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    Use "inhospitable" em uma frase

    inhospitable frases de exemplo


    1. to live and survive in the most inhospitable locations not only on Earth, but in outer-space as well

    2. The inhabitants of the inhospitable deserts of Arabia, the other great nation of shepherds, have never been united but once, under Mahomet and his immediate successors

    3. He hugged her back, and for a moment the reality of the situation faded, but then it came rushing back, cold and inhospitable

    4. Before the war there were parts of the world where people died simply as a result of poverty: pockets of inhospitable land, places of drought and extreme heat in Africa and Asia

    5. In swift surprise attacks, they assaulted Sandinista installations, then melted into the inhospitable expanse of uninhabited marsh, earning for Truman the title of Comandante Cobra, among friend and foe alike

    6. Perhaps the man had saved their lives, with his uncanny ability to find sustenance in such a forlorn and inhospitable place

    7. Besides, it terrorizes the citizens with high duties tributary, high interests and diversity of laws that suppress vested rights with inhospitable economic actions as justification of stabilizing the economy or fear of international economic retaliation

    8. inhospitable land with its unwelcoming stare

    9. these inhospitable, but completely natural, reactions about fertility from overtaking your mind and

    10. After a few minutes of conversation under the inhospitable look of Leonardo, Americus, finally, extracted from a drawer the Book of the enchantress, which had gotten away from my rucksack at the moment of my apprehension

    11. In reality I was a hen without a head, pursued by nameless fear, rushing headlong into inhospitable forests rather than using common sense

    12. ‘I mean, where do we come from? How long have we been here? What’s beyond all those huge plants over there? Is it true that we’re shipwrecked aliens on an inhospitable planet, doing very well despite the odds?’

    13. of this rock? Or worse, what if the rest of the planet were equally inhospitable? What did that

    14. You’ve encountered inhospitable dimensional fields before, but nothing so… vacant… nonexistent… unreal

    15. Hopefully, Anna's friends, Patty and Garnet Reed with their close affinity to the rugged, inhospitable coastline, would be able to offer more realistic theories

    16. Instinctively, to avoid the main current, he turned the boat to a course that paralleled the steep, inhospitable shores of Thunder Inlet

    17. reflected off the large expanse of inlet water, and beyond that, for as far as he could see, were tall, rugged, inhospitable mountains, all cloaked in the purest of white snow

    18. Their new found world was a shell that protected them from the threats and dangers of the cold, inhospitable world outside

    19. twisting track through the forest and up the most hazardous, inhospitable mountain Travis had ever seen

    20. It was nearing dusk as he approached the north coast of the island, and he could see that the coast was very rough, mostly too inhospitable to attempt a landing with its pale grey cliffs interspersed with rocky shores

    21. Many species of bacteria, for example, are known to turn into spores and enter a state of suspended animation when conditions are too inhospitable to sustain growth

    22. It was both futile and hypocritical to expect that men stuck for months in a dangerous, inhospitable environment, would forget their male drive, or that women in similar circumstances would forget their own nature

    23. What an inhospitable planet, he thought, as he waded on to the beach

    24. When one is at it, they must study the conditions of soil and check if there are areas which seem particularly inhospitable to plant

    25. Entire planetary encounters of inhospitable refugees begin to feel the

    26. Its name typifies a cold, inhospitable place of exile

    27. The desert was far too inhospitable for his tastes

    28. Slow realisation of inconceivable coincidences threw bricks at his minimal logical thinking processes, and he questioned the likelihood of a man accidentally tripping into a puddle of scorpions, and where would you get a puddle of scorpions? Unless… The man very much alive standing behind the deceased glared at him in an inhospitable manner, he had not moved until now, his anger was spurred by an itching fear as to where the oddly dressed stranger had appeared from

    29. Apparently the god we're collectively creating is a bit inhospitable to us

    30. Antoine is scandalised at the inhospitable rigours she supposes me to be applying to my guests

    31. Miss Entwhistle, her simple preparations being complete, had nothing left to do but sit in one of those wicker work chairs with thin, hard, cretonne-covered upholstery, which are sometimes found in inhospitable spare-rooms and wait

    32. This seemed an impossible task as most of the fighting had taken place in the inhospitable, jungle terrain and many Vietnamese soldiers had been unaccounted for

    33. The city’s industry and quarries were located to the north, on the edge of the inhospitable and mysterious Northland, so that the approach from the south was unsullied

    34. was cold, dry, and inhospitable

    35. The mountain looks like a collection of huge rocks, just thrown together, and the inhospitable terrain reaches right down to the riverbank; but there is no other way

    36. The technique for mooring is that Pat just drives the boat up on the shore, no matter how inhospitable it is

    37. At every howl, she glanced at me with a smile enjoying the feel of the wilderness, of nature at its most arid and inhospitable

    38. In a few minutes, the only thing to give away their location was the dim glow of a half-buried tent miles and miles out into the most inhospitable area on the planet

    39. "Couldn't you do it now?" asked Laurie, so suggestively that Jo shut the gate in his face with inhospitable haste, and called through the bars, "Go away, Teddy, I'm busy

    40. prejudices which led their ancestors undauntedly to seek an inhospitable clime

    41. This, he claims, is a sea subject to fearful hurricanes, strewn with inhospitable islands, and 'with nothing good to offer,' either on its surface or in its depths

    42. She had told her husband that the doctor had diagnosed her with something called an “inhospitable womb,” which was true because what was more inhospitable than a pipe cleaner stuck up your uterus?

    43. What a doleful night! How anxious, how dismal, how long! There was an inhospitable smell in the room, of cold soot and hot dust; and, as I looked up into the corners of the tester over my head, I thought what a number of blue-bottle flies from the butchers', and earwigs from the market, and grubs from the country, must be holding on up there, lying by for next summer

    44. Both teemed with jagged desert plants while being entirely inhospitable to human life

    45. But the place, he realized, was for a few days, so that Bigwig could recover his strength and the does find their hopelessly inhospitable

    46. Silent in inhospitable darkness, the Casa Viola seemed to have changed its nature; his home appeared to repel him with an air of hopeless and inimical mystery

    47. It was pleasant to see the convolvulus, the passion-flower, and the begonia, all reminding me of home, here among these inhospitable rocks

    48. There was a little heraldic chair by the chimney-piece, one of a set which stood against the walls, a little, inhospitable, flat-seated thing, a mere excuse for the elaborate armorial painting on its back, on which, perhaps, no one, not even a weary footman, had ever sat since it was made; there Lord Marchmain sat and wiped his eyes

    49. ALMOST A DECADE had passed since Richard Groskoph’s last trip to the Bronx—it had been the late ’60s, he’d been wrapping up a piece on the klezmer kings of the Grand Concourse—and now, as the 4 train went elevated beyond the river and the lights cut out, he had an image of himself as an astronaut hurtling toward some inhospitable planet that was really a future version of his own

    50. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board

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