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invigoration frases de exemplo
1. “It was early spring, and the crisp air of the mornings invited a sense of invigoration after the harshness of the last winter
2. an invigoration” of it original powers than an addition to them; that those powers dealt mostly with “external objects”, meaning foreign affairs; and that they would hardly affect the daily life of the people within the states
3. To him prayer was a sincere expression of spiritual attitude, a declaration of soul loyalty, a recital of personal devotion, an expression of thanksgiving, an avoidance of emotional tension, a prevention of conflict, an exaltation of intellection, an ennoblement of desire, a vindication of moral decision, an enrichment of thought, an invigoration of higher inclinations, a consecration of impulse, a clarification of viewpoint, a declaration of faith, a transcendental surrender of will, a sublime assertion of confidence, a revelation of courage, the proclamation of discovery, a confession of supreme devotion, the validation of consecration, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties, and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin
4. But beyond the emotional invigoration that we would expect to see
5. The swell'd and convuls'd and congested awake to themselves in condition, They pass the invigoration of the night and the chemistry of the