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    Use "macho" em uma frase

    macho frases de exemplo


    1. Even his hollow-eyed glare of grim determination showed macho

    2. I would hate to tread on your macho toes

    3. He told me that he took pride in staying on the outside of the acceptable norm for today’s Macho Male Types

    4. and boys experimented with macho poses – each casting

    5. That's why big trucks have macho horns and mopeds

    6. “They’re full of brawn and macho crap and flashy bollocks and not much else

    7. It was only to be expected in our macho culture and revenge was always invited by such actions

    8. It was a status symbol for us to wear faded camouflage as it indicated veteran status in our macho world

    9. In our macho culture committing a crime in front of us was always going to have us arresting or killing the culprits

    10. A combination of ego, stubbornness, a determination not to appear weak, macho bluster, and simple refusal to face reality trapped both presidents

    11. He needed something more macho - suitable to his stature - like the chestnut thoroughbred stallion that stomped and snorted in a nearby stall

    12. And oh, how Edgar admired Raul’s echo-deep voice and strikingly macho, pencil-thin mustache! He prayed fervently to the Lord that he too could have such a one, but God punished his vanity and throughout life nary a hair sprouted from the skin of his upper lip

    13. After years of putting on a macho front by venturing out in t-shirts and chinos in the depths of winter, fashionable overcoats were all the rage

    14. Both girls rolled their eyes as the macho mousy banger with the dark green scarf and the dark green winter hat chimed in, “Yay, this boy aint be about nothing … he’s with the Neighborhood Street Rock a bye babies,” he said trying to incite me

    15. Grey Eyes, mischievous, paired me with Macho

    16. bring out his primeval instincts so he could show her how macho he was

    17. “Hmmm, this place was so macho back then, when did they start letting girls in?”

    18. the man in front of him was a general and this was the most macho of

    19. was exactly the type of macho male she expected

    20. responsibility seemed to be a macho motto

    21. She is a bit jaded with the usual macho types that hang around bars

    22. “Time to sleep, macho hombre

    23. women, has come to be seen as macho by the same men who would once have

    24. As much as his pal respected life he held no 14 6 respect for some humans, specifically the smart ass, macho male loud mouth

    25. Chuckie whooped and grunted as he circled the helpless girl—his version of macho Indian-ness—darting in occasionally to fondle his precociously nubile sister

    26. “The three of you have the most incredible case of macho

    27. Kalon was anything but a macho

    28. one that’s confident but not overly macho

    29. For the next call I decided to speak to a macho type of guy with a tough man image

    30. confident but not overly macho

    31. was just not macho

    32. Graisco turned his head aside and spat out the bottle cap—proud of his macho act that was intended to gain him acceptance from this roughneck

    33. They used different approaches, some were suave, some were macho, some were shy and innocent, some were intellectual, but in the end, when they didn’t get what they wanted they reacted as if she were a bitch who was giving them a come-on, when in reality she never came on to anyone, and she certainly wasn’t a tease

    34. and then wondered if the macho ball-bag would ring her later

    35. The audience is tired of all the macho games that get people hurt and killed, that increases the disparity between the wealthy and the poor, and will eventually reduce all people to poor as the only means of increasing profit is to lower wages

    36. He guessed that, if he could see himself, he would see the same thing: a hollow, dull-eyed wreck where there had once been a cocky young macho with a gleam in his eye

    37. A blood full of testosterone rewards a macho man prepared to move from one extreme to another with huge implications to the society

    38. Her cousins kept telling him that he reminded them of a boxer, strong and macho looking

    39. Beau was deathly afraid of snakes, and how were we to know that whenever he played football, he always wore his lucky underpants, which had a pink swak in the shape of a woman’s kiss on it? His macho image was sadly dented when his reaction to that rubber snake was recorded and made public for all to see

    40. Just the same, he is a really macho guy

    41. The night heralding Election Day witnessed more increase in the number of visitors that thronged our compound, but this time around heavily built young men, with large shoulders and macho man physics virtually took over our premises

    42. He smiled at me as if I’d be impressed with his macho act

    43. I have enough confidence in myself so that I’m not threatened and feel the macho need to be the sole breadwinner

    44. ‘So, with all the wars we’re currently up to our necks in, all the macho superpower jostling, backed up with nukes in silos running on DOS-based five-and-a-quarter inch floppies, seven thousand city killers deployed globally, terrorists left and right who’d love to pop a nuke in through that window,’ he jerked a thumb over his shoulder, ‘not to mention the decline of America, as illustrated by kids going to school with automatic weapons to kill everybody, like everybody, and they’ve got a right to bear arms, and once-great cities like Detroit literally collapsing before our eyes

    45. Is that enough of an athletic challenge for the macho superstar specialized football stars who can only do one fucking thing? Or will they all wilt and cringe and whine that this kind of football is: ‘too hard, man’

    46. Then who would be the easiest to tickle? Then any tickling on the insides of their thighs would make the biggest macho, homophobic idiots go nuts… then the professional teams would have no choice but to find layers who are the least ticklish

    47. How can you get insulted at someone tickling you at an inappropriate spot, if that is the entire point of the game? Those whoever loses their tempers, or has too much macho pride… would be cut quickly from the team

    48. Do you think this might make the game more fun to watch? Then tennis players for once would be a macho sport

    49. He was the typical semi-educated, macho male and perhaps that was what Sisi liked though she often rebelled at his overbearing and bullying ways

    50. Macho and a bit of a boor

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