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make progress frases de exemplo
make progress
1. The tide was normally not as strong this close to the city, but when there was no wind at all they couldn't make progress
2. “I wonder if this is a case where we can make progress by assuming lie minimization?” Shaney asked
3. I also like the questioning of others, because I like to make progress together with others
4. He only began to make progress when he was able to ally with one tribe against another
5. If they didn’t object, he would make progressive overtures
6. And not only now let us seem to believe and give heed when we are admonished by the elders; but also when we take our departure home let us remember the commandments of the Lord and not be allured back by worldly lusts but let us often and often draw near and try to make progress in the Lord's commands that we all having the same mind may be gathered together for life
7. said that it is impossible to make progress on the occult Path without a sense
8. Undoubtedly such a man may make progress, and
9. In fact, there were good and not so good teachers in these schools, as there were everywhere else, but if the students didn’t show up and then spent all their time misbehaving, and they did this year after year, they would not make progress, no matter who was their teacher
10. 7 The second century after Christ was the best time in all the world's history for a good religion to make progress in the Western world
11. ‘I believe that we are starting to make progress with this investigation
12. possible to make progress without a long-term coaching
13. notebooks and they started to make progress
14. We can make progress on that with various exercises - throwing and catching, running and jumping, exercises to help him be aware of his body
15. “If she continues to make progress, and is strong enough in the morning, maybe we can think about sending her home
16. Of ourselves we are all poor, empty creatures,�empty of righteousness and peace,�empty of strength and comfort, �empty of courage and patience,�empty of power to stand, or go on, or make progress in this evil world
17. make progress my private life would have to stay private
18. Every creature of this earth has been created to lead a healthy life and to make progress
19. This usually means that you will make progress in easy steps, with each successive step building on the results of the previous steps
20. easily make progress on, and complete, the stages of the path to
21. can easily make progress in the main practice of this sadhana,
22. which we can make progress on the Bodhisattva’s path
23. meditation so that we can quickly make progress on the path
24. “You have told many lies in order to make progress towards your goals,” said Shamir
25. This is a powerful introduction! After use, this card should be stapled to the prospect’s index card (or used to enter information on your database) and every time you make progress (or not) with that prospect, always let your referee know how you did, and send a thank you card or note afterwards
26. condition to make progress in the realm of Thought, and I must insist that you start to
27. You will make progress in your practice of mantra by three stages
28. As I continued to make progress with The Apocalypse’s symbology, many of these conclusions
29. Those three words from him instantly went down into the core of her soul, and it took her about half a minute to make progress
30. Be sure to add to each person’s testimonial as they make progress
31. Only by living through that loop repeatedly can the trader make progress; regular, repeated exposure is the key
32. GMan hung in there and started to make progress
33. “Let’s hope we can make progress on this
34. The Allies did make progress in Italy but it was so hard and slow you’d hardly notice
35. Having chosen a course and planned a route, you must be able to maintain direction, to match your progress to the type of terrain and the nature of the survival group, and to exploit any techniques that make progress easier