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    1. The question then arises: How shall we sit? Is the cross-legged attitude the best, or shall we kneel, or sit, or stand? The easiest and most normal position is the best always

    2. I awoke to the sound of the door being unlocked and, although it was agony to move now that my limbs had stiffened after the beating, I managed to kneel and cover my nakedness with the bottom of my blood-spattered tee-shirt

    3. After about an hour the van drew to a halt and one by one the guards forced us to leave the van and kneel down in cold, damp mud

    4. Kneel down and sit back on your heels with your toes outstretched

    5. Ready ? Right, now kneel down in your corner with your hands laced behind your head

    6. And so pilgrims are accustomed to kneel here in

    7. The best she could do was stretch her chain toward the nearest ewe, kneel by its side, and set to work filling the basin

    8. They both kneel to clean up the mess

    9. That night, she didn’t simply kneel in the straw, but stepped toward Tragus and eagerly

    10. At that precise moment all those gathered around the image began to kneel and bow down before Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold like they would before an image of a god

    11. He stopped to kneel down and examine the object, which turned out to be a septim

    12. She saw him kneel on the hassock, push his hair out of his eyes, look at her cunt, then at her tits, heard him sigh, swear softly, and then felt his lips kissing her belly

    13. To kneel on one"s knees in the gravel

    14. ” Carl moved to kneel beside Wil, leaning the red spear against the bedpost

    15. figure became visible, so small that Toinette had to kneel and stoop

    16. One male slave had been named Coquita, which was pronounced “kaw-KEE-ta,” however, if at any time a man asked what the name meant, he was to immediately kneel and tell the man that it was a shortened form of “Cock Eater” and he would be happy to provide a sample of his skills

    17. So she then gave the command to kneel, at which time Ivonia and I knelt, but Islandia and Ferrell remained in the standing position

    18. Surely a girl like me should kneel before a big strong man rather than a female like either Twig or Prism

    19. ” He rushed over to kneel at the side of her chair

    20. I had forgotten to kneel

    21. Should she kneel in response to his lowered posture, as her mother had always commanded her to do when serving the mature men in her family? Would he mistake that for something that was surely not meant under these conditions?

    22. “Do not kneel, sit

    23. As I kneel here this morning with my father’s old bible, I prayed that everything went according to plan, that no one got hurt, and I prayed for the souls of Quan, Mia and Ercilia

    24. We kneel together on the stone floor, and I clutch her as tightly as she clutches me

    25. He was forced to kneel down; he looked ready to be executed

    26. And he began to want to kneel while shouting thanks to God

    27. Twisting his body as he moved, he saw her kneel over the

    28. Mordiecai refused to pay this homage, as he would have to kneel and bow to a

    29. “You kneel within the protection of the Covenant Flame,” he said

    30. On one side are the masses marked out to kneel at the altar of government beneficence

    31. 35 And Isaac came home to his father's house to Beersheba, while Eliezer and his men came to Haran; and they stopped in the city by the watering place, and he made his camels to kneel down by the water and they remained there

    32. 11 And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water

    33. He moved to kneel by the bed

    34. ” Her white nightgown floated to the floor as she rose from the bed to kneel

    35. I stare at Zachary for a bit and rush to kneel by the couch

    36. “Grammy,” she called, rushing across the room to kneel by her grandmother’s chair

    37. 11 And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water

    38. “I’m not leaving! We can pray here!” Torin proclaims as they kneel and begin praying

    39. 35 And Isaac came home to his father's house to Beersheba while Eliezer and his men came to Haran; and they stopped in the city by the watering place and he made his camels to kneel down by the water and they remained there

    40. “Down, Tito!” she commanded, desiring intensely that the horse would kneel down the same way that Kami’s had

    41. up and moved up to up to kneel on the kitchen floor and

    42. It is impossible to kneel or stand

    43. Inside, Doc Russell turned from the shredded body of Haskell to kneel and examine Travers

    44. The nearest raven used his wing to make him kneel, so swiftly that his eyes had hardly processed the action

    45. smiling with a bit of relief, and then adjusted her legs to kneel

    46. Grim immediately lay flat on the ground with his arms and hands behind his back while Millsap struggled to kneel down slowly on his knees and subtly slipped his eyeglasses in his back pocket before laying flat on his stomach

