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    in favor frases de exemplo

    in favor

    1. He brought up a diagnostic screen, Diam couldn't see them from his direction, and Bahkmar tried to be as attentive as Diam said, without preamble, "It has been brought to my attention that you are not in favor of the council's decision?"

    2. abandoned in favor of more advanced procedures

    3. in favor of the subject is amazing

    4. The remaining members voted in favor of Jalan's motion, including a weak hand raise from Ningla

    5. “To gain favor in Kassikan politics

    6. Many on the committee had been entangled in various intrigues in the past, hoping to gain favor and win themselves a speakership or better quarters, so he shouldn’t ignore the possibility that someone or a friend of someone on the committee was involved in Tdeshi’s overdose

    7. “I’m in favor of both

    8. Desa would have just walked back but she remembered that Alan didn’t have anything warm with him, and tried to jog a little bit, but soon gave that up in favor of a loose amble

    9. the verdict would still be two to one in favor of execution

    10. could see the crowd was turning overwhelmingly in favor of Theoton

    11. In favor of the idea

    12. He said my call to count people in favor of

    13. It seems that a lot can be said in favor of…the mellow fellow

    14. Conditional Immortality himself and has come out publicly in favor of it

    15. has come out strongly in favor of this position


    17. You are biased in favor of women

    18. (Note: Most of these methods have been used a long time ago but were dropped in favor of modern medicine

    19. Recall that General Jimmy Doolittle was not in favor of a carrier-based attack on Japan in retaliation for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, maintaining as he did that such an attack would be both unnecessary and suicidal

    20. Both Grant and Sherman were in favor of the idea, as both had been

    21. He was not in favor of the War between the States, but when it came to decision time, he felt his place was with his homeland, the South

    22. Those in favor of allowing a child to come to term do not deal in terms of „choice

    23. a personal interest in the case and had come down in favor of Jhordel

    24. Inherent in the selection process is a disturbing tendency common among most attorneys of ―nullifying‖ clear-minded, informed individuals in favor of unsophisticated, impressionable types who may otherwise render a ―favorable‖ verdict predicated upon individual biases and pedestrian prejudices likely to promote the arguments of prosecutors and defense attorneys alike

    25. The gradual erosion of church authority, grounded on the written body of teachings of the Church, in favor of moral and ethical palliatives, has occasioned special accommodations for private viewpoints rather than conformance with precedential systems of principle teachings designed to guide and to promote proper Christian Attitudes

    26. The skeptic or nonbeliever, on the other hand, is likely to repudiate the divine ―promises‖ of timeless standards; that is to say, of rewards and punishments, in favor of transitory principles lacking (eternal) assurances and meaning

    27. same thing, I suppose!) however, having renounced her feminine charms and luring appeal in favor of a Feminist Identity that is appealing in its (own) inestimable manner, depending on one‘s point of view

    28. 3) A gradual departure from the Church‘s principled teachings in favor of social reform

    29. Pushing out the hand always, in favor of their own way

    30. Rejecting The Healer, in favor of their own way

    31. ‖ In either case, the general impression of unfulfilled promises has sparked defections in favor of a ―religious‖ culture perceived as inclusive (sic) and generally more responsive to the ―spiritual‖

    32. (Read: Conservative Blacks!) Although it is not my intention to marginalize the organization‘s historical importance (or value) for peoples of color, its neo-radical, oftentimes racist agenda has long abandoned its intended purpose of advancing civil rights and equal opportunity in favor of consolidating a political power base in a manner that incorrectly defines the ―needs‖ of its ―constituents‖ by propagating the meanest forms of race-baiting that (otherwise) serve to advance political ambition by fanning artificial expectations that have lost much of their historical relevancy

    33. Most who argue in favor of the bomb's use or make excuses for the mass deaths of Japanese civilians have a very racist image of the Japanese

    34. That ―manly‖ specimens have seemingly fallen out in favor of ―strong,‖ sensitive Beta Types (where‘s John Wayne when you really need him?) is sending the wrong message to impressionable young women who easily buy into the notion that women are more than capable of holding their own against full-grown men twice their size

    35. Disillusioned African Americans, persuaded that the Christian Community has fallen short of its intended promises of a color-blind society; that is to say, that the Christian Community has tacitly supported racist designs over the years while doing little to improve social conditions, have therefore decided to exchange their Christian identities (including their names) in favor of a religion perceived (more) receptive to their social and spiritual needs

    36. These (latent) voters, understood as the ―Silent Majority‖, had been posed since the late sixties to launch a pre-emptive strike against their own (Democratic) party in favor of Conservative candidates perceived as sympathetic to populist viewpoints that made many of them feel like outcasts in their own party

    37. Republican Party elites oftentimes remain indifferent, except during the primary season, to blue collar voters seeking a viable alternative to a party that has abandoned its customary standards in favor of secular viewpoints (seemingly) at odds with ―working class‖ values

    38. He cast that “no” vote, just one week after he had declared in a program on television that “it would be irresponsible not to vote in favor

    39. With Canada pushing for his extradition, her arguments in favor of marriage carried a lot more weight than just promises of sexual bliss during conjugal visits

    40. Wary of entering Krosniewice, they left the main road before they reached the town in favor of a rutted track that led eastward

    41. She found what appeared to be ‘the line’ and joined its rear, but it dissolved before her, as the sales people ignored those at its head in favor of whomever shouted loudest

    42. “I’ll say,” I said, “some are adamantly opposed and some are adamantly in favor of city interventions…though some seem to be pretty self-interested, it seems to me

    43. A memorable result of this meeting was the edict of tolerance in favor of religious freedom for all sects

    44. The environmentalists claim that they are in favor of wind generation and solar power but they oppose

    45. voted in favor in the House and a similar amendment was defeated in the Senate by 53 to 46

    46. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that President Bush was also in favor of the Law of the Sea

    47. Are we going to see other state or federal officials or judges accept international laws in favor of our

    48. which repealed the Compromise of 1820 in favor of popular sovereignty of all states

    49. Melissa and Stockton had each prepared to make his or her case, one in favor, one against

    50. It also mandated trade conditions, land sales, and treaty agreements in favor of the U

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    Sinônimos para "in favor"

    for it not opposed approving supportive enthusiastic supporting favoured favored <i>[US]</i>