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    irrepressible frases de exemplo


    1. As a man in a village of many old people, there was nothing your father could do against their irrepressible intimidation except collect pieces of evidence and bide his time

    2. How could someone not understand how delightful Diego is? How could they not appreciate his mischievous ways, his boundless affection, his uncanny sense of timing? Why, it’s preposterous that one could not be forever intrigued by this irrepressible creature

    3. Diane looked upon him with sympathy, noting the irrepressible gleam in Bru’s eyes

    4. Full of the hubris of youth, unaccustomed to the honour of driving the inspector, or sitting in and taking full notes of the interviews, Leduc was seemingly irrepressible

    5. ‘What’s that for?’ he asked, with an irrepressible tremble in his voice

    6. I grab Will’s arm to keep him from leaving, but he moves forward with irrepressible force

    7. and caused an irrepressible lamentation throughout the army

    8. The experience is one of joy, fearlessness, irrepressible energy and satisfaction

    9. That Irrepressible Dawn To many, Love may appear As the coming of Spring Waking up from the icy Unfamiliarity of Winter, Uncontrolled, and as the Spring, not be governed By the calendar

    10. 17 When the Jews saw this they uttered a loud cry to Heaven so that the adjacent valleys resounded and caused an irrepressible lamentation throughout the army

    11. The grinning and irrepressible Jim Monaghan was obviously telling another of his wild war stories which were invariably humorous and gory at the same time

    12. readily harmonized with its irrepressible egotism) and radiated it steadily

    13. Here it was again – the irrepressible anger and anxiety that showed up every time he was in an unmanageable situation – overpowering his thoughts and creating bedlam inside his head

    14. She thought about him a lot; who was he, where from, married, engaged, have a girl friend? Stupid questions but irrepressible

    15. JY thought the rain a welcomed relief though he doubted Samson would share his view; nor could the irrepressible canine appreciate the maelstrom now approaching

    16. Remembering those things as she prepared José Arcadio’s trunk, Úrsula wondered if it was not preferable to lie down once and for all in her grave and let them throw the earth over her, and she asked God, without fear, if he really believed that people were made of iron in order to bear so many troubles and mortifications, and asking over and over she was stirring up her own confusion and she felt irrepressible desires to let herself go and scamper about like a foreigner and allow herself at last an instant of rebellion, that instant yearned for so many times and so many times postponed, putting her resignation aside and shitting on everything once and for all and drawing out of her heart the infinite stacks of bad words that she had been forced to swallow over a century of conformity

    17. Those were days of such inner agitation, such irrepressible anxiety, and so many repressed urges that on the first evening that Meme was able to get out she went straight to Pilar Ternera’s

    18. “Soren!” Ailia fought to contain the irrepressible joy that welled up inside of her

    19. But unlike in the times gone by, led by the Sangh Parivar, the Gujarati Hindu retaliation that followed accounted for 790 Musalmans (falsified by the Congress chamchas in the TV circuit as 2000-odd to politically hurt the irrepressible Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of the State) in which rioting 254 Hindus too were dead, which fact was equally glossed over by the pseudo-secular media

    20. “GEEZZE AUNT KATH!!!” The irrepressible Cassie uttered in an outraged tone which clearly implied she questioned her aunt’s sanity

    21. ” The irrepressible Cassie hastened to interject, “Julie’s not officially a member of the family yet, but she soon will be, when her dad marries my aunt next week!”

    22. The mounted warriors howled in animalistic glee, and Dal felt a deep hunger building, irrepressible

    23. Nevertheless, the outrage of the people was not freezing down and the situation became irrepressible

    24. It was normal, ordinary, and satisfactory; and the matter being settled and the proper first joy and sentiment felt, he could go on with more concentration than ever with his work, for there would not now be the perturbing moments so frequent in the last six months when his wife's condition, or rather negation of condition, had thrust itself with the annoyance of an irrepressible weed up among his thinking

    25. If close contact with the woman is successfully established, it facilitates a long joint influence over some regions of the brain on the part of his own gonadotropin and female pheromones, excreting much more dopamine and serotonin into the blood and bringing the man’s psychic state, first to high spirits, then to unaccountable joy and “causeless” merriment, and finally to irrepressible euphoria

