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impute frases de exemplo
1. If, during the sixty-four first years of the present century, therefore, the average money price of corn has fallen somewhat below what it had been during the greater part of the last century, we should, in the same manner, impute this change, not to any fall in the real value of corn, but to some rise in the real value of silver in the European market
2. If the former have not been as much below the general average as the latter have been above it, we ought probably to impute it to the bounty
3. In years of scarcity, the inferior ranks of people impute their distress to the avarice of the corn merchant, who becomes the object of their hatred and indignation
4. Though the period of the greatest prosperity and improvement of Great Britain has been posterior to that system of laws which is connected with the bounty, we must not upon that account, impute it to those laws
5. It is not for me to impute the blame
6. 19 And said to the king, Let not my Lord impute iniquity to me, neither do you remember that which your servant did perversely the
7. (This also means that God does not impute sin to us when there is no awareness of sin in our conscious mind)
8. ‘You’re nothing but a whore,’ he whispered venomously, ‘to impute such disgusting intentions from my innocent words and touch
9. impute or credit to their account their trespasses
10. Now, can an opposer, after all of that, object and disparage this noble messenger or impute to Al'lah what he imputes of cruelty toward man? Truly, He the Almighty, always tries to return His obedient to the right way: "…Yet, the unbelievers wrangle about Al'lah though He tries a lot with them
11. I will have completely changed, and we shall now impute I in
12. their parts, their bases and the minds that impute them; and
13. With respect to the Bible, to impute a highflown metaphorical style to its writers as their ordinary habit is manifestly a delusion
14. But that she may not impute to us any harshness or want of politeness, let us tell her that there is an ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry; of which there are many proofs, such as the saying of 'the yelping hound howling at her lord,' or of one 'mighty in the vain talk of fools,' and 'the mob of sages circumventing Zeus,' and the 'subtle thinkers who are beggars after all'; and there are innumerable other signs of ancient enmity between them
15. The inquest was held on the following Monday morning, and as both Rushton and Hunter thought it possible that Barrington might attempt to impute some blame to them, they had worked the oracle and had contrived to have several friends of their own
16. We impute it, therefore, solely to the disease in his own eye and heart, that the minister, looking upward to the zenith, beheld there the appearance of an immense letter,—the letter A,—marked out in lines of dull red light
17. 10: Using PROC FCMP to Impute Dates with Annotation for Imputed Dates
18. This example defines a format that will take a date, and if any component is missing, it will impute a value for display on the report along with an indicator of which component is missing
19. 7 created a function to be used as a format for our dates, which will impute a replacement date string when provided with a date string that may or may not have missing date components
20. We're going to use the format $MKDT to impute the dates we can, and annotate each date that was imputed in the output string
21. However, this might not be what you want, as your situation might call for an algorithm to impute datetimes with missing months and/or days, and/or times instead
22. ‘Finally one cannot impute the nonreceipt of our dispatch of Bolkonski’s arm to indicate that he had now quite finished
23. Viewed in this context, it is astonishing that any rational investor would impute lower expected returns from falling stock prices
24. Captain Davis, who lay with his head on a gun, was thrown out of his cabin!" Lionel then goes on to impute the shock to an earthquake, and seems to substantiate the imputation by stating that a great earthquake, somewhere about that time, did actually do great mischief along the Spanish land
25. I impute it, though, to their naturally unctuous natures, being rendered still more unctuous by the nature of their vocation, and especially by their pursuing their game in those frigid Polar Seas, on the very coasts of that Esquimaux country where the convivial natives pledge each other in bumpers of train oil
26. None could a trace of that impute,
27. Keller, why does your article impute things to my father without the slightest foundation? He never squandered the funds of his company nor ill-treated his subordinates, I am absolutely certain of it; I cannot imagine how you could bring yourself to write such a calumny! But your assertions concerning Pavlicheff are absolutely intolerable! You do not scruple to make a libertine of that noble man; you call him a sensualist as coolly as if you were speaking the truth, and yet it would not be possible to find a chaster man
28. Thirdly: ‘The president, in his summing up, contrary to the direct decree of section 1, statute 801, of the criminal code, omitted to inform the jury what the judicial points are that constitute guilt; and did not mention that having admitted the fact of Maslova having administered the poison to Smelkoff, the jury had a right not to impute the guilt of murder to her, since the proofs of wilful intent to deprive Smelkoff of life were absent, and only to pronounce her guilty of carelessness resulting in the death of the merchant, which she did not desire
