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    jimmy carter

    1. And all thanks to the machinations of Jimmy Carter and his Democrat-controlled Congress which in 1975 made into law the Community Reinvestment Act, the most asinine piece of federal legislation ever made into law

    2. Avatar for Jimmy Carter

    3. Thus: In a recent speech, Jimmy Carter said the following words

    4. And then there is the not insignificant appointment by Jimmy Carter of retired admiral Stansfield Turner to head the agency

    5. Think about the high ranking executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack who earned (or embezzled) millions while, thanks to Chris Dodd in the senate and Barney Frank in the House, the two government-backed corporations were taking a nosedive due to the strict (Democrat) implementation of the Community Reinvestment Act, passed under the egregious Jimmy Carter, and expanded and implemented under the equally egregious Bill Clinton

    6. I suppose, rather than compare Obama to Lincoln, or FDR, or even to the inept Jimmy Carter, the most appropriate comparison would be to Chauncey Gardner, the character portrayed by Peter Sellers in the movie „Being There

    7. Bill Clinton is a disgrace to America, and perhaps the second worst American President (a tie with Jimmy Carter?)

    8. He went on to become Ambassador to Turkey, Undersecretary of Defense under Jimmy Carter, and then an analyst for the Rand Corporation

    9. Jimmy Carter left office a very unpopular president, but today is consistently the most popular ex president of all time

    10. The Third Best President in US History: Jimmy Carter

    11. Jimmy Carter has likely saved millions of lives

    12. part and Jimmy Carter added what he could

    13. ” Ronald Reagan, cheerful and confident, spoke of a shining city on a hill, and led the nation out of the despond of Jimmy Carter’s gloom to victory in the cold war, a new era of genuine hope, and prosperity beyond any the earth had ever seen

    14. described the economy that Reagan inherited from Jimmy Carter

    15. Jimmy Carter created it in 1979 as a payoff to the teachers’ unions

    16. It gave its first presidential endorsement only in 1976, to Jimmy Carter, in return for his creating the federal Department of Education, a longstanding union goal

    17. In 1976 President Jimmy Carter pardoned most of the Vietnam war draft dodgers (Karnow, pp

    18. Nixon was succeeded by Vice President Gerald Ford whose unconditional pardon of the former president contributed to Jimmy Carter"s victory in the 1976 presidential election (Urdang, pp

    19. Bush and his staff, the thoroughly inappropriate remarks of former President Jimmy Carter also have had to give comfort to the enemy

    20. Jimmy Carter's mission on Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, the one that killed his son,

    21. Jimmy Carter, the U

    22. There was a piece with the two wild and crazy guys, naturally, and one with Aykroyd doing President Jimmy Carter

    23. During the dress rehearsal, Dan Akroyd played Jimmy Carter in his State of the Union address and while waiting to do his thing, we heard a loud voice over the PA system that said, “Please stand by

    24. Had those in captivity in Iran been released before the election, historians agree that Jimmy Carter would have been re-elected president in 1980

    25. Jimmy Carter – in both 1980 and 1984 – and Michael Dukakis in 1988 could have made a good case for the arms for hostages exchange agreement except that, according to 171

    26. President Jimmy Carter encouraged this attitude and people did their part

    27. The crisis did bring attention to the issue and eventually Congressman LaFalce promised to call President Jimmy Carter

    28. Why were there no explosions on Jimmy Carter’s farm?

    29. I think Jimmy Carter was a great president and not at all a part of this corporatocracy, and had the strength to endure his trial in office

    30. They were installing malleable (presidential sounding) crooks and murderers who were under the direct control of the Bush family, and would follow in this sequence with only 2 interruptions: Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, for two generations, with presidencies for two family members

    31. Jimmy Carter is the only past president, since Kennedy that I actively respect and esteem before, during, and after his term

    32. “It’s that fucking Jimmy Carter; he is the absolute worst president, ever

    33. They sent President Jimmy Carter to the operating room (he loved peanuts and a submarine commander, high fiber diet)

    34. Watching Ford on television, Jimmy Carter’s campaign manager, Hamilton Jordan, parses no words in describing the strength of Ford’s delivery: “It scares the shit out of me

    35. Smith and Barbara Walters talk over images of a festive Jimmy Carter party, presided over by his aging mother, Lillian

    36. Back in the summer of 1976, as Ronald Reagan divided the Republican Party with his campaign attacks on Ford, Jimmy Carter held a thirty-three-point lead in the polls

    37. Jimmy Carter and Jody Powell talk intensely about what the president will say on television in just one hour

    38. But Jimmy Carter’s nightmare will not end with a public explanation of why he authorized the rescue attempt, why he suddenly ordered it aborted, and why eight American servicemen are now dead

    39. Jimmy Carter never imagined such a moment when he was governor of Georgia

    40. And so is Jimmy Carter’s presidency

    41. “Chappaquiddick,” as the incident has become known, dogs Edward Kennedy as he challenges Jimmy Carter for the presidency

    42. In primary after primary during the early months of 1980, Jimmy Carter is true to his word, whipping Kennedy’s ass again and again, winning thirty-seven primaries to Kennedy’s eleven

    43. In the mind of Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter is a sanctimonious, weak man

    44. No liquor was ever served during Jimmy Carter’s term

    45. When asked, Democratic voters said they’d prefer Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter if those two candidates faced off for the presidency

    46. All Kennedy wants is the chance to debate Jimmy Carter on national television, allowing voters to decide who should lead the country

    47. But it is the body language between Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter that the crowd watches closely

    48. In Ronald Reagan’s mind, defeating Jimmy Carter for the presidency was just a matter of time

    49. On November 4, 1980, the landslide is so great that Jimmy Carter concedes the election before the polls even close in California

    50. Losing the election may have saved Jimmy Carter’s life

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