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    Use "huckleberry" em uma frase

    huckleberry frases de exemplo


    1. “Mom, they were bigger than last year,” said a young boy who looked like a miniature Huckleberry Finn, complete with a round straw hat, bare feet and suspenders, running directly in front of William

    2. 12) Mark Twain was 40 when he wrote "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", and 49 years old when he wrote "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

    3. Finally pulling out a rusty-colored book whose faded titled claimed it was called, Huckleberry Finn, “Hmm

    4. For several minutes I waited, breathing in the sweet and intoxicating scent of the flowers on the huckleberry bush

    5. I gasped in a lungful of air and spun to hear a soft chuckle from the huckleberry bush

    6. I hefted one bag into place and packed the other two to the huckleberry bush where Sebastian was

    7. Twain’s Huckleberry Finn: is a story of a boy and a black slave floating down a huge river, and the adventures they have

    8. This is what Huckleberry believes: The Taco man was with his grandmother at her nursing home the night you went missing

    9. She was more worried about which huckleberry it was

    10. (He is a homosexual, which, according to Huckleberry, means he is not attracted to murdering young women

    11. Huckleberry made a note that he followed up on the lead, but Carver told me himself that the sheriff never paid him a visit

    12. As with all the suspects in your disappearance, Huckleberry blacked out one particular man’s name, but here are the details I transcribed from a deputy investigator’s notes in your case file:

    13. Huckleberry was older and more stooped but he still sported the same finely combed, linear mustache and too-long sideburns that had looked out of date even in the nineties

    14. Helen said, “Huckleberry called me

    15. Her biggest regret was that she had included Huckleberry in the email list, because according to witnesses, Sheriff Carl Huckabee had been sitting at his computer reading Claire’s email when he grabbed his chest and died of a massive heart attack

    16. If you asked Claire, Huckleberry was the one who’d really gotten away with murder

    17. Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick and Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass

    18. Some of the cedars had been more than two thousand years old, and their stumps—seven or eight feet in diameter and just as tall—rose like ancient monuments from a dense tangle of salal, huckleberry, young cottonwoods, and purple plumes of fireweed

    19. Every afternoon they boarded a boat and made their way out to the New York Athletic Club’s private retreat, Huckleberry Island, a mile off Travers Island, out in the cool waters of Long Island Sound

    20. When he read from his book Huckleberry Finn, a passage in which Huck is bemoaning the fancy clothes the Widow Douglas has forced him to wear, we laughed because someone had once forced us into Sunday clothes too

    21. Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat

    22. Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language

    23. "Tom," whispered Huckleberry, "does this keep us from EVER telling—

    24. "Which of us does he mean?" gasped Huckleberry

    25. Then Huckleberry and Tom stood dumb and staring, and heard the stony-hearted liar reel off his serene statement, they expecting every moment that the clear sky would deliver God's lightnings upon his head, and wondering to see how long the stroke was delayed

    26. Then they hunted up Huckleberry Finn, and he joined them promptly, for all careers were one to him; he was indifferent

    27. "'Tain't thunder," said Huckleberry, in an awed tone, "becuz thunder—"

    28. Every boy he encountered added another ton to his depression; and when, in desperation, he flew for refuge at last to the bosom of Huckleberry Finn and was received with a Scriptural quotation, his heart broke and he crept home and to bed realizing that he alone of all the town was lost, forever and forever

    29. A huckleberry never reaches Boston; they have not been known there since they grew on her three hills

    30. As long as Eternal Justice reigns, not one innocent huckleberry can be transported thither from the country's hills

    31. When I was let out the next morning, I proceeded to finish my errand, and, having put on my mended shoe, joined a huckleberry party, who were impatient to put themselves under my conduct; and in half an hour—for the horse was soon tackled—was in the midst of a huckleberry field, on one of our highest hills, two miles off, and then the State was nowhere to be seen

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