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    Use "intellectually" em uma frase

    intellectually frases de exemplo


    1. She was a loose party babe, basically honest, intellectually simple and fundamentally self-centered

    2. "Those girls have come up on the side of facts over and over again," Alfred told them, "I think it would be intellectually lazy of us to ignore this warning

    3. Physically she was so desirable that this should be easy, intellectually he had to convince his mind that this was the only way he was going to keep Desa, but emotionally he could only think Desa was trying to find a way to loosen the strings that bound them

    4. Intellectually she knew a life like his was possible

    5. She wished she couldn't understand it, she wished she was intellectually oblivious to all that was going on here and never got involved

    6. We all are dreamers though some of us are more gifted intellectually and develop a greater ability to analyze ideas and retain the most promising ones, even transforming them into reality

    7. What she had always realized intellectually but did not fully appreciate until those moments was how diverse the Legion truly was - and that many of its soldiers in Skyrim were in fact Nords and Redguards who had never set foot in her home province and would not have had any familiarity with her or her father’s name

    8. “Yes, Sally, and intellectually, after having listened to the many details of your conversation this last hour, I can see that you are also in great shape

    9. to intellectually curious people, while other paths synthesize and employ techniques that combine aspects of

    10. Intellectually, at least, he knew what it meant for a mother to lose her children

    11. It seems that our society‘s consummate pursuit of Material Things proportionate to its increasing indifference to Spiritual Things has sterilized our souls in a manner that has left many of us intellectually and morally barren and susceptible to whimsical notions of corporeal designs

    12. It is often times, however, the result of self-destructive tendencies common to decaying cultures that have grown (morally) listless and (intellectually) indifferent to their (historic) traditions because of their (material) opulence, perhaps

    13. Such achievements, however, should be cultivated in an intellectually purposeful environment that

    14. Her theory is intellectually and morally shallow (because it doesn‘t probe deeper into the essential nature of ‖being‖), cynical (because of its disclaimer of kindly actions for their own sake), and mean (because of its negative constructions)

    15. Reconciling the past in an (intellectually) honest… forthright manner… embracing… without bias or prejudice… or colored by

    16. Any number of individuals, as indicated above, enjoying equal rights and privileges consonant with the legal requirements of a free society, may differ in a variety of ways; materially, intellectually, physically, morally, spiritually, by temperament, motivation, its expectancies, the list is endless

    17. A foundation that is (intellectually) hollow or (morally) unsound must weaken its structural integrity

    18. The hastening of scholastic mediocrity in America‘s (urban) Public School System is understood by the efforts of (its) soft-headed administrators and educators seeking to promote equality of results at the expense of its brightest students, many of whom are routinely held in check in order to allow their less talented classmates ―sufficient‖ opportunity to play catch-up; oftentimes necessitating a lowering of academic standards for the ―benefit‖ of other students who are intellectually less gifted, thereby promoting false impressions of academic achievement where performance results are (oftentimes) questionable

    19. The morally and intellectually constant are oftentimes prepared to assume the mantle of leadership in sharp contrast with other individuals who, lacking courage or insight, are likely to dismiss such opportunities that Chance has otherwise occasioned

    20. Atheism/Agnosticism: Wherein lays the difference? The former is perhaps the more intellectually honest of the two in the manner an Atheist categorically denies the existence of God, unlike Agnostics, who, unwilling to incur the (potential) wrath of an ―improbable‖

    21. They need to (intellectually) challenge rather than indulge or humor its students

    22. I rocked slightly at the touch, my mind ablaze with his madness even as I intellectually rejected everything that he had said

    23. Intellectually, I could appreciate the delicacy of the flavoring, the extravagance of lump crabmeat with just enough luscious breading to hold it together

    24. Regardless of what information you may pour into your brain, and how well you may intellectually understand Buddhism, Zen or the Christian mystical traditions, the intellect is no match for the soul

    25. Even if we understand the law of karma intellectually, we still need to meditate on it again and again to develop deep conviction

    26. Q: Intellectually, verbally, I am aware that all is transient

    27. In the ensuing weeks the theme of Kennedy’s lies, the charge that Judge Bork was morally insensitive and intellectually dishonest, newspaper and TV ads by left wing opponents, polls based on loaded questions, and similar attacks were driven into the public consciousness like jungle drums beating out the cry for blood

    28. Q: I have abandoned it intellectually, but the sense of being the

    29. Personally, more than in any other cruise, Roger felt more intellectually curious and adventurous

    30. It is intellectually lazy and practically useless

    31. Before starting to write each day, he would read the literary analysis section of a morning and afternoon edition of two different papers to prepare him mentally for the work ahead, and intellectually for a more refined use of words

    32. You have so much to offer intellectually and spiritually! And I say this not because I want to pacify you, but rather convincingly

    33. ’ In response to the politicians and other critics, the Cardinal used the ‘criticism’ by the lawmakers to ‘teach the flock’: “It is intellectually and morally dishonest to use the witness of the church’s concern for the poor as an excuse to attack the church’s teaching on the nature of marriage…the church is no one’s private club…

    34. Essentially the problem is one of the synthesis or the absolute antithesis between monotheistic repealed faith and intellectually formulated philosophy

    35. In both cases, the reasons for requiring certain social behaviors and forbidding others will have to be explained on the basis of a theory that is far more intellectually respectable than the real reason for the rules

    36. They are too intellectually

    37. “But it is a grave weakness to not understand the magnitude of the forces around you, in every way; socially, physically, intellectually, emotionally and magically

    38. Some people believe in Christ intellectually, but have had no

    39. porch watching the intellectually elite filed in line at the front of

    40. that would help in any way intellectually, so I rsorted to the

    41. It is just that such a topic is so intellectually arcane that most people have more pressing things to consider, rather

    42. Walking out to the ute with Jarek, Leon confessed to feeling guilty because although sex with Hank was OK, he found him intellectually dull

    43. ‘I oversee the Aristocrats who run the breeding program that produces nearly perfect physical specimens, intellectually geared by Xanthippe’s education program to their future employment

    44. here and to grasp it, or to think that we grasp it, intellectually; but it is quite another to enter into that marvellous world and know it with a certainty that can never again be shaken

    45. “You’re not opposing the war intellectually

    46. They more or less fully understand these limitations of Scripture, but they are moral cowards, intellectually dishonest

    47. Jesus well knew that, while these scribes and Pharisees were spiritually blind and intellectually prejudiced by their loyalty to tradition, they were to be numbered among the most thoroughly moral men of that day and generation

    48. Even if he is able intellectually to understand that women are treated unfairly, he must cut off access to his own unresolved

    49. looks and her lack of interest to an intellectually active man as the reason for her husband's affair

    50. 5 What is this trait of the animal in man which leads him to want to insult and physically assault that which he cannot spiritually attain or intellectually achieve? In the half-civilized man there still lurks an evil brutality which seeks to vent itself upon those who are superior in wisdom and spiritual attainment

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