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    Use "magpie" em uma frase

    magpie frases de exemplo


    1. the magpie that I love all three

    2. A magpie came by and sat down on a branch in the tree next door

    3. The inn was built with the magpie construction that was so popular, trying to look historical

    4. The Magpie Evening: A Prayer

    5. Perhaps only a few days ago the magpie in the

    6. The dead magpie will never fly again

    7. Love is the sweet song sung By a male magpie to court its mate and rear with her its young

    8. The magpie and thrush sing in the hush

    9. Johnny had started to speak again, but Mary was trotting off to the rock the Magpie had landed on

    10. Theakston spotted a magpie on a fence about twenty metres away and set off to give chase

    11. He walked up to the fence where the magpie still stood, climbed over a wooden stile and headed off towards the river

    12. She also allowed her to roam about the great house, and examine the curious and pretty things stored away in the big wardrobes and the ancient chests, for Aunt March hoarded like a magpie

    13. I brought the last here---and you gathered them, as a magpie gathers silver spoons, for the mere love of stealing! They are of no use to you; or else you concealed them in the bad spirit that as you cannot enjoy them nobody else shall

    14. A magpie, seeing some light-colored object conspicuous on the empty slope, flew closer to look

    15. I consider Kai Petainen to be a magpie investor

    16. Another stock recently passing Petainen’s magpie 11-point screen was Shuffle Master (NASDAQ: SHFL), a company that supplies the casino business around the world with automatic card shufflers and other electronic table games

    17. You’ll need friends outside magpie land, and I could do with some intelligent conversation that’s not about machines

    18. What did you do, steal the roadster from some unsuspecting magpie?”

    19. And apparently there’s no point in being a magpie without your own carriage, so the project fell by the wayside due to lack of interest

    20. You really came through for us tonight in warning us, even if you did bring a magpie with you

    21. I brought the last here—and you gathered them, as a magpie gathers silver spoons, for the mere love of stealing! They are of no use to you; or else you concealed them in the bad spirit that, as you cannot enjoy them, nobody else shall

    22. Even the humble magpie poses a threat in countries such as Australia, making vicious attacks on unsuspecting passers-by during the egg-laying season

    23. We may safely attribute the greater wildness of our large birds to this cause; for in uninhabited islands large birds are not more fearful than small; and the magpie, so wary in England, is tame in Norway, as is the hooded crow in Egypt

    24. "Do you see, a magpie is chattering on a windfall: the bird is scenting the bear from a distance

    25. Bunákov proposes the following questions to be put to the children: "Where can you see cats? where a magpie? where sand? where a wasp and a suslik? what are a suslik and a magpie and a cat covered with, and what are the parts of their bodies?" (The suslik is a favourite animal of pedagogy, no doubt because not one peasant child in the centre of Russia knows that word

    26. In answering the teacher's questions, the children will often connect several remarks that have no direct relation to the matter; for example, when the question is about what the parts of a magpie are, one may say irrelevantly that a magpie jumps, another that it chatters funnily, a third that it steals things,—let them add and give utterance to everything that arises in their memory or imagination,—it is the teacher's business to concentrate their attention in accordance with the programme, and these remarks and additions of the children he should take notice of for the purpose of elaborating the other parts of the programme

    27. Since they have observed that a magpie is covered with feathers, the teacher asks: 'Is the suslik also covered with feathers? What is it covered with? And what is a chicken covered with? and a horse? and a lizard?' When they have observed that a magpie has two legs, the teacher asks: 'How many legs has a dog? and a fox? and a chicken? and a wasp? What other animals do you know with two legs? with four? with six?'"

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