He was just starting his tenancy with Leand at the time, Tdeshi was thirty two decades in the future
Ensure that they are not beneficiaries or minors to avoid complications in the future
“As about the third child I intend to have in the future, I have already promised that to Nicolas, another colleague!” she went on hastily
This gives your followers more to see, more to enjoy and a longer glimpse of wheat's to come in the future
Gilla is floating round the house singing to herself and, although I am delighted that she is so happy, quite frankly, it gets on my nerves and only serves to point up my own pretty parlous situation with regard to relationships … their non-existence generally and, more specifically, the chances of one actually manifesting itself at any time in the future
Sometimes in the future
A story began to emerge; a story of what was to take place in the future
I knew we would need riders in the future
He thanked Jake for his hospitality, and asked to see him again in the future
to trouble in the future
your date that they are worth it but might also convey the feeling that there is another date in the future
this may be brutally honest it will save you a lot of heartache in the future
He would have to watch himself in the future when around her
In the future, it hopes that Federal agencies will publish grant announcements electronically, in a single format and on a single web site (www
in terms of avoiding trapped emotions in the future
In the future, I see a world where the best of all possible
recent, but we are more at the moment than in the past or in the future
potential in both the present time and in the future
He told me not to compare him to other men in my life, in the present or from the past or in the future
That can help our papooses and descendants in the future
Afterward, Brownie started with her shoulders and massaged and kissed her down to her ankles while she told him the dream she had and what she wanted to do in the future
Next time … hmmm … although she didn’t repudiate the idea that she would need to take refuge in the house at some time in the future, at present, there was little sign that it would be necessary soon
have to be a lot more careful in the future – keep his
' His own tour of the factory could be got at any time in the future and therefore he was prodded out of the house before noon in the company of Chloe and Kaitlyn
But are we looking at it the right way? Shouldn’t we be thinking more along the lines that the only certainty is that you have today - making today matter, rather than living in the future all the time?
If that was acceptable, she could be content to live in this basin in the future
Whether she’d slipped in to the past or not, whether the old lady was a ghost, no matter what strange events lay in the future for her, she knew, this was where she was going to grow old
in the future,' said Henri affably
“See that you’re more careful in the future
Actually, he said she'd moved the other three, and that at some time in the future, they would actually brake or straighten themselves
God sees what we will never see in the flesh; he sees what will be in the future, and he sees what he alone is able to do
carelessness in the future
Alfred had a feel for the time delay and moved the android's arm to intercept where he was going to be a third of a second in the future, and grabbed him by the leg
So far I have had only one meeting with them, but they asked that I stay around and consult with them and some of their assistants in the future
"It will save a lot of trouble in the future, believe me Lemoss
What I considered a frozen reality could very well be improved in the future
One interesting point in the notion of time travel is that it creates for us the possibility of correcting our errors of the past while projecting the new reality in the future
In the future, pay
Something looming in the future
Steve, Apple could well plummet in the future (as happened in the past when
Is there potential for giving more work to them in the future if needed?
There was an irony here, as Monk-Key 1 saw Itself as more humane and self-conscious then the humans It viewed in the mass media—and was very curious about The lives it would intervene with in the future
You can always build other ideas in the future,
that he wil handle in the same way in the future as
unlikely to buy from you in the future
they will not believe anything you say in the future
response rate in the future is going to be
opposition in the future will not be equally
Do you normally barge into people's houses and throw them into the wall? Is this a psychotic tendency I should look forward to in the future?” Griffin stood and glared at Savannah
“Don’t take this wrong Tygo, but I have no intention of spending the holidays with you in the future, especially the way this conversation is going at the moment! And to answer your question, ultimately all planetary organisms come from the same single source, or so it is proposed
They were not from the same nation and a relationship could complicate matters for her in the future
He was thus placed under house arrest (so he wouldn’t be running off at the mouth again in the future with all that nonsense of his), and remained as a vilified, maligned, in-home prisoner for the last eight years of his life until his death
The Greek tense is in the future
We have images for every age we were, and ideas about how we will be in the future
We remember how we have failed in the past, and have ideas about how we can avoid failing in the future
We remember the times we were happy in the past, and have beliefs about what it will take to make us happy in the future
Sometime in the future it could hitch a ride inside my mind
It couldn't abide the thought that they might in the future master themselves
We hope to continue doing business with you in the future
I hope we do not have to address this matter again in the future
As such, cases of natural remissions and telepathic communication will be more common in the future
resulting in more sales now and in the future
It was some time in the future, I knew – at least a century
“We might be standing in the future location on this planet’s first ski resort
Until now Torbin had no way of knowing he was truly heading back to earth, or that he would not be displaced to some distant time in the future, removed once more from everyone he knew
