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    jump to frases de exemplo

    jump to

    1. Immediately Alan and Luray both had to jump to snatch Desa from the water just as another tentacle snapped like a whip in front of her face, missing a purchase on her throat by inches

    2. I don’t want to jump to conclusions but rather hope he will be staying with me

    3. The extra whole metre of distance and now having to jump to a slightly higher ledge instead of a conveniently lower one did nothing to boost his confidence

    4. He must have made this jump to self-

    5. She slips into my son’s room at night, too, not to suck the breath of life out of him in the middle of the night, but to jump to attention should he wake

    6. The President has issued his regrets about the loss of a great athlete but has urged the public not to jump to any conclusions until more of the facts are in

    7. the Unity point, then use it to jump to our objective

    8. the three ships making the jump together

    9. However, do not jump to conclusions; we have seen miracles happen

    10. Don’t jump to conclusions, he reminded himself

    11. “Vydor, only Darnath needs to be awake after the jump to execute the second jump

    12. Mikael ordered the Cerberus which were left in his kingdom to jump to the throat of every beast and tear them to pieces

    13. Yo mama is so fat she can’t jump to conclusions…

    14. M: Don’t jump to conclusions rashly

    15. requirements and security concerns jump to the forefront

    16. Putting the plan into practice right away, Kami and Yania shot fireballs toward the monsters on the treadmill and, opening a gap, jump toward it, pushing the kids off

    17. The sound made her mother jump to her feet and her father gave a short, sharp cry

    18. Jump to the end

    19. The box was sold! Now someone would study that map and perhaps jump to what 'ingots' meant

    20. coming, and she had to jump to her feet and leave

    21. "As soon as we're clear of the station, engage the main engines then best jump to Aleator

    22. Jump to some conclusion and be done with it

    23. They'd just left the dock, you see, and were preparing to clear the system and jump to their destinations

    24. Other electrons may jump to

    25. ” Synapses fire in your head, it isn’t going to be a far jump to find out where the Fry boys will be, forming the line to get them hooked will be a little more difficult

    26. Jane asked Samantha to use her ninja skills and jump to release the lever

    27. "Let's not jump to conclusions, let's wait on the truth," said Sam

    28. The robots jump to the roof of the tunnel and grab on with their spiked, spiny legs and disappear through the top opening

    29. For the field events they traipsed around from high jump to long jump, from shot put to discus, and then it was time for the running races

    30. ‗Hang on, Sebastian, don‘t jump to conclusions

    31. The sergeant came around the corner and his swift perusal took in the cards and dice lay on the ground, my crying form and his barked questions caused the men to jump to attention

    32. And then it‘s just a short jump to the fear of skin cancer and death

    33. Or they would use fire to make the squabs jump to the ground themselves, killing hundreds at one time and making jokes about it, cooking some and leaving others for their hogs, or just to rot

    34. Well, everyone, I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I’m reminded of the old Sherlock Holmes’ quote – ‘When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?’ For now, this object will remain a mystery, and we’ll leave it to our viewers at home to make their own determinations

    35. “We need to be in our seats when we jump to hyper

    36. Josh did not jump to the man’s aid

    37. But it was the same rose-colored glasses Kelly who raised her hands and said, “Let’s not jump to the wrong conclusions here

    38. We originally assumed that this was because the Federation did not want the knowledge of the feasibility of the short jump to become general knowledge

    39. That will give us a short window of opportunity in which to hyper jump to the intruders’ intended destination and blast him when he arrives

    40. There had been discussion that she would take her squadron and make the jump to meet the pieces of the shipyard as they arrived

    41. They assisted the teams marshaling the arriving ships and ferrying the crews to the surface to rest and relax before making the jump to Homestead which was their final destination

    42. The lead P I ship whisked out of sight with the familiar blur of a jump to hyper drive

    43. “Let me jump to the end

    44. As soon as it was safe to do so, Rachel called for the jump to hyper drive

    45. They relayed a new set of coordinates for the cargo ship to jump to

    46. “The helmsman improperly programmed the jump to New St

    47. As soon as he was safely clear of other traffic he made the hyper jump to faster than light speed

    48. As a single unit, the ships in the convoy made the jump toward New St

    49. When Saul was confident that he understood the ship’s potential he asked Fiona, “Can you program a short hyper jump to these coordinates?”

    50. “Paul, alert all ships to jump to these coordinates on your mark

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