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    Use "look ahead" em uma frase

    look ahead frases de exemplo

    look ahead

    1. Penelope turned to look ahead, past the camp

    2. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others

    3. We must look ahead and remember, lest we forget, for we must not forget

    4. “Look ahead! Look ahead to where you are going!” He tried to make it sound like cryptic advice, but it had been an order, he could tell by the instant obedience

    5. but the wise craftsman will try to look ahead sufficiently to avoid

    6. Melissa got pregnant almost right away and as Ed began to recover from his injuries she began to look ahead to her career with the Confederation Party in Montreal

    7. I hurried into the barn opened the door, took a look ahead and my feet froze

    8. They secured to the dock and Tracker said, “Look ahead at your eleven


    10. with what is termed, “look ahead bias” - the fact that data is only available subsequent to

    11. earnings or sales is that the leverage state lacks what is termed, a ‘look ahead bias”

    12. How long could it take to cross 90 yards of bridge? Could Ethel have been wrong? He tried to look ahead, but nothing gave any clue as to when the bridge would end

    13. I look ahead and spot Mount Shasta through a gap in the conifer

    14. I look ahead to where the drama queens sit

    15. forcing her to look ahead of her

    16. Gabriel stopped quickly thinking the worse, “what?!” He turned to look ahead again

    17. We can also look ahead to prophecies events to see the completion of the traditional Jewish wedding laid out by God to be fulfilled very soon

    18. It is better to look ahead and be prepared

    19. Always look ahead and above in life and especially in career

    20. starting anything you must look ahead and see what the "finish leads to

    21. The farther you look ahead, the more everything gets smaller by an exponential ratio of one-half

    22. How many humans stop to consider the consequences of what they are doing? How many humans look ahead? How many humans plan for the future? One thing is for sure

    23. Instead of looking at what you now have, look ahead and think of what you want to leverage in the future

    24. Always look ahead to the posted finals' schedule when choosing your courses for the next school term

    25. During each rest he used to look ahead and select a certain lamp-post or street corner as the next stopping-place, and when he start again he used to make the most strenuous and desperate efforts to reach it

    26. ” I nodded stiffly and forced myself to look ahead instead of darting glances over my shoulder

    27. And the civil servant, the one who’d been conditioned to live within his means and to look ahead to a steady pension for the rest of his life, thought he could live worry free once his pension kicked in and he started collecting Social Security benefits

    28. I paused and swallowed and could only look ahead through the steering wheel spokes at the naked silver lady on the hood

    29. "Look ahead 1" she cried

    30. ‘Look ahead!’ she cried

    31. To further sharpen your stock selection process, look ahead to the next quarter or two and check the earnings that were reported for those same quarters the previous year

    32. Instead, try to look ahead several years

    33. Look ahead at its future prospects to see if it’s cheap compared to those

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