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    Use "inoperable" em uma frase

    inoperable frases de exemplo


    1. Those two factions had gotten into some intrigue regarding their shuttlecraft with the result that it was rendered inoperable

    2. Even though he had been very vocative in celebrating the demons’ defeat (in a rush of euphoria and wishful thinking he had exclaimed among other slightly misdirected comments, that ‘ze Stalinist pigz are finally vanquiwshed!’), he remained prudently alarmed of the fact that even if the gateway had been destroyed (technically speaking, rendered inoperable rather than physically destroyed - I wouldn’t want me dead), there were still demonic operatives lying around

    3. power stations were damaged and inoperable

    4. reactors, the water will render them inoperable in the future

    5. “The venting system is inoperable

    6. “Water is being injected, but the temperature gauges are inoperable, so we can

    7. Most of the gauges and monitors were inoperable, and there was

    8. The railroad tracks were torn up, the generator set was stuck on some overpass and the freight elevators were inoperable on account of lack of electricity

    9. The deadly radiations promptly made most of their sensitive equipment all but inoperable, and the ships heavily armoured hulls only delayed the crew’s excruciating deaths by a few seconds

    10. In less than a minute of concentrated force from forty-eight lasers, they had severed both of the picket ships’ cable bundles and rendered the ships inoperable

    11. Donald’s SUV was banged up, appearing inoperable

    12. A degraded battery pack will reduce performance and fuel economy, but not leave the car inoperable

    13. He quickly reached for his phasor—the weapon of choice in that situation, pulled it from the holster, and aimed, but as he pulled the trigger the circuitry shorted out and the phasor became inoperable

    14. Even with the tank firing its laser cannon at the soldiers lining the road, the tank made it three quarters of the way before it finally became inoperable from a total loss of hit points

    15. Our spacecraft is state of the art, but everything is inoperable right now

    16. Thoroughly enraged, he flung the inoperable remote at the blinds, the blinds which both shut out his view of the more imposing casinos–which he envied–and preserved for him a temporary respite from the storm

    17. On the assumption that the SEAMAC Engineering truck would be inoperable, they

    18. vehicles or if the homing device was inoperable

    19. He had an inoperable brain

    20. thigh with enough force to temporarily render his leg inoperable

    21. I believe they have diagnosed him with an inoperable tumor

    22. In this context, a disaster is defined as a catastrophic loss of data that renders a computer inoperable, such as a failure of the hard drive containing the operating system files in a server

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