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    Use "lockout" em uma frase

    lockout frases de exemplo


    1. Together, Calvin and Shen used their respective codes as CO and senior officer of operations to jointly lockout the kataspace connector so it couldn't be reactivated without the use of an equal or higher set of command codes, which Summers didn't have

    2. Only you have the security access to override that lockout

    3. "Calvin said the lockout was a necessary precaution, that outside communication represents a security threat

    4. We can also ask them whether or not they authorized Calvin to lockout communications

    5. This was possible now that the Major had overruled Calvin's lockout

    6. She keyed yes to the prompt, 'Commence total grid lockout in sixty seconds?'

    7. 'Grid share approaching fail safe reversal threshold; if monopoly not broken in one hundred seconds and counting, then grid lockout possible and virtual warriors rendered obsolete

    8. 'Mono-grid lockout in forty-five seconds; grid share 75%; grid agents down 90%

    9. You must shutoff the safety switch and lockout the MCC if

    10. If we can infiltrate that hub, change the language of the Code and then destroy that hub station we will have a virtual lockout of the Code, as long as they can’t crack the language that we have transcribed the Code over into

    11. Bilbo was on the lockout, however, caught the rope, and with a piece of stick fended off the little black boat as it came rushing across the stream

    12. Within minutes, she was in maintenance, securing the door with a lockout code that should take at least a few minutes to override

    13. “She put a lockout code on it

    14. He checked the compass on the comm-cuff again—one of the few applications on the device that worked despite the lockout code—then continued southeast

    15. “That lockout code is biting me in the ass

    16. Twenty more until the lockout code on his comm-cuff expired

    17. Ash had an arsenal of encryptions she could put on the transmission, but so did Kalver, and Kalver wouldn’t defy him and put a lockout code on the cuff

    18. In the NHL, a lockout caused by labour strife resulted in a shortened 2012–13 season, from 82 to 48 games

    19. “You have heard of the lockout?” I inquired—for I wished him to know that I had no intention of deceiving him as to the present market value of those stocks

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