Use "informer" em uma frase
informer frases de exemplo
1. If suspected to be an informer his tongue would also be cut out
2. There was another item of significance: a mystery informer
3. He also warned Colling that the tavern-keeper was involved in the black market and was probably an informer for the Russians as well
4. How did Deuce connect to whoever sent that text? Maybe they used him as an informer too
5. If the store bases its detention of a suspected shoplifter on information from a non-employee informer, that informer must have a reasonable basis for suspecting shoplifting
6. 9 James lived his life to the full, and when the end came, he bore himself with such grace and fortitude that even his accuser and informer, who attended his trial and execution, was so touched that he rushed away from the scene of James's death to join himself to the disciples of Jesus
7. ‘What I would suggest James, is that you concentrate on Hu Lyang – we know now where the drugs are entering the country – even if we no longer have the evidence………so I think that we leave Umberto Goncalves alone for the moment………especially after the big Afghan Drugs confiscation in Durban the other day - give him a chance to cool down – perhaps first try to discover who the informer is within our ranks… there must be one, as they were obviously expecting Rory…………
8. James was impressed with the competent way that she had coped with Wong shi-Teng and was relieved and happy to know that she had not been the informer within the group
9. ‘’A bust! Our informer and guide never showed up
10. I hope that this doesn’t mean that our informer was arrested
11. Yet Mohammed, the informer of God’s Words and the Messenger of humanity for all worlds, had never uttered a word or done an action out of himself, it was but by Godly Revelation
12. If the informer were out in the jungle now, Max would see him returning
13. Perhaps tonight he would catch the informer
14. Once that is done, then find that bastard of an informer that doubled-crossed us and terminate him with extreme prejudice as soon as practical
15. It was of little comfort that the informer had joined Section 11 before his time, moving from the Cabinet Office
16. “When I told you of my suspicions about a possible informer, you managed eventually to blame it on a junior clerk of some sort in the Cabinet Office, who very soon afterwards had a fatal road accident before he could be questioned
17. “Daifen has been told by an informer that the raid on the armory was lead by Ackerly Celdior, one of Daifen’s council and a White-Ship spy, so a prompt departure from the lord’s service is strongly recommended for Celdior,” Mordan said at the top of his voice
18. “Old enough to be an informer for Caveira, anyway
19. Bowled by her sensitivity (I hadn’t become insensitive yet), I pressed my suit to the hilt but finding her unyielding, I even begged her not to disappoint me, but with a charming firmness, she asked me to update my informer about the change in her posture
20. The genetic code is the informer of structural thins related to the body
21. They all headed for the site of the healthy, untouched orchard, led by the informer; and there our officer saw for himself the green trees and the ripe, juicy fruits exactly as they had been described to him
22. “He had his own informer killed, too
23. “Did your informer have any other intelligence, such as the progress that this
24. 14-year-old boy, accusing him of being an informer
25. Their informer inside of Valle said that this
26. informer, so much the more valuable here for being English that an Englishman is less open to suspicion of subornation in those
27. And now cheat and play the informer if you can; I ask no quarter at your hands
28. There appeared to be reason for supposing that the drowned informer had hoped for a reward out of this forfeiture, and had obtained some accurate knowledge of Magwitch's affairs
29. “What about the informer?”
30. This Blessington or Sutton, who was the worst of the gang, turned informer
31. When her fickle Mate, Jim Bonny, turn’d Informer ’gainst the Pyrates o’ New Providence, she ran off with Jack Rackham, the Pyrate King, an’ sail’d the Seas with him instead
32. The Italian police eventually managed to turn the tables on the Red Brigade, mainly by persuading members to turn informer
33. It was implacable duty; the police understood, as the Spartans understood Sparta, a pitiless lying in wait, a ferocious honesty, a marble informer, Brutus in Vidocq
34. "Well then I can tell you, you have guessed right, I am worse than a thief, I am an informer," Recalling it now, that is how I explain it; at the time I was incapable of analysis ; I shouted that at the time imintentionally, I did not know indeed a second before that I should say it: it shouted itself—the characteristic was there abeady in my heart
35. " To clear my character is impossible," floated through my mind, " to begin a new life is impossible too, and so I must submit, become a lackey, a dog, an insect, an informer, a real informer, while I secretly prepare myself, and one day suddenly blow it all up into the air, annihilate everything and every one, guilty and innocent alike, so that the}' will all know that this was the man they had all called a thief
36. Petersburg before he had finished his studies, after a quarrel with his parents, whom his life of debauchery had terrified, he had not shrunk for the sake of money from doing the work of an informer
37. I consider that the question as regards me has been settled, and I am not obliged to give any further account of myself, not because I am an informer, but because I could not help acting as I did
38. "But what if this is someone who really wants to turn informer?"
39. Are you afraid of informers? Can there possibly be an informer among us here?"
40. "If he were an informer he would have kept up appearances instead of cursing it all and going away," observed someone