    47. Ecglaf leaped from his pony before it halted, tossing his shield and spear on the ground to kneel beside Dimarico

    48. On again till the Sergeant halted them, signing them to kneel and keep their spears down

    49. Throughout these interrogations he was forced to kneel in front of an officer who spoke a little English

    50. “Thank you Kyzudo,” he said then rushed over to kneel beside me

    1. Ali kneeled down on the floor

    2. But, only after he kneeled his

    3. I kneeled at the edge of the water, trailed my fingers through it, and watched as it came alive

    4. He walked off the trail, up the mound and kneeled down between the trunks of the large oaks

    5. As Jacob kneeled, he placed his

    6. I kneeled down to pat my cat, and he was a bag of bones

    7. Amaranthe kneeled back, shaking her head slowly

    8. The Wood Sprites descended from the trees; they all kneeled, facing Ruby

    9. She cast a few guilty looks around as if she was about to try something forbidden, and kneeled down carefully, with a hand on her belly

    10. He kneeled down, rolled the Captain over and starting to give CPR

    11. I kneeled on both knees before her when she returned

    12. I added the wood I had collected to their larger pile and kneeled to await my next command

    13. I walked to Argyl and kneeled before him

    14. But I fell up to my knees and kneeled before my obscene master

    15. He watched me carefully as I sat, then kneeled before him

    16. Yet again, she moved close to him and kneeled between his stretched out legs

    17. Ilmal kneeled besides him and put his arms around the king

    18. Nico nodded and kneeled in front of the bucket

    19. She kneeled in front of him, her hands on either side of his face

    20. Selena kneeled on her bed to be the same height as men around her,

    21. cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the court, and on it he stood, and kneeled down on his knees before all the congregation of

    22. He kneeled closely in front of Cinder once again, and held out a jingling key

    23. Now she kneeled in the grass and did as Cinder had done before, curling her

    24. Wynne kneeled behind her and placed his hands on

    25. Eynochia kneeled by him, and hefted him onto her lap, touching his face,

    26. That night Wynne had come to her, and that night he kneeled beside her cot

    27. was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled on his knees three

    28. His eyes then opened even wider and kneeled in front of the girl

    29. Ian and Mikael kneeled in front of him

    30. Thousands of people kneeled in front of Mikael, Klaus and Kasius and begged for forgiveness

    31. Theodor and his family, Klaus and his family members, lords and ladies of the kingdom and servants in the castle, all kneeled at the sound of the king’s words

    32. My sibling kneeled in front of me, facing me in his seething hate

    33. She kneeled down by the tire and looked for the

    34. to him and kneeled

    35. I kneeled beside him and put my arms around him; much to my surprise he came into me, letting me embrace him

    36. She kneeled on the floor in front of him and kissed his chest

    37. He stood up and kneeled in front of me, I looked down at him in wonder as he took my hands

    38. I got up and kneeled too, facing him

    39. to the woman then walked over to Selma, kneeled in front of her

    40. Israel kneeled upon his pallet which was his bed and put

    41. The Knight kneeled respectfully before the High Prince

    42. 26 "The servant therefore fell down and kneeled before him saying 'Lord have patience with me and I will repay you all!'

    43. 1 This said Jesus and went out with his disciples to a place which was called Gethsemane on the side that is in the plain of Kidron the mountain the place 2 in which was a garden; and he entered in there he and his disciples; And Judas the 3 betrayer knew that place for Jesus often times met with his disciples there; And when Jesus came to the place he said to his disciples Sit you here so that I may go and pray; 5 and pray you that you enter not into temptations; And he took with him Cephas and the sons of Zebedee together James and John; and he began to 6 look sorrowful and to be anxious; And he said to them My soul is distressed to 7 death: abide you here and watch with me; And he withdrew from them a little 8 the space of a stone's throw; and he kneeled and fell on his face and prayed so 9 that if it were possible this hour might pass him; And he said Father you are able for all things; if you will let this cup pass me: but let not my will be done but let your will be done; And he came to his disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Cephas Simon did you sleep? Could you so not for one hour watch with me? Watch and pray that you enter not into temptations the spirit is willing and ready but the body is weak; And he went again a second time and prayed and said My Father if it is not possible with regard to this cup that it pass except I drink it your will be done; And he returned again and found his disciples sleeping for their eyes were heavy from their grief and anxiety; and they knew not what to say to him; And he left them and went away again and prayed a third time and said the very same word; And there appeared to him an angel from heaven encouraging him; And being afraid he prayed continuously and his sweat became like a stream of blood and fell on the ground; Then he rose from his prayer and came to his disciples and found them sleeping; And he said to them Sleep now and rest: the end has arrived and the hour has come; and look the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners

