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    1. owned a large bat factory in Kashmir

    2. Later he went freelance and was involved in several operations in the Kashmir and Jammu areas

    3. In the Pakistan-controlled Kashmir region, a 7

    4. was about visiting Kashmir

    5. the Lord’s directions to proceed to Kashmir

    6. Pakistan’s leaders and British generals controlling the Pakistan army invaded Kashmir as soon as Pakistan became a reality

    7. healing valleys of Kashmir

    8. limb, there are reports that he is buried in the Kashmir region, although we

    9. The point is that all the evidence suggests Jesus had a wife and child; but that after he became a butterfly he never saw them again, since they went to the south of France and he went to live (and finally die) in a community in Kashmir

    10. “Don’t worry, look at it this way, we took a chance in Kashmir, we can take another one here?” Rani crossed her arms

    11. They used the fighting methods they learnt in Kashmir for attacking pressure points and knocked out their enemies flat in minutes

    12. of true sincere protection for the people of Kashmir

    13. Note: She was the 14th-century prophetess of Kashmir

    14. Then I was posted in Kashmir

    15. If there is any heaven on earth then it is in Kashmir

    16. It is very true that Kashmir is called the paradise on earth

    17. Whoever ever comes in Kashmir, he would see its elegant beauty and feel heavenly

    18. When I was in my school days, I only read and heard about Kashmir and saw few of its beautiful picturesque in some books and calendars

    19. But I had never thought to be in Kashmir one day

    20. Our Army base camp was in the Kashmir valley

    21. I got regular on duty to guard at the LoC and in the Kashmir valley

    22. During my three months posting in the Kashmir valley, I had accomplished many tough operations, stopped the intruders across the border, and gunned down many of them

    23. “Is she the same Sunita? She is in Kashmir? What she is doing here in Kashmir? But she was married in town

    24. I had unaware that during harsh weather maximum places in the Kashmir Valley remained closed

    25. The entire Kashmir Valley was enveloped with the white blankets of ice and snows

    26. The entire Kashmir Valley was covered with white ice and snows

    27. After more than fifteen days continued harsh weather, everything was started in its natural flow in the entire Kashmir Valley

    28. The Jihadi groups had demanded to release their seven comrades captured by the security forces in the Kashmir Valley two days back

    29. “Over 300,000 people have died already in the ethnic clashes and in the fighting around the Kashmir

    30. “Now that this is taken care of, how about telling us more about this conflict in Kashmir?” Said casually Stan while smiling

    31. Parmat Singh Rajat was a bearded man of medium height but solid built and, as someone originally from Srinagar, in Kashmir, his physical type blended easily with others around Quetta

    32. The Kashmir Shaivites also have the energy of Chit Shakti whereby

    33. He had even been physically assaulted by fringe Hindu right-wing groups for his remarks calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir

    34. More BJP ads were done in Urdu than ever before, including one in the Kashmir Valley with the message—‘Jannat Yahan, Tarakki Kahan’ (This Is Heaven, but Where Is the Progress)

    35. In Jammu and Kashmir, the call for a ‘nationalist’ government which will seek to abolish Article 370 is also disconcerting—politically sensitive issues cannot be settled in a cavalier manner

    36. * But in the meantime, on 21-22 October 1947, with the help of the Pathan Qubailis Pakistan invaded Kashmir and these intruders advanced up o Srinagar

    37. * Even today about a third of Kashmir territory remains illegally occupied by Pakistan which it calls as Azad Kashmir

    38. It is relevant to note that there is this tradition of worshipping the supposed relic of Muhammad’s hair at Hazrat-Bal in Kashmir

    39. He entered India proper, and penetrated even as far as Kanauj, marched through the country of Gandhara, and on his way back, through the confines of Kashmir, sometimes fighting sword in hand, sometimes gaining his ends by treaties, leaving to the people their ancient belief, except in the case of those who wanted to become Muslims

    40. This is the reason, too, why Hindu sciences have retired far away from those parts of the country conquered by us, and have fled to places which our hand cannot yet reach, to Kashmir, Benares, and other places

    41. While Nehru’s foolhardy in taking the Kashmir issue all the way to the United Nations and his credulity of a plebiscite pledge therein, it was Patel, who had coerced the recalcitrant Nizam and other vacillating Rajas, into the Union of India

    42. While the Sardar was not destined to live long to see Mother India bear the fruits of his sagacity, Nehru had survived to witness the divisive affects of his plebiscite folly in the valley that gave Pakistan a potent stick to beat India with at every international forum that was till his daughter Indira forced Bhutto to revise the rules of the Kashmir game at Shimla

    43. Even before the ink was dry on the deed of Indian partition, Pakistan surreptitiously pressed the tribal Musalman hordes into Kashmir to usurp the Paradise on Earth for itself

    44. However, before the mujahideen could turn the fabled valley into a Pakistani trophy, Hari Singh’s Hindu sentiment and Sheikh Abdullah’s patriotic fervor saved the day for Kashmir as the former, acquiesced by the latter, aligned the State with the Union of India

    45. Though the Indian forces entered the scene and stalled Pakistan’s progress through its proxy rogues into the heart of the valley, yet, stymied by the cease-fire call of the comity of nations, the Indian State couldn’t reclaim all of Kashmir to itself

    46. Thus lying divided in the laps of the adversaries, Kashmir became an arena of strife for the Pakistani Musalmans, and the rest, of course, is a continuing history with many sub-continental twists

    47. Whatever may be the Pakistani brief over all of Kashmir; it cannot harp on the legality of its accession to India for after all, Raja Hari Singh derived the power to accede his kingdom, the way he willed it, from the same document that created Pakistan!

    48. But, rightly or wrongly, that was not the way Hindustan was partitioned, and if so, what’s the rationale for those millions of Musalmans to stay back in India even after Pakistan came into being? So, any Pakistani argument for wanting Kashmir, citing its Muslim majority would be untenable to any reasonable mind and likewise, the urge of those Kashmiri Musalmans to merge the valley with the Islamic Pakistan wouldn’t sync with the spirit of partition

    49. More ominously, what about war and peace that national leaders may be called upon to make, especially in India, which had fought many a war in its short independent history? Isn’t that a Capital decision with emotive element and tactical content attached to boot? Wasn’t India at a warlike situation with Pakistan in the wake of the terrorist attack on its parliament on 13th December 2001? Would have a foreign origin Prime Minister served India’s interests judiciously? Why, wasn’t the overwhelming public opinion was to take the plunge; what if Sonia Gandhi on the gaddi went with the popular mood for fear of being perceived as unpatriotic for inaction? If attacking a hostile country seems to serve the long-term Indian national interests, can the foreign origin Premier, unsure about the outcome of the adventure, have the nerve to act? Didn’t Lal Bahadur Shastri, even as Pakistan crossed the Line of Control in Kashmir in 1965, order the Indian troops to cross the International Boarder near Lahore, which none thought India ever would, and what fuss the Great Britain and other Western powers made of that Indian military move

    50. The Arab empire stretched from the banks of indus river south west Tibet to Kashmir, Pakistan and to the shores of the Atlantic west

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