I made the mistake of suggesting that we ought to live together so I could look after him once … I won’t make that mistake again
live together, as one could not be good to himself
She told herself that it could be forgiven because they’d have to live together on this deserted isle for the remainder of their lives
Men may live together in society with some tolerable degree of security, though there is no civil magistrate to protect them from the injustice of those passions
It is the same as where you live together
"There must be another sett out there somewhere," she whispered softly, "where badgers live together with tolerance and understanding
Even during the so-called swinging sixties, it was considered rather shocking for an unmarried couple to live together
Now, it seems to be almost the norm, even among Christians, that couples live together and sometimes even have children before they get married
There it promotes trust during interactions with other people, and thus the cooperative behavior that lets groups of people live together for the common good…The research is still underway, but one possibility is that the changes occurred around the time our ancestors settled into a system based on enduring bonds between men and women, about 1
They clasped hands over the Bible, in their mother's vacant room, and both vowed to each other that they would never marry and would always live together
You live together there
live together in unity;” for there the Lord will pour out a blessing, even additions to the body of Christ
From his conversations with Josie, Roger surmised that by May of 1982, Josie and Agatha had decided to leave their husbands and live together with all the children in one house, and give as a public excuse that the economy was very bad
“Did she want to live together again as husband and wife, or just as celibates as they both had suggested at different times?”
I have no clear idea as to who cooked up the crazy idea that five WASPs should live together on South Chappel Avenue above a crazy single black mom and her hoodlum son, Felton
modest, but for us it was a palace where we could live together as a
Their people would never live together with Kellaran’s, since they required an environment hotter than Kellaran’s harshest desert at high noon, their air and water contained a large proportion of sulfur compounds, and it was thick with alkaline mineral salts
We will cause all those who turn to Us to live together in
As moral codes are invented by man to allow us to live together with minimum pain, it is trivially obvious that these morals should (and do) change with circumstances, (but they should always be based on a rational set of principles)
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity
We will recover our lives and live together again
They had a real life to live together
-By no means I would expect to live together with you in that house! - He said as if it was the worst thing that might happen to him – If the Book is in your house, you can look for it at your account
Considering that there was no way that both live together in the same house in holy peace, we decided to leave one inside our home and confined the other to the limits of the backyard
We had to live together; but where? Options were few
As they live together, I know where to find him
Instead of being united as the fingers of one hand, we live together as a
As it is impossible for fire and water to live together, it is similarly impossible to mix compunction with a life of luxury
Although we were already in relationship for two years, but I still waited until we got married to live together
Only when God the Father becomes supreme will men become religious brothers and live together in religious peace on earth
" Andrew and Peter were the exceptions to the rule, proving that even brothers can live together peaceably and work together effectively
Given the divisiveness of color, creed and culture, how can there ever be one universal dharma? Won’t the able-bodied, the handicapped, the haves, and the have-nots with differing abilities come to live together? Wouldn’t that by itself result in an unequal quality of life on earth? Why, even in heaven there are gods and demigods, going by our puranas that is
" Said the Master: "Yes, my brethren, I would that we should live together as one understanding family
We live together
One of the marital challenges many couples face is how to live together without
They were of age and could live together and independently
sleep, we should live together with Him
Those people that wanted to live together could and those that wanted to live alone could do that, too
“I thought we promise each other already that we will live together forever” he says
It is strange the way connections are made when a lot of people live together
Don’t you believe that we should live together? Don’t you
community would have to live together in peace
therefore live together for the dual cultivation practice, which is against ethics and moralities, damages marriage, and even results in a broken
to a son and the two started to live together
live together to reduce the house rent charge
"And if we live together and hate it?"
Maybe they could live together with one working and the other watching the kids,
That this was a time we became human, when we became families, when we found how to live together and when we found love
Did I tell her that we could live together? Yes I did
“You told me if a man can’t stick with his partner, then the couple can’t live together
here together, and live together, just the two of us, as man and wife
We both know that this life is temporary and that we have eternity to live together
I had some people say: oh, I just feel I prayed, and we feel it's right to move in with one another, and live together; and I say: what, you mean you're going to be having sexual relationships? How can the Holy Spirit be leading you to do that, when He says: abstain from fornication? Come on, help me understand how the one who wrote the Bible, now is telling you a different story,, and it's your story, it's so different because it's about you?