    44. Before he could recover, the young woman silently kneeled by his head

    45. Batistuta kneeled over, he was starting to

    46. Drew kneeled before her and stared, fascinated

    47. Greg pulled out his condom and kneeled in front of Amber

    48. I kneeled to the earth and placed the first of the three stones in the hole

    49. As the men and Logan gathered wood for a fire, I hobbled and kneeled at the roots of the sacred rowans to pray

    50. I kneeled down to Taxi and

    1. She would engage in her most serious conversations while kneeling over him joined

    2. He refrained from kneeling on me again, contenting himself with screaming obscenities at me and giving me the odd slap around the head or knees

    3. Menachem shifted on his bed-roll, kneeling up as if in prayer

    4. At that point, fearing the worst, Menachem had crawled over to The Man and kneeling in front of him he had pleaded

    5. She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs - though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

    6. Then he remembered her kneeling down beside him, holding his hand, telling him to hang on, and soothing him with her concern

    7. knees, and sink into the kneeling position I have demonstrated

    8. There before him was Jake, in all his awesome majesty, kneeling as it were, head bent, his body perfectly outlined by the rays of the rising sun

    9. He got up and went over to him, kneeling down he patted Tabs head

    10. I see myself as a child kneeling in my room, prising up a couple of floorboards

    11. I'm kneeling on the floor going through a folder when the phone rings

    12. Kneeling, he searched through the leather satchels and pouches that

    13. ‘What if the tide had been in?’ Jarvis said, kneeling down on the ground to look over the edge where they reckoned the bush had been torn out

    14. He is manhandled into a kneeling position, his arms pinned and locked behind his back

    15. At about the same time that the first officer is reading the words on the side of the Transit, a second officer is kneeling on the cracked earth at the back of the laboratory barn, running his finger through a trace of white powder

    16. She comforts me as best as she can, kneeling by my chair and holding me tightly

    17. Kneeling down, she gently touched Crystal's golden locks, instantly she popped up and began wiping the sleep from her half-opened eyes

    18. Kneeling on the canyon floor, one hand stemmed the flow of blood from his nose, the other grabbed a handful of sand

    19. Instead of chasing after her, Alec found himself kneeling on the floor, picking up coins

    20. They entered the palace, and, after kneeling before the Sultan, stood in a half-circle round the throne with their arms crossed, while Aladdin’s mother presented them to the Sultan

    21. Her body had not been touched by fire and upon kneeling down, Carius could plainly see the wound that had ended her short life: a horrific gash across her neck

    22. But one small group amassed near the base of the Tower, a few of them kneeling

    23. There are three common sitting positions: sitting on the floor with legs crossed and knees flat on the ground, sitting on a chair, or sitting on a kneeling chair

    24. As we reached it the major was kneeling down next to the package that had been dragged up but now he had laid aside what it was wrapped in

    25. Katie was kneeling beside the stove, her soot smudged forehead wrinkled in a frown as she lit another match

    26. In a sweaty, smelly semi-circle, some kneeling and some standing with their rifles slung around their backs, our squad offered up all of the details that we could to the Intel Officer about another attack in the city of Hit, Iraq

    27. “Clancy?” she whispered, kneeling beside the small body, touching the blackness with trembling fingers

    28. We followed this with the numerous different kneeling positions we had learned

    29. Her final trick was to position us one at a time kneeling on all fours like dogs, except that we were formed into a tight line that had Ivonia first

    30. Twig had Islandia and I carrying meat to the grill when we saw the first of the iron spikes driven into the dirt between two of the four kneeling slaves at the slave star

    31. Kneeling on the floor, I quickly attacked the pool of beer with my handkerchief

    32. She slithered downwards, rolling him on to his back, sliding off the end of the bed so she was kneeling between his thighs