He would meet God in the future and have to answer for his sins
It is also impossible for us to collect any evidence relating to aspects that will only occur in the future
If it was designed outside of time and space, it should be able to anticipate questions that would be asked in the future (well after it was written) and also provide answers from within the same document
17 An ELS will normally provide hidden information on events and topics throughout history and even some events that we are expecting to happen in the future
If the serpent in the desert is in any way conveying a message about events that were to occur in the future, looking at this logically, we have in the desert people who dying because of their involvement with sin (being bitten by the serpents)
There are thousands of models in the Bible that are used in similar fashion, where a situation in the past points to an event in the future - where it carries a message that could be understood by looking at the event as it occurred in the past
D: -- finding that the life of a person who will exist at some point in the future, after the text was penned, would form an integral part of the design that is encountered in the Bible, is completely outside of the realms of occurring by chance alone
Here was the rub: every event that he had experienced, every memory could not exist in the future beyond the date of his destination; a curious duality of something that had been erased and yet for him evidentially never existed
How would he have known that the Bible, as we have it today, would one day exist? How could he predict what would happen in the future and know the numerical requirements, which he would have to adhere to, for including codes about the future into his writing? Every single letter in the Bible fits perfectly into a masterfully designed, fully integrated compilation that can only serve its intended purpose, if each individual letter is in its intended designed position and remained there over millennia
Why did Jesus pause and not read the entire passage? Would the prophecy’s fulfilment be true if he included the part that was left out and told his peers that the prophecy was fulfilled on that day? This gives us a clue to something which is in the future
C: -- Ensuring that historic events occur in such a way that would one day provide a model of events that would happen at specific times in the future and also serve as pointers to milestones which are achieved as time passes
He did not only intend to predict events in the future, but guided people in what they should name their children, so that the names would one day fit into the majestic design that would complete the structure, design and modelling within the book
From a human perspective it would be impossible to write a piece of literature and include a hidden message within that literature about a person who will be living in the future, who would become famous in the future and to be intimately familiar with what that person would do during his lifetime and then include this information in a coded message of more than 600 characters long
With this track record of absolute accuracy, how should we approach information that is provided in the Bible with regards to events that will only happen in the future or information about the Creation account? Should these be treated differently? Are we supposed to apply our own interpretation of information contained in the Bible for which we are unable to provide verifiable evidence? Especially when we know that for all cases in which we are able to collect data, the Bible’s accuracy is proven to be 100% true
How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects - even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?
Based on the Bible’s accuracy, when it comes to prophecy, we know with 100% certainty that this will happen sometime in the future
If the Bible anticipates events that would happen in the future, should we not then measure information, doctrines and “facts” that are forced onto us in today’s world, against that which is written in the Bible? Should we search for truth and answers to questions about eternity anywhere else, if this Book is the only document on Earth that can be proven to have originated from beyond our space-time and provides ample information about the topics we would like to know about? Would it be wise to adopt beliefs that are based on human hypotheses and theories alone - especially if there is mounting evidence against those theories? Would it be wise to risk one’s eternal destiny to follow after conjured up human fantasies and philosophies that have no provable basis for authenticity?
their visits to Honolulu and one that would be of historical value in the future
But I was to spend many hours in the future looking through sniper plates sometimes successfully and sometimes not but always playing the cat and mouse game of hunt the sniper
It has happened too many times in the history of civilization, and it will probably happen in the future
As Adem understood it, this meant his Battle Angel would not be the same when he returned to Kismeria a thousand years or more in the future
Adem could imagine their duty would become protecting the Ael Tarael from madmen Alit’aren in the future
” I could see what she meant now and I thought about Helen maybe sometime in the future she would like to come and see my grave
reevaluate his plans and what he would do in the future
discover new sources of energy in the future that will put the
Would it be that one day – in some unimaginable time in the future – they would be able to walk on the decontaminated terrafirma? The representative put forward the option of self-termination
He thought seriously about the answer, searching through every aspect of his life and every possibility of life in the future, before coming to his bleak conclusion
and shockingly at some point in the future, they find themselves craving that experience
“I’ll try to be more quiet in the future,” he grunted sourly, not pleased with being reminded
My gut says that justice was served and you’ll think twice about flippin’ your lid in the future
The moment you pay a bribe (relaxing your standards) you opened yourself to continuous blackmail in the future
That was still in the future
Longhaired liberals should note this very well when they remove military ranks and structures in the future