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indefatigable frases de exemplo
1. There, people can breathe clean, fresh, unpolluted and uncontaminated air, enjoy the pleasurable morning sun of blessed relaxation and lazy evenings among friends, and count the stars in the silent obscurity of night… and all that, accompanied by the indefatigable singing of roosters in that place of true rural rest
2. Amonas seemed to be indefatigable
3. They were dressed in silk, testifying to the indefatigable fervor of our merchants
4. I told Theodore that it would appear Henry was quite indefatigable in his conquests, unlike his younger brother Ignace, who seemed to favor a more leisurely pace
5. But they followed their indefatigable leader
6. “I have exactly the skillset and the indefatigable ego needed for the job
7. Nature is always speaking, but my indefatigable narration chatters it inaudible
8. Such as was the case in the Arianzona State University massacre last spring, where would be hero, Rush O'Really, unintentionally killed one hundred and fifty-seven fellow students, professors and staff members in his indefatigable pursuit of 'a preternaturally elusive prey', after smelling a common and well known fertilizer used by suicide bombers on a male who looked middle eastern, but who turned out to be the 387
9. “And the wealthy class will always win because they have the resources for indefatigable lying, distortion and hindrance, until those of caring conscience are exhausted, quit, die or are disappeared
10. Hence his maneuvers to meet leaders and presidents of all countries involved from the owners of the oil wells to the owners of overland routes that the pipelines would traverse, from the providers of funds to the providers of political backing, Tamraz like an indefatigable bee buzzed from flower to flower (!)
11. Other musicians, single and in groups doing their thing; the indefatigable bongo drum player, the American on a three-meter high single-wheel cycle, cracking jokes, spewing fire from his mouth, calling everyone malaka
12. The indefatigable Monette went around getting the men
13. They'd traced eight ex-mistresses so far, thanks to the indefatigable Gilbert's appetite for other people's dirty linen and Rafferty, sure there'd be more, had been disappointed to discover that Mrs
14. All this I say, exalted and esteemed lady, because it seems to me that for us to remain any longer in this castle now is useless, and may be injurious to us in a way that we shall find out some day; for who knows but that your enemy the giant may have learned by means of secret and diligent spies that I am going to destroy him, and if the opportunity be given him he may seize it to fortify himself in some impregnable castle or stronghold, against which all my efforts and the might of my indefatigable arm may avail but little? Therefore, lady, let us, as I say, forestall his schemes by our activity, and let us depart at once in quest of fair fortune; for your highness is only kept from enjoying it as fully as you could desire by my delay in encountering your adversary
15. Everything tends to show that his convelescence will be brief; and who knows even if at our next village festivity we shall not see our good Hippolyte figuring in the bacchic dance in the midst of a chorus of joyous boon-companions, and thus proving to all eyes by his verve and his capers his complete cure? Honour, then, to the generous savants! Honour to those indefatigable spirits who consecrate their vigils to the amelioration or to the alleviation of their kind! Honour, thrice honour! Is it not time to cry that the blind shall see, the deaf hear, the lame walk? But that which fanaticism formerly promised to its elect, science now accomplishes for all men
16. These two were so indefatigable in taking Don Quixote out to dance that they tired him down, not only in body but in spirit
17. Darnford was indefatigable in tracing the mysterious circumstances of his
18. Encouraged by this discovery, Edmond determined to assist the indefatigable laborer
19. Faria has dreamed this; the Cardinal Spada buried no treasure here; perhaps he never came here, or if he did, Caesar Borgia, the intrepid adventurer, the stealthy and indefatigable plunderer, has followed him, discovered his traces, pursued them as I have done, raised the stone, and descending before me, has left me nothing
20. One had never been known to follow the chase in vain; another had been indefatigable on the trail of their enemies
21. She was a perfect linguist, a first-rate artist, wrote poetry, and composed music; to the study of the latter she professed to be entirely devoted, following it with an indefatigable perseverance, assisted by a schoolfellow,—a young woman without fortune whose talent promised to develop into remarkable powers as a singer
22. It indicated the restless vivacity of her spirit, which to-day was doubly indefatigable in its tiptoe dance, because it was played upon and vibrated with her mother's disquietude
23. They were carefully examined, and showed that he was a keen student of international politics, an indefatigable gossip, a remarkable linguist, and an untiring letter-writer
24. Off Scarlett went, unwillingly for she She silently cursed the efficient and indefatigable Mrs
25. She says Lydgate is indefatigable, and is making a fine thing of Bulstrode's institution
26. next village festivity we shall not see our good Hippolyte figuring in the bacchic dance in the midst of a chorus of joyous booncompanions, and thus proving to all eyes by his verve and his capers his complete cure? Honour, then, to the generous savants! Honour to those indefatigable spirits who consecrate their vigils to the amelioration or to the alleviation of their kind! Honour, thrice honour! Is it not time to cry that the blind shall see, the deaf hear, the lame walk? But that which fanaticism formerly promised to its elect, science now accomplishes for all men
27. Charles Shepherd could safely be indefatigable, bold, grasping, and greedy of gain, like a man who resolves to snatch his fortune quibus cumque viis, and makes haste to have done with villany, that he may spend the rest of his life as an honest man
