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    lose consciousness frases de exemplo

    lose consciousness

    1. is the point at which I lose consciousness

    2. I was starting to lose consciousness

    3. She forced herself to stay alert, knowing she must not lose consciousness with the pain of the fire in her mind

    4. It is possible for someone to lose consciousness and not remember the moment when it happened

    5. would lose consciousness after a few seconds and die of

    6. hour of having to deal with this, I managed to lose consciousness and

    7. I lose consciousness

    8. These electrical currents temporarily alter brain chemistry and allow the subject to lose consciousness and also be awake at the same time

    9. causing an electrical storm which causes him to lose consciousness

    10. want to hurt him we only wanted him to lose consciousness for a

    11. It was quite unusual for a woman to completely lose consciousness of her surroundings, as Faye had done on several occasions; that look in the eyes had betrayed her emotional state

    12. Other ways followed in Europe depend on making the animal lose consciousness before the slaughtering

    13. As I began to lose consciousness, I witnessed a dull, green glow and thought it a part of the dying process, until something, or someone as I would later learn, grabbed me from behind and thrust life into me

    14. But just as he was about to lose consciousness, a

    15. Then, just as Anderson felt he was about to lose consciousness, Turney jumped up and away from him and was across the room and out of the door before he could recover

    16. The third time caused him to lose consciousness

    17. They will lose consciousness and their minds will be drawn away because of the power of that light

    18. “If I lose consciousness, tell Rathos to leave me here with my sword and clothing

    19. “Who stands for your freedoms, when you're standing your ground to defend your right to hatred?” OL, who was occupying the sidewalk with its blood, asked as it began to lose consciousness

    20. She felt as if her head had split in half and she was about to lose consciousness

    21. I was about to lose consciousness and cry out in a tremulous voice, but I felt as if my breathing had been suppressed and I began to shake all over

    22. She continued to flail her fists upon his chest even as she thought that she was going to lose consciousness from lack of breath

    23. He began to lose consciousness and thought sadly that during his last glimpse of Judy in this life she had been in horrible pain

    24. She was starting to lose consciousness as the bleeding continued relentlessly

    25. Just when the mortal was about to lose consciousness, he felt something

    26. But, he didn't lose consciousness, and the damage wasn't so severe that he would have to rematerialize

    27. I only had his statement to go on that he wouldn’t kill me, he already mentioned that, but I didn’t want to lose consciousness

    28. Thus in a duel, I have seen a second lose consciousness at the mere sound of the loading of pistols

    29. Again came over him the feeling that he would lose consciousness

    30. At first the violence of his fall caused him to lose consciousness, but luckily the

    31. “My soul was captured in a drawing,” he said, and seemed to be about to lose consciousness

    32. The black background had gained weight and texture, like the swimmy darkness you see right before you lose consciousness, and the foreground sported a brighter border

    33. And then, “Tell me this, Counselor: what is the average length of time it takes a drowning person to lose consciousness?

    34. She was pressing her arm like a bar over his throat, and he was likely to lose consciousness if it continued

    35. Then he made a sign to someone, and the torturing pain in his abdomen caused Prince Andrew to lose consciousness

    36. The pain caused by his removal into the hut had made him groan aloud and again lose consciousness

    37. In the parlor, I found Mona with her victim on their knees, and then Mona drew back, and for a moment it seemed she would lose consciousness herself, and they would be together in this, these two, their hair intermingling, but Mona rose and lifted the female

    38. But Jane did not once lose consciousness

    39. I saw, of course, too, that he was entrapping me hke a schoolboy (I certainly must have seen it even then) ; but the thought of marrying her so thrilled me that though I wondered how Lambert could believe in such a fantastic notion, yet, at the same time I tried violently to believe in it myself, though I did not for an instant lose consciousness of the

    40. For a space he feared he would lose consciousness

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