representing hormone levels and digital memory representing nucleotide sequences

    6. There has been a lot of conflicting information that I have the active thyroid hormone

    7. Nlara obviously didn't want to chat, what was there left to say after the centuries they'd shared? Having Kalaz and Dencah back, along with Gardir, was fanning the current flare-up in her addiction to the hormone high

    8. He set his hormone level down to twenty and closed the panel

    9. She was pointing at the hormone level meter on her med panel in this case

    10. This is beneficial for men hoping to jump start their libidos because vitamin C is needed for the production of testosterone and iron plays a role in hormone production

    11. Herbs that stimulate or suppress hormone production should be avoided-these include licorice, wild yam, and yucca root

    12. levels stimulate the brain to signal for increased growth hormone production and, as we all know, higher levels of

    13. “What if a fuckin’ salamander got a good dose of female hormones; or a dose of sudden-growth hormone?”

    14. Hormone levels in the doe’s blood or milk can also

    15. The council warned that castration can damage hormone growth and inhibit physical development

    16. reproductive hormone, controls the production of semen

    17. hormone acts like a chemical messenger and triggers the production

    18. stimulates the testes which release testosterone, a hormone that

    19. hormone, also from the pituitary gland, stimulates the production of

    20. This hormone is responsible for the testosterone

    21. Dopamine is the hormone responsible for sexual

    22. During the refractory period, another hormone called

    23. In males, the major sex hormone is testosterone and in females it is

    24. excess in hormone levels, but an abnormal reaction to normal levels of

    25. plus take in snacks that are high in protein to aid hormone

    26. whistle on the drug approval process for bovine growth hormone and animal feed

    27. Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that

    28. had had been removed and I’d have to take hormone pills on a daily basis for the rest of my

    29. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that your body needs to control the amount of sugar (also called glucose) in your blood

    30. about 1/10th the amount of testosterone men have the hormone

    31. strongest because that is the time of the highest hormone levels in the blood

    32. A thousand same beginnings reloaded hardware neuron cells million-year-life hormone technology magic immortality torture study collection of collections of electric connection patterns all information overload death ending always in absolute mystery

    33. And why the fuck do they need so many Goddamn cops just to clean up one fucking murder? Two cops in front of the bagel shop two doors down seem to be getting a big laugh out of the situation, punching each other in the arm, horsing around like high school boys with overactive hormone glands

    34. Prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production during nursing can suppress estrogen and testosterone, and a drop in estrogen levels can cause vaginal dryness, making sex with you uncomfortable

    35. In radical and total hysterectomies, for example, the ovaries are removed which can be detrimental to sex drive because the ovaries function to secrete estrogen and androgen (a hormone linked to sex drive)

    36. Okay, first off what is a hormone? In its basic form it’s a chemical

    37. Estrogen is a primary female hormone

    38. Prolactin – see more on this hormone in the topic below titled ‘Prolactin’

    39. Prolactin is a hormone, and it’s a tricky little blighter

    40. Progesterone is another one of those clever little hormone things

    41. You may well think of it as primarily your hormone

    42. And if it turns out that she does then there are ways to increase levels of testosterone in the body, including medications and hormone supplements

    43. Your partner’s doctor will be able to discuss these with you both, but, like all medications and hormone supplements testosterone is absolutely not without its risks of unwanted side effects

    44. One of the main problems being an increase in hormone cortisol, cortisol helps us to resist stress, maintain our blood pressure and our moods are dependant on it

    45. The "evolutionary neuro - androgenic theory" focuses on the hormone testosterone as a factor influencing aggression and criminality and being beneficial during certain forms of competition

    46. In response to a sugar binge, our pancreas produces more insulin, a hormone that rapidly takes up circulating blood glucose into our cells

    47. Thyroxin: The thyroid hormone thyroxin is a key BMR regulator; the more thyroxin produced, the higher the BMR

    48. hormone problems I’d been suffering

    49. The wizened little man pictured himself as quite the stud, so to uphold this ideal he conned a doctor friend into providing the hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, plus instructions and paraphernalia for its use

    50. ‘The hormone and neurotransmitter adrenaline

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    endocrine hormone internal secretion