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    1. would be, think they inoculate morality inside of

    2. “And it’s a better model for having the option to select particular members of a population to opt out—you inoculate them, the virus spreads within twenty-four hours, and it has no effect on them

    3. You’ll need to inoculate yourself against it unless you want to forget everything you now remember

    4. Amar gave us a little over an hour to find and inoculate Uriah’s family and get back to the compound unnoticed, so I only have time for one of them

    5. “So you need to inoculate them by what time?”

    6. He hoped that the exposure to their adolescent maleness would inoculate her from the mental associations she had made in the past

    7. How we live can infect, inoculate, or improve her health

    8. Hopefully you'll have enough to inoculate the sand bed with many new types of living

    9. Feijóo (1675-1764) laboredfaithfully to inoculate Spain, far behind the rest ofEurope, with an

    10. You should not have believed me; for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it: I loved you not

    11. He wanted lots and lots of kids to inoculate himself against loss and Claire had tried and tried with him until finally she had agreed to go see a fertility expert who had informed Claire that she couldn’t have children because she had an IUD and was taking birth control pills

    12. But putting your faith in a coin toss—even for a tiny decision—may at least inoculate you against the belief that quitting is necessarily taboo

    13. Becoming a contrarian trader • learn by doing • start small • a word to young readers • put yourself in the line of fire • my experience as a postcard trader • investment vehicles for contrarian trading • the advent of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) • investment goals • no need to be perfect • an example from the boom and bust 1990-2002 • tax issues • CTS #1: don’t speculate • why this is really a contrarian strategy • CTS #2: avoid big mistakes • inoculate yourself against crowd contagion • CTS #3: Contrarian Rebalancing • underweight when a bullish crowd develops • overweight when a bearish crowd develops • an example • best strategy to follow for the typical aspiring contrarian trader • suggestions for more aggressive contrarian trading strategies • an aggressive stock market strategy • look at bonds, commodities, stock market sectors, and individual stocks • it’s harder to track the crowd in such situations • the bandwagon strategy • the danger of trying the short side of a market • the odds favor the stock market bulls in the long run

    14. The numbness will inoculate him against nightmares—for a few hours, anyway

    15. If we are now able to inoculate preventatively with diphtheritic microbes, to find a needle in a body by means of X-rays, to straighten a hunched-back, cure syphilis, and perform wonderful operations, we should not be proud of these acquisitions either (even were they all established beyond dispute) if we fully understood the true purpose of real science

    1. He asked: “do you not think, that you should be inoculated?” i an-

    2. We sent Stephen to my parents as soon as we realised, he was early teens by then and it would have been very nasty if he had caught it, though he had been inoculated against it, I believe

    3. It is on them chiefly that the tsetse feeds, and they are apparently inoculated and do not suffer any evil effects

    4. Note that you will be inoculated so have a standby driver when you go to the clinic – a good friend of mine – ex special forces chap – collapsed and passed out twice during the process

    5. They don’t know that, a few hours ago, all of us were inoculated against truth serum

    6. We have to make sure Zeke and his mother and Christina’s family are all inoculated before the memory serum is released, or they’ll be useless

    7. It did give me a taste of what you have to do in politics, which permanently inoculated me against ever running for public office again

    8. They had inoculated their children with it, and sent some of them to us with instructions to allow themselves to be captured, and so it was passed to us

    9. Then the microbial examination followed to show a large number of colonies of pathogenic germs in the culture mediums inoculated with the samples of meat which had not been slaughtered according to God’s statute (i

    10. without pronouncing Allah's Name over the slaughtered animal while it was slaughtered) , whereas the culture mediums inoculated with the samples of meat which had been slaughtered with saying the divine statement over it were completely free from the mentioned colonies of germs

    11. So if they actually live his ethic, then, in that way, Jesus lives in them, just like we are inoculated with a will to purchase from birth and before

    12. LYNCH: (Laughs) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid

    13. He was of the same opinion; and we both agreed it was a rank exuberance of liberty, that the commonality should be exposed to the risk of being inoculated with anarchy and confusion, from what he, in his learned manner, judiciously called the predilections of amateur pretension

    14. It was as if something subtle in the air of Costaguana had inoculated him with the local faith in "pronunciamientos

    15. And yet, unknown to himself, he had been inoculated with selfishness

    16. And so national that it would be practically impossible among us, though I believe we are being inoculated with it, since the religious movement began in our aristocracy

    17. When, however, Nekhludoff joined the Guards, and spent and gambled away so much money that Elena Ivanovna had to draw from her capital, she scarcely grieved, considering it quite natural and even beneficial to be thus inoculated when young and in good society

    18. It is for this reason that, in spite of all the intensified means used by the governments for the inoculation of the masses with a patriotism which is alien to them and for the suppression of the ideas of socialism, which are developing among them, the socialism more and more penetrates into the masses, and the patriotism, which is so carefully inoculated by the governments, is not only not adopted by the masses, but is disappearing more and more, maintaining itself only among the upper classes, to whom it is advantageous

    19. Thus, for example, in Russia, where patriotism, in the form of love and loyalty for the faith, the Tsar, and the country, is inoculated in the masses with extraordinary tension and with the use of all the tools at the command of the governments, such as the church, the school, the press, and all kinds of solemnities, the Russian labouring classes,—one hundred millions of the Russian nation,—in spite of Russia's unearned reputation as a nation that is particularly devoted to its faith, its Tsar, and its country, are most free from the deception of patriotism and from loyalty to faith, the Tsar, and country

    20. We need only think of a man of our world, educated in the religious tenets of any Christian profession,—Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant,—who wants to elucidate to himself the religious tenets inculcated upon him since childhood, and to harmonize them with life,—what a complicated mental labour he must go through in order to harmonize all the contradictions which are found in the profession inoculated in him by his education: God, the Creator and the good, created evil, punishes people, and demands redemption, and so forth, and we profess the law of love and of forgiveness, and we punish, wage war, take away the property from poor people, and so forth, and so forth

    21. Behind the army lies a false Christianity, with which everyone is inoculated in youth

    22. Providence, in the material shape of a patron of mine in the country, whose children I have inoculated with the juice of wisdom, has sent me two fat geese and two first-class ducks

    1. It was a Conditional Virus that EvO insisted on inoculating every system with

    2. They are giving themselves a sad malady; they are inoculating themselves with the past

    3. "The expedition with which parties were formed for service; the rapidity of the frigate's movements, night and day; the hasty sleep, snatched at all hours; the waking up at the report of the guns, which seemed the only key-note to the hearts of those on board; the beautiful precision of our fire, obtained by constant practice; the coolness and courage of our captain inoculating the whole of the ship's company; the suddenness of our attacks, the gathering after the combat, the killed lamented, the wounded almost envied; the powder so burnt into our faces that years could not remove it; the proved character of every man and officer on board; the implicit trust and the adoration we felt for our commander; the ludicrous situations which would occur even in the extremest danger and create mirth when death was staring you in the face; the hairbreadth escapes, and the indifference to life shown by all—when memory sweeps along those years of excitement even now, my pulse beats more quickly with the reminiscence

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    Sinônimos para "inoculate"

    inoculate immunise immunize vaccinate