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    Use "last word" em uma frase

    last word frases de exemplo

    last word

    1. "Ih wuv me," were the last words he got out as the teeth reached him

    2. That last word, isolated, spoken on its own,

    3. " With that she ducked into the bathroom so Desa couldn't have the last word

    4. With the last word spoken quite loudly, and in clear Greek, I turned from the group with as much control as I could muster and wandered steadily and slowly toward the kitchen, expecting a blow to the head at every trembling step

    5. My mouth fell open at her last word

    6. around the last word

    7. " Davie puts real feeling into that last word

    8. Fred’s last words to the group were chilling

    9. ” At the Headmaster's last words both gentlemen at his sides nodded in certain agreement

    10. On the ride back to the barn, as if the last words from Roman’s mouth had

    11. “Any last words?” Corrupted Andrew asked with a smirk

    12. "Hurry, Mom's hungry," was the last word he uttered before closing the door slowly behind himself, but the low growl, that escaped spoke for its self

    13. " They looked from her to each other, then back again "The Stone?” Todd repeated the last word slow and deliberately

    14. "What was that?" Alec asked, having missed the mage's last words

    15. That four shillings, however, was not considered as the highest price to which barley might frequently rise in those times, and that these prices were only given as an example of the proportion which ought to be observed in all other prices, whether higher or lower, we may infer from the last words of the statute: " Et sic deinceps crescetur vel diminuetur per sex denarios

    16. The last words of the statute are " reliqua judicabis secundum praescripta, habendo respectum ad pretium bladi

    17. However the last word has not been spoken yet and that moment is far into the future as humans perceive it

    18. ” I whispered the last word into her ear

    19. ” My voice caught on the last word

    20. Her last words sent a shock wave through Zarko

    21. Sovereign God has the last word

    22. The voice was deep, but it cracked on the last word

    23. His last words made the blood drain from Zarko’s face and his countenance became as white as a sheet

    24. "He…" Edward remembered Derlick's last words to him

    25. Do you know how many of our people died in the desert on their way here and had to be buried there, far away from their relatives?” Her last words ended almost in a plea for mercy

    26. ” She had to bend lower to hear the last words and she wondered what it was that he was trying to tell her

    27. Darshi grinned, kissed the Elf's cheeks and offered one last word of advice as she joined her sisters to leave

    28. ” Glen’s voice cracked on the last word as his eyes filled

    29. ” My voice lower on the last words, I breathed deeply and glanced heavenward

    30. Zacharias came forward, hearing the last words I spoke

    31. You thankless bastard! If you dare say one more word, one, about Aspen, I promise you it will be the last word you ever say

    32. -- The numeric value of the first and last words in the sentence is 1,393 (199 x 7)

    33. -- The last letters of the first and last words are valued at 490 (70 x 7)

    34. ” The last words were from a tormented voice I barely recognized as my own

    35. When I find out who gave him that ring, I will make a fine coat from their hide,” her last words spoke of a promise

    36. He was certain then that they had heard him, those last words at least

    37. ” One of the retreating men looked back over his shoulder at those last words; Adem was sure they had all heard Orion’s threat

    38. Adem thought for a moment about those last words before he said, “This is my home

    39. “Then it shall be Billy Boy for we are now friends, so till tomorrow Billy Boy adieu”, and with these last words she walked away giving the guard a withering look as she passed him

    40. In his new room, he found himself thinking about Khan a lot, reliving his last breaths, remembering those last words

    41. ” There was a threat in that last word

    42. He couldn’t imagine what Alexia’s last words to him might be, but he did know that whatever they were, the message would be important

    43. The last word of that sentence he wasn’t able to ignore, the emphasis on that word

    44. Seraphia’s last words to Raven cut him like a knife, the cruelty, the brutal honesty of those simple syllables

    45. At the last words he threw a little water into the hole

    46. don't worry!" were his last words as the faithful old horse started

    47. " Another pause, then, "Oh my poor cub," the last word came out as a sob

    48. "Poor Polly feels sick," were the last words the parrot ever uttered, dying in the palm of my hand as I picked it up

    49. As the kid finished his last word, he put the car in gear and gave it all the gas his foot could deliver

    50. ” The last word was a promise

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