28. He has at last been unmasked and arrested, thanks to the indefatigable zeal of the public prosecutor
29. all the languages of Europe, and, what is more rare, all the languages of all interests, and speaking them; an admirable representative of the "middle class," but outstripping it, and in every way greater than it; possessing excellent sense, while appreciating the blood from which he had sprung, counting most of all on his intrinsic worth, and, on the question of his race, very particular, declaring himself Orleans and not Bourbon; thoroughly the first Prince of the Blood Royal while he was still only a Serene Highness, but a frank bourgeois from the day he became king; diffuse in public, concise in private; reputed, but not proved to be a miser; at bottom, one of those economists who are readily prodigal at their own fancy or duty; lettered, but not very sensitive to letters; a gentleman, but not a chevalier; simple, calm, and strong; adored by his family and his household; a fascinating talker, an undeceived statesman, inwardly cold, dominated by immediate interest, always governing at the shortest range, incapable of rancor and of gratitude, making use without mercy of superiority on mediocrity, clever in getting parliamentary majorities to put in the wrong those mysterious unanimities which mutter dully under thrones; unreserved, sometimes imprudent in his lack of reserve, but with marvellous address in that imprudence; fertile in expedients, in countenances, in masks; making France fear Europe and Europe France! Incontestably fond of his country, but preferring his family; assuming more domination than authority and more authority than dignity, a disposition which has this unfortunate property, that as it turns everything to success, it admits of ruse and does not absolutely repudiate baseness, but which has this valuable side, that it preserves politics from violent shocks, the state from fractures, and society from catastrophes; minute, correct, vigilant, attentive, sagacious, indefatigable; contradicting himself at times and giving himself the lie; bold against Austria at Ancona, obstinate against England in Spain, bombarding Antwerp, and paying off Pritchard; singing the Marseillaise with conviction, inaccessible to despondency, to lassitude, to the taste for the beautiful and the ideal, to daring generosity, to Utopia, to chimeras, to wrath, to vanity, to fear; possessing all the forms of personal intrepidity; a general at Valmy; a soldier at Jemappes; attacked eight times by regicides and always smiling
30. The public ministry of the day proved its indefatigable zeal in the defence of society, in this instance
31. The indefatigable bell now sounded for the fourth time: the classes were marshalled and marched into another room to breakfast: how glad I was to behold a prospect of getting something to eat! I was now nearly sick from inanition, having taken so little the day before
32. One thing specially surprised me, and that was, there were no journeyings backward and forward, no visits to Ingram Park: to be sure it was twenty miles off, on the borders of another county; but what was that distance to an ardent lover? To so practised and indefatigable a horseman as Mr
33. A more resolute, indefatigable pioneer never wrought amidst rocks and dangers
34. I heard him as I came upstairs, and the theatre is engaged of course by those indefatigable rehearsers, Agatha and Frederick
35. Dashwood remained at Norland several months; not from any disinclination to move when the sight of every well known spot ceased to raise the violent emotion which it produced for a while; for when her spirits began to revive, and her mind became capable of some other exertion than that of heightening its affliction by melancholy remembrances, she was impatient to be gone, and indefatigable in her inquiries for a suitable dwelling in the neighbourhood of Norland; for to remove far from that beloved spot was impossible
36. They were carefully examined, and showed that he was a keen student of international politics, an indefatigable gossip, a remarkable linguist, and an untiring letter writer
37. Chief among those who did this fetching and carrying was Captain Bildad's sister, a lean old lady of a most determined and indefatigable spirit, but withal very kindhearted, who seemed resolved that, if SHE could help it, nothing should be found wanting in the Pequod, after once fairly getting to sea
38. But not content with this good deed, the indefatigable house again bestirred itself: Samuel and all his Sons—how many, their mother only knows—and under their immediate auspices, and partly, I think, at their expense, the British government was induced to send the sloop-of-war Rattler on a whaling voyage of discovery into the South Sea
39. My father's care and attentions were indefatigable, but he did not know the origin of my sufferings and sought erroneous methods to remedy the incurable ill
40. She was a woman of resolute character, hard-working and indefatigable, and at the same time good-natured
41. If, on the contrary, I take no kind of notice of the man I fancy guilty, if I do not have him arrested, if I in no way set him on his guard—but if the unfortunate creature is hourly, momentarily, possessed by the suspicion that I know all, that I do not lose sight of him either by night or by day, that he is the object of my indefatigable vigilance—what do you ask will take place under these circumstances? He will lose his self-possession, he will come of his own accord to me, he will provide me with ample evidence against himself, and will enable me to give to the conclusion of my inquiry the accuracy of mathematical proofs, which is not without its charm
42. But he had appeared at the ball, and, perhaps to conceal his resentment, he had been the most indefatigable dancer of the evening
43. He showed a good-natured tolerance of their ignorance, and an indefatigable patience in explanation
44. It has been referred to in better language than I can give, but Brother Powell was indefatigable; he knew no rest; when he toiled until the string snapped he would go down into a sickness that lasted usually just six days; then he would rise as quickly