29. “Finally one cannot impute the nonreceipt of our dispatch of November 18
30. Perhaps, sir, I may be answered: "Though all you have said be true, though our former prosperity exists no longer, it is ungenerous, it is unjust to impute the change to the agency of the Administration
31. Jackson, Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty, with impunity, to abuse their Executive Government, and to impute to it with impunity the detestable charge of untruth
32. Jackson in his letter of the 11th of October, in allusion to the circumstances which "could only lead to the disavowal," and to the knowledge of them by our administration, which prevented their complaints to him on his arrival, as to make them convey an idea that a distinct and different ground of disavowal existed than that which his Government and himself had before repeatedly assigned; to impute to him the insinuation that the restricted authority of Mr
33. For what purpose, sir, let me ask, have we adopted the resolution preceding this? Was it for the purpose of destroying the Government? Was it that the members of that Army should sheath their swords in the bowels of the liberties of their country? Who will impute to this body so disgraceful a motive? Are you about to raise a standing army, not for the purpose of making preparations for war, but with a view of intimidating Great Britain to recede from her unjust infractions of our neutral rights? Do not think that she will be intimidated by any preparations which you can make, however formidable they may be
34. The more I observe of this phenomenon, the more I am inclined to impute it to the agency of frost
1. 13(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law
2. And though the bounty which has taken place through the greater part of this century, must always raise the price of corn somewhat higher than it otherwise would be in the actual state of tillage ; yet, as in the course of this century, the bounty has had full time to produce all the good effects commonly imputed to it to encourage tillage, and thereby to increase the quantity of corn in the home market, it may, upon the principles of a system which I shall explain and examine hereafter, be supposed to have done something to lower the price of that commodity the one way, as well as to raise it the other
3. The great rise in the price both of hogs and poultry, has, in Great Britain, been frequently imputed to the diminution of the number of cottagers and other small occupiers of land ; an event which has in every part of Europe been the immediate forerunner of improvement and better cultivation, but which at the same time may have contributed to raise the price of those articles, both somewhat sooner and somewhat faster than it would otherwise have risen
4. The unfortunate wretches accused of this latter crime were not more innocent of the misfortunes imputed to them, than those who have been accused of the former
5. represented both these and the Hamburgh company as extremely oppressive, and imputed to their bad management the low state of the trade, which we at that time carried on to the countries comprehended within their respective charters
6. Though Minorca has been twice taken, and is now probably lost for ever, that disaster has never been imputed to any neglect in the executive power
7. Their ill success was imputed, by their factors and agents, to the extortion and oppression of the Spanish government ; but was, perhaps, principally owing to the profusion and depredations of those very factors and agents; some of whom are said to have acquired great fortunes, even in one year
8. Rom 5:12 - 17 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law
9. He might have imputed to it, likewise, the declension of agriculture, it being imposed not only upon manufactures, but upon the rude produce of the land
10. “For until the law was in the world: but is not imputed when there is no law” (Romans
11. But of course this can’t even be imputed to have been anywhere near to the actual time of the flood
12. “Evil: Violating or inconsistent with the moral law…Due to (actual or imputed) bad character or conduct
13. 52 Was not Abraham found faithful in temptation, and it was imputed to him for
14. to me what was imputed: His life has to be imparted
15. 18 And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed to him who offers it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul who eats of it shall bear his iniquity
16. shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniq uity
17. tabernacle of the LORD; blood shall be imputed unto that man; he hath shed blood; and that man shall be cut off from among his
18. 52 Was not Abraham found faithful in temptation and it was imputed to him for righteousness? 53 Joseph in the time of his distress kept the commandment and was made Lord of Egypt
19. react to imputed associations, so be prepared for the consequences of attributing relations
20. For God’s Word says, “sin is not imputed when there is no law” (Romans 5:13)
21. for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law
22. Romans 5:13 - for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law
23. overtly and loudly without violating a sense of public propriety or their imputed
