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    Use "horseshoe" em uma frase

    horseshoe frases de exemplo



    1. He hitched his horse to a tree, took out his collapsible shovel from one of the saddlebags and started to clear a spot next to the fallen tree, shoveling the snow aside and forming a low three foot wall in a horseshoe shape

    2. It needs the horseshoe ridges of a frenar band, about half way down,

    3. horseshoe to protect him from the Evil that threatened to come

    4. An eye-witness later told the local reporter how the hovercraft had headed up the loading ramp at full throttle, careering its way through a low fence onto Clarence Pier, where it smashed into The Golden Horseshoe Amusement Arcade, taking out a length of its side wall

    5. A horseshoe crowd

    6. They followed him into the large house and into a large hall where the eldest and the leaders from both armies now sat gathered at three long tables adjoined in the shape of a horseshoe

    7. He was a funny little man with a bald head, and not just going bald or horseshoe covered, this guy was glossy bald with slight bulges along the sides of his scalp that made him Cloud

    8. large stone topped island that anchored the center of the horseshoe

    9. "If you see the horseshoe bend in the river with the rice paddies to the north, I'm orbiting south at fifteen hundred

    10. positions around him in a horseshoe pattern

    11. She pressed star, blue moon, horseshoe, birds, and some other mystical symbol

    12. Standing around her in a horseshoe pattern, they

    13. The horseshoe of advisors all nodded humbly

    14. He could trace ahead of him the trail and made a great horseshoe back into the river-bed at his left hand

    15. 'The corridor is bent like a horseshoe, with each horn opening into this room

    16. And here the form of horseshoe makes

    17. Store Room no 1; Survivors; and Horseshoe Crabs and

    18. and even horseshoe imprints

    19. The files before him on the rectangular table facing the horseshoe arrangement of the Committee members contained all the necessary information

    20. He then removed a small horseshoe shaped magnet from his pocket and tied the thread firmly to the center of its curved section using a bow knot which would later allow him to retrieve all of the thread unharmed

    21. hand with your left---she's now in the horseshoe position

    22. horseshoe position, and then they don't see the easy switch

    23. unwound back to the foundation horseshoe position---she

    24. head throw: from the horseshoe position with her on your

    25. easy hand-switch to horseshoe position

    26. switch to the horseshoe position---note that these are all left-

    27. From the horseshoe position, keep both

    28. one-half turns back to the horseshoe position---she'll proba-

    29. half turn and you'll be in the horseshoe position

    30. the horseshoe position: you could just lift her left arm with

    31. Finally, in our horseshoe handling, we have the egg-

    32. Once in the horseshoe position, don't forget you can

    33. In the horseshoe position with her

    34. the two-step you want in the horseshoe position, using the

    35. And finally, in the horseshoe position during a polka,

    36. The ridge where we landed, and the ridge where we saw the bear, form a horseshoe

    37. The baribal is on the opposite arm of the horseshoe and we should be able to catch up with it in the curve

    38. As the hot horseshoe melts the hoof And drives the horse away

    39. As the hot horseshoe melts the hoof

    40. There's this place called Horseshoe Bay, and on top of the cliffs--"

    41. From here she revealed that the next step in their task was to visit her original birthplace: a lakeside point called Horseshoe Bay

    42. Why Horseshoe Bay?"

    43. It will guide you the rest of the way to Horseshoe Bay

    44. He and his mother were to depart from the castle in the morning by boat; Nancy was certain that their quarry, with a three day head start, would be at Horseshoe Bay before long

    45. "She told me we would rendezvous at Horseshoe Bay--if she makes it

    46. Ingrid looked at her map again and guessed they would reach Horseshoe Bay sometime the next morning

    47. Horseshoe Bay couldn't be the sole reason

    48. During this interlude a traveler passing in the other direction told them that to reach Horseshoe Bay they would need to veer right towards Myrobalan at the next fork in the road, and then turn left at the second intersection

    49. And at the bottom of that slope, frothing like a stew in the gales, was Horseshoe Bay

    50. Stopping to spare one final, cautionary glance up at the houses, Ingrid pulled Scott's shirt up over her head, then splashed into Horseshoe Bay until the water was up over her breasts

    1. hammered the red-hot horseshoes into the correct shape for the

    2. In the distance, teenagers tossed a football while another group played horseshoes

    3. You’re still a good shot, but almost only counts in horseshoes

    4. -What you do to one of us, you it for all -said a mestizo colt that threatened to pounce on me and was neighing as if someone were embedding his horseshoes in the legs

    5. The Union purchased many of their horseshoes from The

    6. plus, there's no signs of horseshoes, like you're claiming

    7. exchanged molasses for two well-made pair of horseshoes that would

    8. One would sit down to the background noise of horseshoes pounding the asphalt in the rhythm of a gallop or a trot and of the growl of protesting camels and their equally noisy keepers

    9. One could distinguish the noise of a carriage mingled with the clattering of loose horseshoes that beat against the ground, and at last the "Hirondelle" stopped at the door

    10. ‘mysteries’ as they called them, as if there were something supernatural about tanning leather or making horseshoes – but women were usually willing to share knowledge with other women

    11. “I won’t, because this ain’t horseshoes

    12. From outside came the clang of horseshoes on the playing peg and the shouts of men, playing, encouraging, jeering

    13. But if it were to happen that smiths, having the possibility of compelling other men to labour for them, were to continue to make horseshoes when there was no longer a demand for them, and teachers were to wish to continue to teach when there was nobody to be taught, then, to every impartial man endowed with reason and conscience, it would be obvious that this is not real division of labour but a usurpation of other men's labour; because such a division could no longer be tested satisfactorily by the sole standard by which we may know whether it is right or not,—the demand of such labour by other men, and a voluntary compensation offered for it by them

    14. Chariots whirled by; the crowd of strong, beautiful, haughty men passed on, builders of the Eternal City and proud partakers of its life; songs rang out; fountains laughed; pearly laughter of women filled the air, while the drunkard philosophised and the sober ones smilingly listened; horseshoes rattled on the pavement

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    horseshoe shoe