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hospitality frases de exemplo
1. She knew the polite thing to do would be to go into the kitchen and thank Sarah and Saya for their hospitality, but she was afraid they would offer her something they clearly could not afford to
2. She obviously cares greatly that the hospitality of her house is less than she would like
3. He thanked Jake for his hospitality, and asked to see him again in the future
4. White Feathers, who had followed the ladies' tete a tete without interruption, rose and excused himself with his compliments to each for their hospitality and attractive company, then he was out the door
5. the place with their combination of quiet hospitality and no-nonsense
6. ’ Williams said, ‘By the way, Andy wasn’t overly bothered at the mention of Kev coming up here … though it seems our guest is getting fed up with our brand of hospitality
7. She greeted her guests with grace and her natural hospitality
8. I’m indebted to your hospitality
9. Mandy was at last able to start from nothing and design a place of her own, to her own ideas of hospitality and efficiency
10. They talked with Foemong of Klarrain and what hospitality he should make use of while he was here
11. the hospitality and (some said) decadent comfort offered
12. The expense, besides, that is laid out in durable commodities, gives maintenance, commonly, to a greater number of people than that which is employed in the most profuse hospitality
13. When a man of fortune spends his revenue chiefly in hospitality, he shares the greater part of it with his friends and companions; but when he employs it in purchasing such durable commodities, he often spends the whole upon his own person, and gives nothing to any body without an equivalent
14. “I have never been wanting for hospitality in this beautiful province, it’s true
15. We’ve only been treated with the utmost respect and your hospitality has been exceptional; we lack nothing at all
16. In a country which has neither foreign commerce nor any of the finer manufactures, a great proprietor, having nothing for which he can exchange the greater part of the produce of his lands which is over and above the maintenance of the cultivators, consumes the whole in rustic hospitality at home
17. Before the extension of commerce and manufactures in Europe, the hospitality of the rich and the great, from the sovereign down to the smallest baron, exceeded every thing which, in the present times, we can easily form a notion of Westminster-hall was the dining-room of William Rufus, and might frequently, perhaps, not be too large for his company
18. A hospitality nearly of the same kind was exercised not many years ago in many different parts of the Highlands of Scotland
19. But when they spend them in maintaining tradesmen and artificers, they may, all of them taken together, perhaps maintain as great, or, on account of the waste which attends rustic hospitality, a greater number of people than before
20. tenants, and hospitality to his retainers
21. hospitality very seldom lead to extravagance; though vanity almost always does
22. Occasionally she would help Cynthia cook or clean the apartment, repaying her for her generous hospitality
23. The clergy could derive advantage from this immense surplus in no other way than by employing it, as the great barons employed the like surplus of their revenues, in the most profuse hospitality, and in the most extensive charity
24. Both the hospitality and the charity of the ancient clergy,
25. hospitality of the clergy
26. The hospitality and charity of the clergy, too, not only gave them the command of a great temporal force, but increased very much the weight of their spiritual weapons
27. Their charity became gradually less extensive, their hospitality less liberal, or less profuse
28. The power of the church was, by that time, very nearly reduced, through the greater part of Europe, to what arose from their spiritual authority ; and even that spiritual authority was much weakened, when it ceased to he supported by the charity and hospitality of the clergy
29. A family which exercised great hospitality, would be taxed much more lightly than one who entertained fewer guests
30. But in rich and great families, where country hospitality is much practised, the malt liqours consumed by the members of the family make but a small part of the consmnption of the house
31. A hospitality in which there is no luxury, and a liberality in which there is no ostentation, occasion, in this situation of things, the principal expenses of the rich and the great
32. But the instances, I believe, are not very numerous, of people who have been ruined by a hospitality or liberality of this kind; though the hospitality of luxury, and the liberality of
33. hospitality, constantly exercised by the great landholders, may not, to us in the present times, seem consistent with that order which we are apt to consider as inseparably connected with good economy; yet we must certainly allow them to have been at least so far frugal, as not commonly to have spent their whole income
34. Standing armies are not then necessary; so that the expense, even of a sovereign, like that of any other great lord can be employed in scarce any thing but bounty to his tenants, and hospitality to his retainers
35. But bounty and hospitality very seldom lead to extravagance; though vanity almost always does
36. quite complimentary of Captain Maffitt and his hospitality under the circumstances
37. Johnny’s hospitality has been very helpful to me because I actually feared going into the work place because of the way I have been treated in the past especially fellowship experience
38. Place where one expects to find hospitality
39. been entirely removed, and that “it is the desire of Her Majesty’s Government that unrestricted hospitality and friendship shall be shown to vessels of war of the United States in all Her Majesty’s ports, whether at home or abroad
40. “I’m so glad you could visit Lickspittle’s Books & Antiquaria, and enjoy my hospitality
41. He would be called the 'White Wizard' and afforded every hospitality he desired
42. They enjoyed a feast and showed hospitality beyond the compare of any kingdom any of the adventurers had ever come across
43. I suppose he remembered the hospitality he had received
44. “Allow me to offer the hospitality of my dining car
45. I have to thank you for your hospitality in advance but tell me though, where am I?”
46. Your hospitality has been greatly appreciated, and we do not wish to abuse it
47. After finishing the most succulent meal of their journey so far, they found that the west coast was living up to its reputation of great food and great hospitality
48. They thanked their hosts for the hospitality and said to call if there was anything they could do to help, before taking some happy snaps in front of Merv's prize winning roses on the way out
49. Hospitality rarely denied that request if the display was open and respectfully convincing enough
50. They had been stoically welcomed as the bedraggled refugees that they were, but the spirit of hospitality could not be counted on for long