Use "imprecation" em uma frase
imprecation frases de exemplo
1. She reddened slightly at the imprecation contained within his scoffing remark
2. There sounded a startled imprecation, and the voice called warily
3. With an impatient imprecation he seized her slim shoulders and shook her until she gasped for breath
4. 'Crom!' It was an explosive imprecation from Conan's lips as he started up, his great fists clenched into hammers, his veins on his temples knotting, his features convulsed
5. stony silence met his imprecation
6. ” Her voice was tranquillity itself washing over his stupefied state and he let himself be pulled away from the bar and exit the pub with only one further imprecation aimed at the barman’s questionable sexual habits with a horse
7. It was believed that after a protective imprecation was breathed up the sprig of dried thyme, and then gently burned on an open flame, it would repel evil spirits and spells
8. After breathing the imprecation upon the knotted strands of hair, she tied them to a stone, and threw them down the well that was at the back of her cottage
9. awful imprecation uttered before the judgment seat of Pilate: 'His blood be on us, and on our children Matthew 27:25'"
10. So terrible was the visited that awful imprecation uttered
11. awful imprecation uttered before the judgment seat of Pilate: 'His blood be on us, and on our
12. So terrible was the visited that awful imprecation uttered before the judgment seat of Pilate: 'His blood be on us, and on our children Matthew 27:25'" “The Great Controversy,” 1911, The nation of Israel sowed a cross and reaped thousands of crosses
13. So terrible was the visited that awful imprecation uttered before the judgment seat of Pilate: 'His blood be on us, and on our children Matthew 27:25'" The Great Controversy
14. than his bare deserts had he not abridged his transgression by affirming with a horrid imprecation (for he swore a round hand) that he was as good a son of the true fold as ever drew breath
15. " He was happy to combine in the same imprecation the two things which he most detested, Prussia and England
16. An old Chinese imprecation, shouted at the edges of crops to guarantee a good harvest against the devastation of the envious gods
17. Miss Herron caught just a glimpse of their white faces, and the end of their father’s torrent of imprecation