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    inclined to frases de exemplo

    inclined to

    1. ‘Maybe they’ll feel inclined to assist next time we ask for their cash

    2. He did not seem overly inclined to help

    3. "I'm inclined to allow we leave them here," Kelvin said, "especially when we have to consider that we don't have suitable replacement entities available without delaying our departure

    4. I am inclined to ask, “What on earth are the devout doing in the marketplaces?”

    5. That sugar, in the last analysis, can cause serious malnutrition is proved by the fact that although like alcohol, it is a quick source of energy the effects do not last and as the body becomes more and more dependent on these ‘quick lifts’ it becomes less inclined to eat nourishing food

    6. She had no idea why they were suddenly starting to be useful, but with a fresh packet of fags laying open on the kitchen table, with the kitchen cleaned, with something smelling lovely bubbling away on the cooker and with a head that was hosting a motorway maintenance crew, she didn't feel inclined to argue

    7. Old Ted, however, was not inclined to inflate his own ego

    8. Rather than picking her petals off one by one in the time honoured fashion of lovers everywhere, Tom elected, being in a romantic mood and disinclined to do harm to such a simple little bloom, to kiss each petal in turn

    9. Tom saw in her faded looks and in her dimming eyes a future that he was not inclined to embrace

    10. the one member of the state apparatus who seemed inclined to

    11. ‘Yes, I’d be inclined to agree with you there, Dave

    12. Tom elected, being in a romantic mood and disinclined to do harm

    13. future that he was not inclined to embrace

    14. Ken's brother is less inclined to dream of foreign shores

    15. Masa had not been inclined to play ball though and Brenda had been hell to work with as a result

    16. Chrissie had been inclined to stay, taking the tack that the devil of a boss she knew was better than the devil of unemployment, but her opinion changed when Masa had a go at her after the last show of the day

    17. Paint on exterior woodwork is a luxury that the residents seem ill-inclined to afford

    18. Tom was inclined to believe the old man

    19. And I am inclined to agree with them; I think there are many fantastic locations out there that would be a better place to build your office blocks,”

    20. Francois had never felt more disinclined to

    21. She’d always been more inclined to that portion of the home than Emma had

    22. he inclined to us, and heard our cry

    23. was inclined to believe him

    24. affairs, but none of them felt inclined to complain

    25. inclined to grant circumstances those who have

    26. here I am inclined to give them justice

    27. Why would you say that? I’m hardly inclined to favor the accused

    28. inclined to think they were thieves and were

    29. He would often spend up to five hours serenely munching away, consuming quantities reaching 150 pounds of the wispy delicacy each evening! (Yes, and that was without salad dressing, croutons, grated carrots, or any other complements that might be found in the typical buffet for those humans who are more health-oriented and inclined towards vegetarianism

    30. These super low-level, noise frequencies that he could proudly boast about to others (if he were inclined to do so) are maintained at a hush-hush status for reasons of his humble nature and the importance of strategic secrecy

    31. If he was lucky, some regulars would be about and inclined to offer information regarding a stranger whom they had noticed pass among them but some days earlier

    32. On and around they went, some answering, some questioning, the Elf was inclined to second Deni's concerns: “Let's continue this over breakfast

    33. “Considering your present circumstances, I’m inclined to let that outburst slide


    35. However, people who are more inclined to left-brain thinking tend not to believe in past lives and the survival of human consciousness after physical death

    36. His parents, more inclined to the noble life of luxury, had forced upon him the name Regis, but he much preferred Warlord

    37. At first he was disinclined to believe me, but when he caught on, he became excited

    38. Sebastian was still inclined to believe Mars had something to do with it

    39. Based on the findings from Aspen’s rescue, I’m inclined to drop all charges against Mars and release him and Rogan

    40. Such is the generosity of the greater part of young men, that so far from being disposed to neglect or despise the instructions of their master, provided he shews some serious intention of being of use to them, they are generally inclined to pardon a great deal of incorrectness in the performance of his duty, and sometimes even to conceal from the public a good deal of gross negligence

    41. inclined to be contentious, we have no other practice, nor

    42. But if one is inclined to be contentious, we have no other

    43. And I'm not a man who is inclined to rush headlong into things

    44. The Confederates were still a very real threat, and they would likely be less inclined to surrender to conditions

    45. would ever be inclined to harm any other member, regardless of

    46. She was inclined to agree

    47. This isn’t unusual—she’s an inquisitive child of four and is inclined to explore with her siblings the alleys of Thimble Down, as well as the fields and pastures that surround us

    48. If Amaranthe was a potential customer, though, the woman might be less inclined to point her out

    49. Her encounter that morning left her inclined to keep her face hidden

    50. Her “team,” especially Akstyr, might be more inclined to obey her if they believed she commanded Sicarius, but his cooperation was just that, cooperation

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