Use "ideal" em uma frase
ideal frases de exemplo
1. Sounds ideal for me these days?
2. If your ideal life is living in a way that spending time with your children is everything to you, then you have to create your life in a way that allows you to live a life that is one hundred percent dedicated to your
3. Bronner’s more than a product, but a symbol of an ideal, and an ideal product
4. I think you can still walk a good bit of it now – it’s ideal for cyclists, of course
5. makes her ideal to be a wife, mother and teacher of the young, does not best suit her for the hard decisions man's more rugged nature suits him to make?
6. perception of reality so that we can co-‐create a more ideal,
7. Finally, Ideal for those with low thyroid function, Brazils are a good they’re rich in omega-3, so they’re a great alternative if you source of the mineral selenium, which we need to produce don’t eat oily fish
8. “Yes, the elephant cage will be ideal
9. “Tavern sounds an ideal place to start” said Fred
10. that, a cup of tead would be ideal
11. Food without killing, surely that is the ideal diet for a thinking man?
12. Nowadays it is all but abandoned which makes it an ideal place for a cache
13. The following are specific aspects that you can focus on to get the ideal profile for your online dating adventures
14. Finding the ideal match has always been difficult and has caused a ton of pain over the
15. Arthur considered, and said, "That passage is held up as an ideal, but line three of that chapter tells us ‘The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights
16. ’ We are not expected to live up to that ideal
17. Sensible, well mannered and an ideal first boyfriend, I should think
18. If that’s the case they’re not an ideal
19. Those half-size pizzas are very tasty and ideal for a snack lunch
20. Either one of these is ideal
21. ‘I never knew my mother but, since my time at Danvers House, I have always thought of Bunty as the ideal mother figure
22. Although the young man was handsome, promising and attracted to the young beauty, her tastes were for a more wholesome and ruggedly capable ideal for a mate, not the moony-eyed heir to wealth and fortune
23. The ensemble was ideal for one of those sedate portraits so frequently adorning the halls and mantles of the genteel
24. “That one there isn't going to make it through the next winter and look how the owner insists it's such a fine animal, so ideal as a trusty mount for a lady
25. The writer liked the ideal, and the merchant wanted the equipment
26. What was not in 'common view' were Chloe's tanned and toned forearms and near ideal physique well-covered by the elaborate custom of extensive dress
27. “He told me that he once carried it as a talisman of what was truly possible for an ideal human, but to make sure you knew this: the change Kaitlyn has undergone in these last several weeks with you as her companion is nothing less than a miracle for which he did not dare to hope nor dream
28. You took a fragile girl and made a 'Tigress,' and he is most glad to substitute the talisman for the realization of the ideal in his own daughter
29. You have been for me a model of integrity, honesty, and fairness, I could not have dreamed for a more ideal benefactor than yourself
30. It can't hurt to ask him, and truth be told, he would be the ideal man for the job---what with his familiarity of the environs and of my own tastes, etc
31. “We don't want to spoil your views or crowd you in any way since you've looked so hard for an ideal situation, and
32. “Wanted? has that changed? Like maybe you figured out it isn’t as ideal as you thought?”
33. The rest of us can only bow in heartfelt admiration and awe of those few who realize that ideal on our behalf
34. It was an ideal location because there really wasn't any room in the living room to put it
35. The site of our picnic was ideal
36. It wasn't the ideal marriage, for sure (if you could even call it a marriage)
37. Luray was his eye's ideal of beauty, but she was no more fit or strong than he was
38. spring anyway, and a few months here seemed the ideal
39. from it an ideal, a Utopia of course, and the politicians
40. an ideal for some, a nightmare for others that smells
41. features, which helps us to build the ideal city in
42. The ideal position to be in, is where your product holds authority over your
43. In an ideal world you would have a high search volume and low competition
44. beauty, because they created the ideal of
45. Short-list those who would be ideal candidates and be a valuable asset
46. beauty disease; the ideal of beauty invented
47. You now have the ideal opportunity to increase the amount of money each
48. looking for aesthetic ideal solutions, and have
49. Thick carpets of wool were therefore the ideal
50. have thought, was the ideal one for the head of the ‘T akla Gang’