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    impracticable frases de exemplo


    1. This statute, therefore, rendered it almost impracticable for a poor man to gain a new

    2. Not only its value far exceeds what the capitals of a few private men are capable of purchasing; but, supposing they were capable of purchasing it, the manner in which it is produced renders this purchase altogether impracticable

    3. The unavoidable ignorance of administration, besides, concerning the relative importance of the different members of those different assemblies, the offences which must frequently be given, the blunders which must constantly be committed, in attempting to manage them in this manner, seems to render such a system of management altogether impracticable with regard to them

    4. If it should be found impracticable for Great Britain to draw any considerable augmentation of revenue from any of the resources above mentioned, the only resource which can remain to her, is a diminution of her expense

    5. Conal contemplated taking the whole tower for a moment, then dismissed the idea as impracticable

    6. necessary, but on this occasion it was found impracticable, for

    7. with Him, which is impracticable for the advocates of separateness

    8. As TBOS points out, the chances of averting a complete breakdown of out habitat and the ensuing extinction of the vast majority of life, including humanity, while the planet is burdened with the present urban population, is very small indeed, so small in fact as to be impracticable

    9. They were constantly on the move between conveniently placed islands and remote coastal inlets, which served as temporary bases for their operations and made their eradication impracticable

    10. Siri was sitting, staring at a screen as May Ling entered wearing very stylish and impracticable robes

    11. Grand Admiral Raeder, who was not a supporter of Operation Sealion rejected this as impracticable and told Hitler of the difficulty in obtaining landing craft suitable to carry invasion troops

    12. The German generals had serious misgivings about Hitler's plan, considering it to be beyond their military capacity, therefore, impracticable

    13. While Shariah deems jihad to be the personal obligation of every faithful Muslim capable of performing it – man or woman, young or old – they can forgo the violent form when it is deemed impracticable

    14. Parents won’t allow to waste time after such impracticable thing

    15. And yet, after every consolatory reflection, there remains the fact that apparently more than seven hundred millions of human beings in Eastern Asia are personally unaffected by Christianity; they put it from them as an incredible or an impracticable superstition of the West, and but for the mighty force of the Western States they would soon, unless Providence intervened, try to sweep it from their shores

    16. But, if these pretended followers really think - as they say that they do - that the teachings of Jesus are ridiculous and impracticable, why continue the hypocritical farce of calling themselves `Christians' when they don't really believe in or follow Him at all?

    17. So, when I had pledged myself to comfort and abet Herbert in the affair of his heart by all practicable and impracticable means, and when Herbert had told me that his affianced already knew me by reputation and that I should be presented to her, and when we had warmly shaken hands upon our mutual

    18. Of course, even now it was still possible to buy out the Company, but it was supposed that it would cost so much that it was generally considered to be impracticable

    19. Nor would it have been impracticable, in the observance of majestic ceremonies, to combine mirthful recreation with solemnity, and give, as it were, a grotesque and brilliant embroidery to the great robe of state, which a nation, at such festivals, puts on

    20. Thus he nicked, at length, the warm and insufficient orifice; but he was made to find no breach impracticable, and mine, though so often entered, was still far from wide enough to take him easily in

    21. He saw just the same thing in the socialistic books: either they were the beautiful but impracticable fantasies which had fascinated him when he was a student, or they were attempts at improving, rectifying the economic position in which Europe was placed, with which the system of land tenure in Russia had nothing in common

    22. His examination confirmed the impression that some craft had been run over and sunk, but it was impracticable on such a dark night to look for the positive proof of floating wreckage

    23. He would talk of doing impracticable things

    24. Tess could eventually join him there, and perhaps in that country of contrasting scenes and notions and habits the conventions would not be so operative which made life with her seem impracticable to him here

    25. If [a ratio of] $1 of stock to $1 of bonds is taken as the “normal” requirement for an industrial company, would it not be sound to demand, say, a $2-to-$1 ratio when stock prices are inflated, and conversely to be satisfied with a 50-cent-to-$1 ratio when quotations are far below intrinsic values? But this suggestion is impracticable for two reasons, the first being that it implies that the bond buyer can recognize an unduly high or low level of stock prices, which is far too complimentary an assumption

    26. Impracticable to Enforce Basic Legal Rights of Lien Holder

    27. This tendency has been repeatedly deplored by all authorities, but accepted as inevitable because poor earnings made stock sales impracticable

    28. Hence it is impracticable, and in a sense unfair, to require investment banking houses to act as impartial advisers to buyers of securities; and, broadly speaking, it is unwise for the investor to rely primarily upon the advice of sellers of securities

    29. Critics of the tax have asserted that these methods are inconvenient or impracticable

    30. “Catching the Swings” on a Marginal Basis Impracticable

    31. From the ordinary speculative standpoint, involving purchases on margin and short sales, this method of operation must be set down as impracticable

    32. “Recent trading observations and experiments have convinced me that it is impracticable and almost impossible to gauge the extent of a movement by its initial fluctuations

    33. How does the foregoing inquiry apply to the enterprising investor who would like to make individual selections that will yield superior results? It suggests first of all that he is taking on a difficult and perhaps impracticable assignment

    34. Continuing to represent the liberation of the serfs as impracticable, he arranged for the erection of large buildings- schools, hospitals, and asylums- on all the estates before the master arrived

    35. the fact that it was impracticable outside and in

    36. I meant to become her governess once more, but I soon found this impracticable; my time and cares were now required by another—my husband needed them all

    37. He really felt conscientiously vexed on the occasion; for the very exertion to which he had limited the performance of his promise to his father was by this arrangement rendered impracticable

    38. But I fear, from what you have yourself described to be his properties, that this will prove impracticable; and thus, while every proper measure is pursued, you should make up your mind to disappointment

    39. “We arrived at the foot of a hill, the ascent of which was rendered quite impracticable by reason of its steepness and the ice with which it was covered

    40. A fine idea, no doubt, but quite as impracticable as Shigalov's theories, which you referred to just now so contemptuously

    41. How he had gone off, how the insane, impracticable idea of his flight came to be carried out, of that later

    42. The false opinion of the scientific men, that the teaching of the supernatural forms the essence of the Christian teaching, and that Christ's vital teaching is impracticable, together with the misconception which arises from this false opinion, forms the second cause why Christianity is not understood by the men of our time

    43. "A doctrine which requires so much that is impracticable is more hurtful than one which demands of men only what is in proportion to their strength

    44. Another reason may be found in the conviction that it is impracticable, and that it may be replaced by the doctrine of love of humanity

    45. , how to render the service of the people impracticable for them

    46. Continuing to represent the liberation of the serfs as impracticable, he arranged for the erection of large buildings—schools, hospitals, and asylums—on all the estates before the master arrived

    47. The mistaken notion of scientific men that the essence of Christianity consists in the supernatural, and that its moral teaching is impracticable, constitutes another reason of the failure of men of the present day to understand Christianity

    48. Another reason is the mistaken notion that it is impracticable, and ought to be replaced by the doctrine of love for humanity

    49. And it is therefore impossible and unprofitable to think at present of anything so impracticable as the suppression of authority

    50. Shortly after, Miranda, under the name of Martin, and a number of persons hitherto unknown to your petitioners, appeared on board, in the character of his officers; which, for the first time, awakened strong suspicions in the breasts of your petitioners that they had been entrapped into the power of wicked and designing men, and that, too, when retreat was impracticable

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    impracticable infeasible unfeasible unworkable unreasonable obstinate recalcitrant headstrong refractory unyielding