    33. He was kneeling next to the chaise, over me, and his head descended toward mine

    34. Kneeling beside the body on the beach, Conal gently moved Kirsti aside

    35. He physically recoiled and took a step back before kneeling to the wet, hard stone floor, pleading in all fours:

    36. Ahead of him and kneeling, a large man was working loose a mooring line

    37. She landed in a kneeling position

    38. Amonas reacted instinctively with cat-like speed and lunged forward making a single step and bending his body slightly towards the ground in a kneeling motion that brought his center of mass lower; he stretched out both of his hands, one reaching for Hilderich’s free arm and one for the shirt about his waist

    39. ” I said, kneeling in subjugation before him

    40. She took a careful step back and slowly lowered to a kneeling position at the same time folding her arms across her breasts as she held his look locked into her audacious stare

    41. He touched the Gate uttering the mantra of God, making His sign and kneeling down as the rites required of him

    42. kneeling on the floor

    43. She saw father kneeling down at the body

    44. the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to Heaven

    45. I jerk awake, my eyes wide and searching, and I see Tobias kneeling over me

    46. Walter had no clear consciousness of what he was doing until suddenly the red mist cleared from his sight and he found himself kneeling on the body of the prostrate Dan whose nose--oh, horror!--was spouting blood

    47. The woman answered by following the voice and kneeling beside her

    48. Una always felt very close to her mother there--as if she were kneeling at her feet with head in her lap

    49. “Marlene!” he beamed, kneeling down to embrace the child

    50. Arthmes kneeling, with his

    1. Clarisse kneels in front of John trying to put her arms around him

    2. Of the two, the younger face kneels and puts a hand out,

    3. The infant Bex, insubstantial and flowing, kneels by his side and he looks into her eyes

    4. He sneers as he kneels

    5. I strain toward him and try to ignore the stunned faces of the Amity and the Abnegation—and Tobias—around me, and the woman kneels next to Peter, whispering words in a soothing tone of voice

    6. “Hasn’t my own strength become the stone where my heart kneels down?

    7. She kneels next to me and touches a cool hand to my cheek

    8. Chris kneels on the couch while his upper body hovers over

    9. He kneels down, and we face each other: he, a middle-aged man; me, a young child

    10. Torin kneels in front of Toni as he begins

    11. ” He kneels down and pulls out a ring box

    12. Mishea’s eyes moisten as she kneels before her son on the bedroom floor, confessing, “No

    13. She trembles and kneels with her face to the ground before the princess

    14. She grins an eerie grin as the man in the shadows kneels

    15. He kneels next to her and helps her

    16. Arblaster kneels down, and put his forehead against the forehead of the one time leader of a nation

    17. Miles kneels down and throws TK’s arm around the back of

    18. immediately kneels down and grasped

    19. That convulsing man was startled and kneels down to bow too

    20. He kneels in front of her and pulls her panties to the floor

    21. Beside her, Beatrice kneels down, too

    22. Since we have so many prisoners within – mate, citizen, consumer, owner – we have a variety of soul mates possible: the hobby-in-common soul mate, the makes me hot-n-horny soul mate, finishes my sentence soul mate, they complete me soul mate, share-an-occupation, common cause, kneels to the same God soul mate

    23. “But, no matter if they, wii or i are killing children with the solitary gun of the ill individual, the collective weapons of a mad country, or the 2nd hand ballistics of blind pornsumerism, love kneels with 394

    24. Love kneels with all of us, all of us, and until we do likewise

    25. A camel is used for transporting and traveling and it kneels down staying at the place where its owner rests

    26. He sets Becky down, and then kneels down to kiss her

    27. While the man sits on a chair with his legs spread wide open, the bride kneels down in between his legs, facing the groom in a manner reminiscent of those about to kiss each other

    28. He kneels on the floor , smiling

    29. "Yes, it was lovely once, wasn't it?" Olaf lets go of my arm and kneels down in the grass, looking as if he is praying

    30. He kneels down in front me

    31. Kenke (stops for a while and faces hera0understand what? that you have made me a laughing stock? that you are a child trafficker? that you passed off a stranger as my flesh and blood? Jesus!(he starts packing again, still carrying the baby and weeping; she kneels down and clutches his legs

    32. The ghost of the priest kneels to pray

    33. Badde sees the rocketship taking off as he kneels on his


    35. He kneels down in front of Kathy and says, "Because I brought something over here for you to carry

    36. He kneels back down in front of Kathy

    37. She kneels, and makes show of protestation unto him

    38. Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of

    39. "If, my lord, the beams of that sun that thou holdest eclipsed in thine arms did not dazzle and rob thine eyes of sight thou wouldst have seen by this time that she who kneels at thy feet is, so long as thou wilt have it so, the unhappy and unfortunate Dorothea

