Use "interpenetrate" em uma frase
interpenetrate frases de exemplo
1. shadow universes interpenetrate our universe They have their own forces
2. concludes that ‘anything that can interpenetrate a wall must have very lit-
3. stantly interpenetrate one another fully, without in the least injuring one
4. The different planes fill up the same space and interpenetrate one another like the light of a hurricane lamp, electric light, gas lamp and an ordinary kerosene chimney in a room
5. frequencies that interpenetrate all forms of matter
6. This ray will then get in touch with and interpenetrate the healthier man
7. Their aural bodies easily interpenetrate the same space as a living human aura… and pollute the purity of that living human in countless subtle ways… hundreds of different undead auras, if needed: can be used to pollute and corrupt the purity of the purest human soul on earth easily
8. I shall expect them to interpenetrate with others, as I and you
9. And all this mixes with your most mystic mood; so that fact and fancy, half-way meeting, interpenetrate, and form one seamless whole