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    independence frases de exemplo


    1. They’re left with chronic pain and limited function that robs them of independence

    2. She has been independent for a long time, that’s plain to see, and desperately protective of her independence too

    3. Independence tussles with sense as I watch; sense wins

    4. ground of hopeful Africans that had finally lived to achieve independence

    5. He was prepared to give evidence in any trial bringing the traffickers to justice, as long as it guaranteed financial independence for Sophia

    6. Annie, knowing her brother from years of quiet observation, correctly suggested to her great-aunt that he would dedicate his new found personal freedom and financial independence to the pursuit of private digital excess, and it was this that great-aunt Edith was thinking about as she lay in bed after a very pleasant Saturday in the company of her poor, disappointed relative

    7. Mama had planned his rally on Independence Day, the same day as Ali's dad

    8. With or without us in independence from

    9. I think she was more than a little horrified when Bunty showed her independence by getting that job at the Embassy

    10. It’s a great relief knowing that he is in safe hands – the warden at the property is a very practical lady who watches over her ‘charges’ without impinging on their independence and Dad is fiercely independent

    11. It was always suspected that some of the local young hooligans had set off some fireworks, no doubt pilfered from the recent Independence Day celebrations, behind one of the village shops lining the Lakeside Road, and of course without any forethought to the consequences of their actions

    12. When she awoke, the independence the valley offered was more than clear in her mind

    13. in 1928 ended the war of independence, and in

    14. the independence and we cannot believe that

    15. independence, but was more difficult to chose

    16. them, thinking that, after independence, they did

    17. of the War of Independence started in a

    18. This independence does not mean that we do not care, it

    19. The citizens of USSR ‘miraculously’ opted to peacefully part ways and this lead to the independence of many smaller nations

    20. On the one hand he realized the passion of people who cherished their personal independence and their dependence on nature

    21. Independence is libertarian to the nth degree

    22. Out west, Independence and Pacifica are in fair shape, but Columbia and America are strapped for water

    23. The Jovian mining operations have formally declared independence from Earth

    24. He was about to unmute it so they could hear the news reader, when a headline scrolled across the bottom of the screen: “Galilean’s Declare Independence

    25. It was the downside of her independence of mind, and Danny felt that if he

    26. School, he was ordered to the frigate Independence, the flagship of the Mediterranean Squadron, under the command of

    27. Independence for about a year and was then transferred to the store ship Relief

    28. He lay on the floor in the cold and every muscle in his body fought for independence and pulled at his joints in every direction

    29. on the Independence, the same old ship he had been on in the Mediterranean several years before

    30. Independence until the spring of 1860, when he joined the Saginaw and sailed to China

    31. possible for the South to take to the hills, and to continue the fight for independence

    32. Union forces and win their independence

    33. and be able to win their independence

    34. You see, John Hancock was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence

    35. Why? Well, in the summer of 1968 while making a Mediterranean cruise, the Aircraft Carrier Independence, to which I was 69

    36. likely for the South to consider a long and drawn-out insurgency that would offer the best chance for independence, however long

    37. Irwinville, Georgia, where he planned to rally the South and put together a stand that would bring victory and independence

    38. Primary author of the Declaration of Independence, and perhaps the most learned of the founders, who were a group of very learned men in history, in science, in economics in politics, and in philosophy

    39. " And further: „As under the smiles of Heaven, America is indebted for freedom and independence, rather to the joint exertions to the citizens of the several states than to the conduct of the Commander-in Chief, so she is indebted for their support, rather to a continuation of those exertions, than to the prudence and ability manifested in the exercise of the powers delegated to the President of the Unites States

    40. Secondly, the white Nationalists really felt that they had a Noblesse Oblique—or need to carry what Kipling’s referred to as the “white man’s burden” in Africa as they had witnessed first-hand (this cannot be denied) the complete disorder and atrocious dictatorships which came to power wherever the Colonial powers granted independence to its colonies in Africa

    41. Then one officer sprang to his feet, and in an impassioned harangue called all to swear to fulfil their oath, "Independence or Death," and face the latter before submitting to such American intolerance

    42. The United States is morally pledged to give the Cubans independence

    43. The intelligent Islander today desires independence under American protection

    44. He was a cat man, always had been, preferring their independence to a dog’s need for a pack leader

    45. As can be expected in the late 1950s when England lost its Empire the locals also demanded independence which the Nationalists flatly refused

    46. As for me I believe that the "Border War" should have stopped in 1974 with Angolan independence and Namibia given to communism if that's what they wanted

    47. The Articles of Confederation were conceived as a federation of ―United‖ States with each state retaining its own sovereignty and independence apart from assigned powers (otherwise) delegated to the federal government

    48. Such fears were justified, in part, by the legitimate concerns of an incipient nation engaged in a war of independence against the British Monarchy

    49. The ―Articles‖ were created by chosen representatives from each of the states to secure the freedom, sovereignty and independence of an emerging nation

    50. How could its people allow it to happen? Although events and circumstances may vary, I am also reminded, in part, of America‘s (own) struggle for Independence

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    independence independency autonomy liberty autocracy sovereignty