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    Use "lending" em uma frase

    lending frases de exemplo


    1. you are lending then keep an eye out for who is in need of what you wish to

    2. almost completely transparent, lending to the

    3. I told her about the couple at the damaged house, and about lending a hand to help them clean up

    4. complex, lending an air of mystery to the place so closely

    5. It proved of excellent advantage to me now, that when I was a boy, I used to take great delight in standing at a basket-maker’s, in the town where my father lived, to see them make their wicker-ware; and being, as boys usually are, very officious to help, and a great observer of the manner in which they worked those things, and sometimes lending a hand, I had by these means full knowledge of the methods of it, and I wanted nothing but the materials, when it came into my mind that the twigs of that tree from whence I cut my stakes that grew might possibly be as tough as the sallows, willows, and osiers in England, and I resolved to try

    6. The lowest ordinary rate of interest must, in the same manner, be something more than sufficient to compensate the occasional losses to which lending, even with tolerable prudence, is exposed

    7. Were it not, mere charity or friendship could be the only motives for lending

    8. Though no paper money, therefore, was allowed to be issued, but for such sums as would confine it pretty much to the circulation between dealers and dealers; yet partly by discounting real bills of exchange, and partly by lending upon cash-accounts, banks and bankers might still be able to relieve the greater part of those dealers from the necessity of keeping any considerable part of their stock by them unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands

    9. Whatever a person saves from his revenue he adds to his capital, and either employs it himself in maintaining an additional number of productive hands, or enables some other person to do so, by lending it to him for an interest, that is, for a share of the profits

    10. The superior security of land, together with some other advantages which almost everywhere attend upon this species of property, will generally dispose him to content himself with a smaller revenue from land, than what he might have by lending out his money at interest

    11. Simple examples could be complimenting a colleague for doing a good job, lending a helping hand to a neighbor or giving up a bus seat to an elderly

    12. That fund might arise even from the interest of a sum of money, the lending out of which might, in the same manner, be entrusted to the court which was to be maintained by it

    13. The sovereign, like, any other owner of stock, may derive a revenue from it, either by employing it himself, or by lending it

    14. The canton of Berne derives a considerable revenue by lending a part of its treasure to foreign states, that is, by placing it in the public funds of the different indebted nations of Europe, chiefly in those of France and England

    15. This policy of lending money to foreign states is, so far as I know peculiar to the canton of Berne

    16. The government of Pennsylvania, without amassing any treasure, invented a method of lending, not money, indeed, but what is equivalent to money, to its subjects

    17. The transference of stock or moveable property, from the living to the living, by the lending of money, is frequently a secret transaction, and may always be made so

    18. By lending money to government, they do not even for a moment diminish their ability to carry on their trade and manufactures; on the contrary, they commonly augment it

    19. Some of those governments, that of Pennsylvania, particularly, derive a revenue from lending this paper money to their subjects, at an interest of so much per cent

    20. doors, lending them to use by the homeless or other lost souls that inhabited the streets

    21. The sun had started to cause its own light, lending a grayish cast to the surroundings

    22. On the pit walls, sconces held torches rather than lamps, lending a primeval feel to the arena

    23. Its eyes were mere slits, lending them a fierce quality

    24. And with this thought held firmly in mind, he pushed onwards along the tunnel, the eerie whispers following him lending an extra urgency to his movements

    25. Gone were the wild flowers that had swayed in the summer breezes, lending their scents to the comforting smell of the sett

    26. Although not every citizen, for whatever reason(s), is predisposed to defend his or her nation during a time of war, each should properly support the nation‘s war effort in some (other) manner by lending either moral or financial support to American troops who have selflessly placed themselves in harm‘s way so that others on the home front might live in peace

    27. He signed other laws that allowed credit default swaps and gave banks looser rules in lending to low income areas

    28. The political opponents of the present administration might choose to carefully weigh the (uncertain) consequences that are (certain) to arise by lending legitimacy to world leaders whose questionable character and destabilizing military designs should provide thoughtful pause

    29. She almost dropped the heavy armful of books she was carrying home from the Glen lending library, and then, to cover her confusion, she told one of those small fibs which even the best of women do tell at times

    30. Verses 23 to 27 regulate the lending of money with and without surety

    31. Bookshelves lined three walls, lending the rich colours of book bindings to the glow of the oil lamps

    32. disposition; lending to the needy without interest, and cancelling the debt of the incoming Sabbath

    33. We’ve weathered the storm pretty well but the share price has fallen to its biggest low, lending had been restricted and our overall ratings have suffered

    34. ful lending practices and commitment to their

    35. coupled with conservative lending practices

    36. This has led to many traditional lenders modifying their lending criteria, and

    37. Recently I was visiting with a very good commercial lending officer

    38. The idea is that community banks do the lion’s share of lending to smal businesses, and

    39. Even Jesus told a parable involving lending and borrowing (Luke

    40. And so I hope that with so many of the most powerful elves in attendance, lending their power to the vow, that you will be affected by its power, enough that you will truly fall in love with me

    41. “I know, and it was wonderful to have you there with us, lending your power and sharing our risk

    42. 7 Since in what way is a solitary eater and a glutton and a drunkard reclaimed unless it be clear that reasoning is Lord of the passions? 8 A man therefore who regulates his course by the law even if he be a lover of money straightway puts force on his own disposition; lending to the needy without interest and cancelling the debt of the incoming Sabbath

    43. In the silence following his announcement, a small nod of approval was seen from the king’s emissary lending the captain the courage to continue

    44. emissary lending the captain the courage to continue

    45. federal loans, including the Stafford Loan, are made under the Direct Lending Program of the federal government

    46. The Random House Webster’s Dictionary defines usury as the charging of exorbitant interest above the legal rate for lending money

    47. Fadi Essmaeel, told me that interest on money lending is against the law there too

    48. However, he explained that the Israeli Banks circumvent earning interest on the lending of money or borrowing funds by calling the higher repayment a “late payment

    49. The Church held that usury (interest) was making money from lending money or making money from

    50. offered to help with the move by lending her black pickup truck

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