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    in vain frases de exemplo

    in vain

    1. that, there is nothing you do spiritually that is in vain,

    2. forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the

    3. “Not again,” Henry said as he lifted up the paper and got a napkin, trying in vain to wipe the jam off the paper and succeeding only in smearing it around even more

    4. the city, the watchman waketh but in vain

    5. Conclusion: From now on Themis is not only uninterested in me but he also ignores me completely! A week later I will repeat the magic ritual -in vain; I could as well say the situation is getting worse and worse: Now Themis is courting all women in our class except me, especially when I am present! He is flirting everyone but me! He even arranges outings or day trips with them in such an ostentatious manner that I -as well as the whole gym- can hear everything; needless to say, I am never given the chance to be a member of that enviable party

    6. I try to make her change her mind, assuring her that I have been in this cafeteria before, that the environment is alright, that there is no danger -in vain: Helen remains as solid as a rock

    7. I appreciated his attempt to cheer me up at this hard time -but it was in vain: I was still feeling miserable, as if all the whole world were falling apart before me

    8. Even though I searched for her, it was always in vain

    9. Paul wrote, “We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain” ( 2 Corinthians

    10. He tries yet again to reach out to the man, then to Grace and his brother, but it's all in vain

    11. Yet I tried again, in vain; my gun was nothing but a burden now and I threw it down in dismay

    12. I am all those moments when the poor creatures realise that everything is in vain

    13. into the barn but all was in vain

    14. calling a name in vain hope of command

    15. ‘Then it is up to us to ensure that his life was not in vain

    16. She was juggling in vain with a pile of parcels and bags that seemed have a life of its own

    17. Your work has not been in vain, Lintze

    18. ’ I said, trying to reproduce his exact words ‘But that it would not be in vain … or something like that

    19. Across from where I sat one of them flopped onto the bench, breathless, sipping a fizzy diet drink from a can, panting beneath the weight of her robes and fighting in vain to keep her eyes open and to keep her mouth from drooping but her personal enthusiasm cowed before the pressures and the stresses and the strains

    20. Their love was born of hope and that hope always took the form of imagined blue lines and smiling doctors, but their loving was in vain

    21. “Sisters!” She cried out in her pain, “My sisters, you have not died in vain!” She moaned loudly and twisted about

    22. that the intellect has struggled with in vain

    23. and smiling doctors, but their loving was in vain

    24. She tried in vain to move her right arm and willed herself to stop the screaming and move away from the car

    25. They made months of attempts to get in but in vain

    26. ‘Then I have waited in vain

    27. The birds sing in vain

    28. They saw her leave, they heard the news that my pleas were in vain

    29. Again, she crawled to a near halt but her fears were all in vain

    30. Heather tried in vain to pull free

    31. Confused, he had gone to the arrivals area and then tried to correct his mistake in vain; linguistic difficulties sealed his fate

    32. "Then my journey was not in vain," he grinned

    33. He tried in vain to wipe them away, her skin already cold to the touch

    34. They tried in vain to pry Zarko loose from holding her

    35. The natural advantages which one country has over another, in producing particular commodities, are sometimes so great, that it is acknowledged by all the world to be in vain to struggle with them

    36. If the mind has conditions for happiness that are impossible to meet, then a person can bounce from one activity to another, searching in vain for what will provide the happiness he or she seeks

    37. But plainly observing that it was in vain, she sighed and nodded

    38. All the members of the administration besides, trade more or less upon their own account; and it is in vain to prohibit them from doing so

    39. Isa 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else

    40. In the two verses above, the words “void” and “in vain” share the same Hebrew word “Tohoo”, which means empty

    41. They waited in vain as the passengers exited the plane

    42. That the public revenue of Great Britain can never be completely liberated, or even that any considerable progress can ever be made towards that liberation, while the surplus of that revenue, or what is over and above defraying the annual expense of the peace establishment, is so very small, it seems altogether in vain to expect

    43. Empress of the Office, where she spent most mornings on the red willow love seat that faces my desk, raising her regal head only at unfamiliar sounds: in winter, the heavy snow sliding off the metal roof and crashing to the deck below, startling us both; in early spring, the northern flickers trying in vain to pluck insulation for their nests from the roof vents; a heavy summer rain; the grinding noise of the propane truck making its first delivery in fall

    44. I tried pouring both at the front door but knew it was in vain with the rain pitter-pattering on the roof and porch

    45. James River some time before, and that further hostilities would be in vain

    46. Esther tried to straighten them but in vain, Nathan just kept on jiggling

    47. It was indeed a fall to the pride of that plenipotent monarch and his royal mother, to whom many a tortured victim had pleaded in vain for life, and at whose feet the very chiefs had to prostrate themselves, before they dared speak

    48. roused to secure his return, it was aroused in vain

    49. They tried mightily, but in vain to get pass us

    50. trying in vain to pick up something to eat

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