    26. His enthusiastic faith in the value of open communications and in the strength of the public’s hunger for meaningful stewardship involvement was Joseph’s irrepressible appeal

    27. The old man uttered an irrepressible cry

    28. But, her courage was of that emotional nature that it brought the irrepressible tears into her eyes

    29. She was rather a favorite with òld Davis', as, of course, he was called, and it's my private belief that he would have broken his word if the indignation of one irrepressible young lady had not found vent in a hiss

    30. Congratulating himself that a handsome repast had been ordered that morning, feeling sure that it would be ready to the minute, and indulging in pleasant anticipations of the charming effect it would produce, when his pretty wife came running out to meet him, he escorted his friend to his mansion, with the irrepressible satisfaction of a young host and husband

    31. "Father, Mother, this is my friend, Professor Bhaer," she said, with a face and tone of such irrepressible pride and pleasure that she might as well have blown a trumpet and opened the door with a flourish

    32. Instead of which, that undignified creature answered, with an irrepressible sob, "Because you are going away

    33. As they were entering it, the wicked one, who is the author of all mischief, and the boys who are wickeder than the wicked one, contrived that a couple of these audacious irrepressible urchins should force their way through the crowd, and lifting up, one of them Dapple's tail and the other Rocinante's, insert a bunch of furze under each

    34. Elinor could have given her immediate relief by suggesting the possibility of its being Miss Morton's mother, rather than her own, whom they were about to behold; but instead of doing that, she assured her, and with great sincerity, that she did pity her--to the utter amazement of Lucy, who, though really uncomfortable herself, hoped at least to be an object of irrepressible envy to Elinor

    35. I listened to detect a woman's voice in the house, and filled the interim with wild regrets and dismal anticipations, which, at last, spoke audibly in irrepressible sighing and weeping

    36. I rose with an irrepressible expression of what I felt on my lips, which induced my companion, who had been staring towards the door, to turn and look at me

    37. Although master of himself, Monte Cristo, scrutinized with irrepressible curiosity the magistrate whose salute he returned, and who, distrustful by habit, and especially incredulous as to social prodigies, was much more despised to look upon "the noble stranger," as Monte Cristo was already called, as an adventurer in search of new fields, or an escaped criminal, rather than as a prince of the Holy See, or a sultan of the Thousand and One Nights

    38. A pause succeeded, during which the honest and irrepressible baby made a series of leapsand crows at little Jane, who appeared to me to be the only member of the family (irrespective of servants) with whom it had any decided acquaintance

    39. The irrepressible Bloom, who also had a shrewd suspicion that the old stager went out on a manoeuvre after the counterattraction in the shape of a female who however had disappeared to all intents and purposes, could by straining just perceive him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the piers and girders of the Loop line rather out of his depth as of course it was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved

    40. This—though doubtless it might acquire additional force and volume from the childlike loyalty which the age awarded to its rulers—was felt to be an irrepressible outburst of enthusiasm kindled in the auditors by that high strain of eloquence which was yet reverberating in their ears

    41. He found Holmes leaning languidly against the mantelpiece, resigned and patient, endeavouring to conceal his irrepressible yawns

    42. ‘Yes, I suppose so,’ answered Anna, as it were wondering at the boldness of his question; but the irrepressible, quivering brilliance of her eyes and her smile

    43. And irrepressible delight and eagerness shone in her face

    44. This Levin, with his continual twitching of his head, aroused in her now an irrepressible feeling of disgust

    45. Betsy broke into unexpectedly mirthful and irrepressible laughter, a thing which rarely happened with her

    46. He let his eyes rest on Alexey Alexandrovitch’s feet, feeling that he might offend his client by the sight of his irrepressible amusement

    47. After that, with an irrepressible smile of tenderness, Kitty recalled her

    48. So Fred was gratified with nearly an hour's practice of "Ar hyd y nos," "Ye banks and braes," and other favorite airs from his "Instructor on the Flute;" a wheezy performance, into which he threw much ambition and an irrepressible hopefulness

    49. But a full-fed fountain will be generous with its waters even in the rain, when they are worse than useless; and a fine fount of admonition is apt to be equally irrepressible

    50. "If a man has a capacity for great thoughts, he is likely to overtake them before he is decrepit," said Will, with irrepressible quickness

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    Sinônimos para "irrepressible"

    irrepressible uncontrollable effervescent wild