and planned to live together as we had been doing in the East
My mother and I live together and have
Females live together in communal groups with their young
To tame something is different than to enter into a co-domestication: a harmonious cooperative union with – all of creation learning how to live together in the house of creation
If they can live together in peace and harmony during the first six months of their marriage, their life will be crowned with love, felicity and harmony which will last forever, and definitely this will reflect positively on the lives of their children, and indeed on the whole of society
one another, live together in unity, and bear one
- new concepts of learning to live together in a
We should live together
For the next five years you will live together, eat together, learn together and fight together
And that for this end Christ both died and rose and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living, and that whether we wake or sleep, we might live together with him
Peggy and I live together about a hundred miles from the city where all the craziness occurred
They still wouldn’t be able to live together –
Psalm 133 says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”997 And may I put it into the New Testament context, for brethren to dwell together in the unity of the Spirit
Sarajevo was the shining example which proved that people from the East and from the West could live together in peace
alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses; having blotted out the
YOU ALIVE together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgression” [Colossians
WERE DEAD through our trespasses, MADE US ALIVE together with Christ
made us ALIVE together with Christ [by grace have you been
“That whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him” (1 Thessalonians 5:10)
made us alive together with Christ (by grace have you been saved), and raised us up with him" (Ephesians 2:1-6; Galatians 2:18-19; 3:1)
“And you did he make alive, when you were dead through your trespasses and sins…even when we were dead through our trespassed, made us alive together with Christ…and raised us up with him” (Ephesians 2:1-10), it was “us” “we” that were dead and made alive, not a soul
made us alive together with Christ
And you, being dead through your trespasses and the un-circumcision of your flesh, you, I say, did he make alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses; having blotted out the bond written in ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us: and He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross; having despoiled the principalities and the powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it
When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, HE MADE YOU ALIVE together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgression” (Colossians 2:12-13)
We can continue for a long time and refine the list, in which we will give examples of cases where organisms tend to live together
made us ALIVE together with Christ [by grace have you been saved], and RAISED us up with him" [Ephesians 2:1-6; Galatians 2:18-19; 3:1]
All that were "made us ALIVE together with Christ" are now living and reigning with Christ
ALIVE together with Christ (by grace have you been saved), and RAISED US UP WITH HIM"
"But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace have you been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus" [Ephesians 2:4-6]
made us ALIVE together with Christ [by grace have you been saved], and RAISED US UP with him" [Ephesians 2:1-6; Galatians 2:18-19; 3:1]
even when WE WERE DEAD through our trespasses, MADE US ALIVE together with Christ
" Paul speaking to those in the Christian age, those who were made alive together with Christ, those that were saved by grace
If all the dead are alive together in sheol, no spirit could have returned to God, no soul could be in Hell and none would be asleep unto the resurrection
You can all three live together, and Rodya will be with you
In the first place, none of them should have any property of his own beyond what is absolutely necessary; neither should they have a private house or store closed against any one who has a mind to enter; their provisions should be only such as are required by trained warriors, who are men of temperance and courage; they should agree to receive from the citizens a fixed rate of pay, enough to meet the expenses of the year and no more; and they will go to mess and live together like soldiers in a camp
Therefore separating the goats from the Sheep, as JESUS says means, that the goats are evil spirits, as I could them above snakes, and are separated from the world, and sentenced already on the last days to hell per diction, the sheep mean Creation which TRUE GOD knows, that even the guilty ones, are not, because they are been controlled, by evil spirits, = snakes, or goats, as JESUS could them, so if Creation has, that is some of it has not been deceived, will be save, the ones been deceive, will be turned by TRUE GOD unto FAITHFULNESS, to live together with the believers, that is those believers that were not deceived, meaning those believing in JESUS to live ETERNALY in NEW HEAVEN AN NEW EARTH, WITH ALL TRUE GOD BLESSINGS, THIS IS WHAT SCRIPTURE MEANS IN TRUE GOD'S JUDGMENT, and the rest of the world will also live when made FAITHFUL, = Although there are many translations, and all are use for whatever reason TRUE GOD uses it for, but TRUE GOD HAS HIS VERSION, as mention, so I plead with everyone, in Creation, to pray for TRUE GOD'S Will and plans, to be made, even if they are the same as mine, or not, or the same, as yours, or not, for TRUE GOD knows best
We’d married so young, so uncharacteristically, even our parents asked why we couldn’t just live together
We couldn’t just live together, even though I was only nineteen and he twenty-one
They live together, cultivate
“But no,” says Annie, “she has the Maid clapp’d in Prison fer it—the Fool—fer, sure, when the Maid’s Trunk is search’d an’ the Spoons found, she is swiftly condemn’d as guilty o’ the Theft! Now, the Husband comes Home, pretendin’ he was in another Town the previous Night, an’ the first Thing he hears is o’ the Maid’s Imprisonment, whereupon he goes into a Passion ’gainst the Wife, whereupon she accuses him o’ bein’ the Maid’s Lover, whereupon his own Mother accuses him o’ the same, an’ the Poor Man receives such a Tongue-lashin’ from the two Women that the Quarrel betwixt him an’ his Wife can ne’er be mended more, whereupon both Mother an’ Wife take Horse fer the Mother’s Country Seat, leavin’ the Husband to rage alone! An’, i’faith, ’twas the End o’ their Marriage, fer the Bitterness betwixt ’em grew such that ne’er did they live together as Man an’ Wife again
Well, yes, you are right, I am a fool, why not simply remain here? You offer me a chamber in this house, Madame Pontmercy is sincerely attached to me, she said to the arm-chair: 'Stretch out your arms to him,' your grandfather demands nothing better than to have me, I suit him, we shall live together, and take our meals in common, I shall give Cosette my arm
Her relationship with her father had lacked affection since the expulsion of Aunt Escolástica, although they had found the way to live together without bothering each other
In Valledupar she realized at last why the roosters chase the hens, she witnessed the brutal ceremony of the burros, she watched the birth of calves, and she listened to her cousins talking with great naturalness about which couples in the family still made love and which ones had stopped, and when, and why, even though they continued to live together
Over the years they both reached the same wise conclusion by different paths: it was not possible to live together in any other way, or love in any other way, and nothing in this world was more difficult than love
The commissioned officers live together and the non-commissioned officers live together
The men live together, go out together, eat together
The celebrated palaeontologist, Bronn, at the close of his German translation of this work, asks how, on the principle of natural selection, can a variety live side by side with the parent species? If both have become fitted for slightly different habits of life or conditions, they might live together; and if we lay on one side polymorphic species, in which the variability seems to be of a peculiar nature, and all mere temporary variations, such as size, albinism, etc