24. hell do have their sins imputed to their account
25. trespasses have not been imputed to them because they have been
26. Those in hell whose sins have been imputed to them must
27. That frustration man touches is imputed to many factors such as: the arms race and the heated struggle among the great powers for controlling the lands, the horrible scientific progress, and the insufficiency of the laws which fit this great technical rising and the lack of their flexibility
28. been imputed to us
29. Basis of imputation all phenomena are imputed upon their parts,
30. is imputed by mind in dependence upon its basis of imputation
31. Imputed object an object imputed by the mind in dependence
32. they are imputed by mind in dependence upon a suitable basis
33. We then believe that our I, which is imputed upon
34. imputed upon our present body and mind will cease at the
35. end of the death process, whereas our self imputed upon our
36. is imputed upon a collection of many factors and therefore lacks
37. imputed upon the mental factors that are its basis of imput-
38. Our I is imputed upon the collection of all these parts
39. its singularity is merely imputed, like an army that is merely
40. imputed upon a collection of soldiers or a forest that is imputed
41. because it is just imputed upon a plurality – its parts
42. is just imputed upon a singularity – the collection of its parts
43. So remember this always: words are arbitrary sounds that carry no weight apart from that imputed on them via socio-cultural programming
44. collapse can be imputed to the voracity of both the borrowers and their lenders, considering
45. his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if
46. "And therefore it was imputed unto him for righteousness
47. Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our offenses and was raised for our justification" (Romans 4:22-25)
48. Now when it is considered that Christ's words were for the most part uttered in the hearing of the two hostile sects of Pharisees and Sadducees, whose controversy on immortality gave a special interest and a peculiar edge to every term employed to denote a future slate, the conclusion appears inevitable, that Christ could have intended by His language only the sense here imputed to it
49. All such statements, however commonly made aforetime, or unfairly imputed in our time by Unitarian writers, are perversions of Scripture, and have led to much reactionary feeling against any doctrine of Christ’s atonement for the sins of the world
50. IT is well known, notwithstanding the preceding arguments, that there are three or four passages in the reports of Christ's discourses, and two in the Apocalypse, which are considered by many pious and able men to contain statements so precise, distinct, and decisive, in affirmation of the awful doctrine of the eternal suffering of the wicked, as to compel us to affix a corresponding meaning to the whole mass of prophetic and apostolic language, which, it is generally admitted, must otherwise bear the sense which we have imputed to it
1. It is to the alcavala, accordingly, that Ustaritz imputes the ruin of the manufactures of Spain
2. 2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile
3. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes not sin and in whose mouth there is no guile
4. Now, can an opposer, after all of that, object and disparage this noble messenger or impute to Al'lah what he imputes of cruelty toward man? Truly, He the Almighty, always tries to return His obedient to the right way: "…Yet, the unbelievers wrangle about Al'lah though He tries a lot with them
5. As well might Christ be supposed to sanction Josephus's account of the Resurrection as a 'passage of righteous souls into other bodies,’ by a sort of transmigration (a notion which he imputes to the Pharisees)
6. The CALL IS8601_CONVERT routine imputes complete datetime values by using default values for missing components, so it has supplied 1 for missing months and days, and zeros for hours, minutes, and seconds
1. Their black hearts, imputing their own methods to others, suspected a ruse; they thought they had been betrayed, and the men were going to fall upon them; but their apprehensions were soon quieted when the troops stopped on the edge of the crowd, where they could feast their eyes on that flabby, yellow, but royal countenance
2. that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing
3. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their
4. situation, imputing evil motives, and judging incorrectly without
5. Another kind of wrong thinking is imputing evil motives
6. We bless thee that thou wast in Christ reconciling the world to thyself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and that thou hast committed unto us the word of reconciliation
7. ’ It was God who 'reconciled the world to himself, or atoned it by Jesus Christ, not imputing our trespasses unto us
8. This one sin of imputing Christ's miracles to devilish magic is unpardonable, here or hereafter
9. "What are you thinking of?" asked the abbe smilingly, imputing the deep abstraction in
10. "The sweetness, the beauty, the witchery of your younger daughter, Colonel Munro, might explain my motives without imputing to me this injustice
11. I am sure I said as much as that and more; and I should have said still more, if I had been quite certain of his meaning anything seriously; but I did not like to be, I could not bear to be, imputing more than might be intended