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    Use "landholder" em uma frase

    landholder frases de exemplo


    1. ’ Historically, the expression robber baron was used to describe a landholder who robbed travelers passing through his lands

    2. 1 As the caviling Pharisees stood there in silence before Jesus, he looked down on them and said: "Since you are in doubt about John's mission and arrayed in enmity against the teaching and the works of the Son of Man, give ear while I tell you a parable: A certain great and respected landholder had two sons, and desiring the help of his sons in the management of his large estates, he came to one of them, saying, `Son, go work today in my vineyard

    3. The two were better friends than any other landholder and clergyman in the county—a significant fact which was in agreement with the amiable expression of their faces

    4. All this may be stamped on it; and that house receive such an air as to make its owner be set down as the great landholder of the parish by every creature travelling the road; especially as there is no real squire’s house to dispute the point, a circumstance, between ourselves, to enhance the value of such a situation in point of privilege and independence beyond all calculation

    5. All this may be stamped on it; and that house receive such an air as to make its owner be set down as the great landholder of the parish by every creature travelling the road; especially as there is no real squire's house to dispute the point—a circumstance, between ourselves, to enhance the value of such a situation in point of privilege and independence beyond all calculation

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    Sinônimos para "landholder"

    landholder landowner property owner