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    in those days

    1. He and Leand used to troll for maidens at the Stone Seaside in those days

    2. There was quite a spectacle in some media about the 'gents from the stars' courting in the Yakhan in those days

    3. For all the Troll might of arms, the telling factor over time had been the tiny babies produced by Elven woman so that almost all mothers survived, instead of the average Troll woman's chance in those days, dying in her fourth or fifth childbirth

    4. His interest is first shown in Exodus 2:11 - “And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their

    5. We became a single entity in those days and nights at the disused office, pooling our strength and our wits in this endless game of survival

    6. In those days, conditioner was a luxury and she also

    7. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: and I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: and it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved

    8. From the gossip columns there'd been veiled rumours of his associations with certain criminal elements, but then I'd imagine after-show parties and nightclubs must have been brimming with suspicious characters in those days

    9. He had known many women of her race in those days, the Megnor were powerful and respected, even as God of the Nycoba in their days of Empire he wouldn't challenge any of the great kingdoms of the deeps, and they were well beyond the heights of their power by those days

    10. He remembered well that in those days he had not been sought by women

    11. In those days she was involved in all the comings and goings around the port and nothing moved without her say-so

    12. In those days it was customary for large households to have a resident Gottesman who not only worked in the household but also served the surrounding area

    13. "He was a busy boy in those days when he was stealing half our clock cycles, he detailed out all kinds of different societies

    14. In those days, when the world was very different to this one, bachelor gentlemen of a certain class and attitude were often to be found in the company of young girls and boys

    15. As was the custom in those days, the little girl’s mother was

    16. 19And woes unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days!

    17. Even in those days, access to the world of Faerie was variable and

    18. In those days,

    19. That past was so long gone now it couldn’t matter could it? He hardly ever associated with people he knew in those days, Enjteen was the last one

    20. Her courtship with the Brazilian back in those days had been a spectacle

    21. When he was a shift foreman like he was in those days, signing something out of stores or letting an influential person make use of a body was not as great a disaster as it would be in his present position

    22. In those days there were people following her around anywhere she went as she rushed from one meeting or lecture to another

    23. out of a lot of trouble in those days

    24. “gZarvik was down here a lot in those days, just hoping to get on that crew, but I don’t see what he could have done to make it happen?”

    25. The pin snapped off automatically in those days

    26. When I taught in those days it was often one on one, so I got close to many students

    27. In those days she

    28. 1“In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah

    29. He had participated in several launches back in those days that few history texts even took seriously

    30. Plus I was actually younger in those days; it was maybe a little easier to carry boxes that are heavy and stuff but that's the way it is

    31. I was still working in the City of Tucson Elections Bureau when I got the great idea to build my own circular poker table because back in those days at least I had a few people I could play poker with once in a while and I didn't have a good table and so I got the brilliant idea to build one

    32. At least back in those days I don't have any memories of me or anybody in my school being molested by a priest or nun

    33. Again Catholic priests and nuns in those days were completely above the law, completely above anything; they could do just about anything to you short of murder and get away with it; it's sad

    34. In those days the airlines didn't try and screw you over and charge you for every piece of luggage or carry-on

    35. Back then one of our favorite places was Arby's which basically it just opened around 1965 or ‘66 and had the best roast beef sandwiches when I look back to what the prices were in those days you know it's staggering compared to what you pay today

    36. I remember one point we went to this store and I did the dumbest thing; I bought this expensive camera back in those days good cameras were like $125

    37. Back in those days I was pretty stupid, maybe I still am, don't answer that

    38. God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh in those days and raise up a warrior bride

    39. and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days

    40. Much like Alec, Andril'lin had been feared for her ability -- which was the power to activate the Black Door -- unfortunately for her, back in those days it was thought that the Rift was best left silent

    41. So says Jehovah of Hosts: In those days ten men, out of all

    42. have given anything to be back in those days, if only she

    43. He would have had access to viable ancient media in those days

    44. Too often in those days, rash decisions cost our island dearly

    45. The towns were chiefly inhabited by tradesmen and mechanics, who seem, in those days, to have been of servile, or very nearly of servile condition

    46. In those days protection was seldom granted without a valuable consideration, and this tax might perhaps be considered as compensation for what their patrons might lose by their exemption from other taxes

    47. } To let a farm in this manner, was quite agreeable to the usual economy of, I believe, the sovereigns of all the different countries of Europe, who used frequently to let whole manors to all the tenants of those manors, they becoming jointly and severally answerable for the whole rent ; but in return being allowed to collect it in their own way, and to pay it into the king's exchequer by the hands of their own bailiff, and being thus altogether freed from the insolence of the king's officers; a circumstance in those days regarded as of the greatest importance

    48. In order to understand this, it must be remembered, that, in those days, the sovereign of perhaps no country in Europe was able to protect, through the whole extent of his dominions, the weaker part of his subjects from the oppression of the great lords

    49. The English in those days had nothing wherewithal to purchase the pay and provisions of their armies in foreign countries, but either the rude produce of the soil, of which no considerable part could be spared from the home consumption, or a few manufactures of the coarsest kind, of which, as well as of the rude produce, the transportation was too expensive

    50. The moving picture scanned the trail as if in a low flying air craft sailing over the facsimile of the trail as it had been in those days

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