    40. White House chief of staff James Baker kneels in prayer, while Mike Deaver and Ed Meese join the vigil

    41. make chambers a natural size so that a woman could sit on it properly he kneels down to do it I suppose there isnt in all creation another man with the habits he has look at the way hes sleeping at the foot of the bed how can he without a hard bolster its well he doesnt kick or he might knock out all my teeth breathing with his hand on his nose like that Indian god he took me to show one wet Sunday in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a pinafore lying on his side on his hand with his ten toes sticking out that he said was a bigger religion than the jews and Our Lords both put together all over Asia imitating him as hes always imitating everybody I suppose he used to sleep at the foot of the bed too with his big square feet up in his wifes mouth damn this stinking thing anyway wheres this those napkins are ah yes I know I hope the old press doesnt creak ah I knew it would hes sleeping hard had a good time somewhere still she must have given him great value for his money of course he has to pay for it from her O this nuisance of a thing I hope theyll have something better for us in the other world tying ourselves up God help us thats all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of old Cohen I suppose he scratched himself in it often enough and he thinks father bought it from Lord Napier that I used to admire when I was a little girl because I told him easy piano O I like my bed God here we are as bad as ever after 16 years how many houses were we in at all Raymond terrace and Ontario terrace and Lombard street and Holles street and he goes about whistling every time were on the run again his huguenots or the frogs march pretending to help the men with our 4 sticks of furniture and then the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving all their stinks after them always know who was in there last every time were just getting on right something happens or he puts his big foot in it Thoms and Helys and Mr Cuffes and Drimmies either hes going to be run into prison over his old lottery tickets that was to be all our salvations or he goes and gives impudence well have him coming home with the sack soon out of the Freeman too like the rest on account of those Sinner Fein or the freemasons then well see if the little man he showed me dribbling along in the wet all by himself round by Coadys lane will give him much consolation that he says is so capable and sincerely Irish he is indeed judging by the sincerity of the trousers I saw on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a nice hour of the night for him to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the area if anybody saw him Ill knock him off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at his shirt to see or Ill see if he has that French letter still in his pocketbook I suppose he thinks I dont know deceitful men all their 20 pockets arent enough for their lies then why should we tell them even if its the truth they dont believe you then tucked up in bed like those babies in the Aristocrats Masterpiece he brought me another time as if we hadnt enough of that in real life without some old Aristocrat or whatever his name is disgusting you more with those rotten pictures children with two heads and no legs thats the kind of villainy theyre always dreaming about with not another thing in their empty heads they ought to get slow poison the half of them then tea and toast for him buttered on both sides and newlaid eggs I suppose Im nothing any more when I wouldnt let him lick me in Holles street one night man man tyrant as ever for the one thing he slept on the floor half the night naked the way the jews used

    42. The woman crosses into the sitting room and kneels in front of the radio—she is barefoot, and her smooth white calves show beneath the hem of her skirt

    43. Her fingers pass the cathedral steps—here an old man clips roses in a garden; here, beside the library, Crazy Harold Bazin murmurs to himself as he peers with his one eye into an empty wine bottle; here is the convent; here’s the restaurant Chez Chuche beside the fish market; here’s Number 4 rue Vauborel, its door slightly recessed, where downstairs Madame Manec kneels beside her bed, shoes off, rosary beads slipping through fingers, a prayer for practically every soul in the city

    44. He comes home from school, kneels on the kitchen floor, and forms airplane after airplane with unswerving, almost frightening devotion, evaluating different wingtips, tails, noses, mostly seeming to love the praxis of it, the transformation of something flat into something that can fly

    45. She wets it in the sink and brings it over and kneels to place it on his forehead

    46. He kneels to unlace the shoes, to pull the bunched pants over the feet, helps with the undershirt

    47. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she kneels beside Maya’s duffel bag

    48. She kneels and asks if there’s anything she can do to help, and I just stare at her

    49. While Hawke heads for the Pioneers who are restraining Zia, Dad kneels beside me

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    Sinônimos para "kneel"

    kneel kneeling genuflect curtsy bend the knee bow and scrape grovel prostrate oneself stoop